Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Teacher Education

First Advisor

Deborah Chessin

Relational Format



This paper reviews current research about programs available for English language learning (ELL) students in the United States. It discusses what programs are best for language acquisition according to research and how to most effectively teach English to ELL students, specifically Spanish-speaking students. It tells the importance of implementing effective English instruction techniques due to the growing number of Spanish-speaking students in the United States. The paper analyzes information gathered from interviews with educators who have experience at bilingual schools in Latin America. Bilingual schools in Latin America provide English education in an environment consistent with evidence-based methods of language instruction. The paper examines common themes that appeared in the interviews and suggests curriculum implications from the findings. The paper provides suggestions for parents, teachers, and administrators seeking information about language acquisition.

Accessibility Status

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