Bill Simpson to Senator James O. Eastland, 1 August 1978
Bill Simpson
Typed memorandum dated 1 August 1978 from Bill Simpson to Eastland, re: invitation from president to accompany him to commissioning of the USS Mississippi at Newport News Shipyard.
Robert S. Strauss to 'Members of Congress,' 14 July 1978
Robert S. Strauss
Copy typed memorandum dated 14 July 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to 'Members of Congress,' re: Multilateral Trade Negotiations. Attached: incoming Department of State telegram dated July 1978, re: Robert S. Strauss press conference; 3 pages
Robert S. Strauss to Senator James O. Eastland, 14 March 1978
Robert S. Strauss
Typed letter signed dated 14 March 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to Eastland, re: 31 January letter on soybean and soybean meal trade with European Community.
Robert S. Strauss to Senator James O. Eastland, 25 September 1978
Robert S. Strauss
Typed letter signed dated 25 September 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to Eastland, re: trade negotiations with Japan.
Robert S. Strauss to Senator James O. Eastland, 5 July 1978
Robert S. Strauss
Typed letter signed dated 5 July 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to Eastland, re: tariff reductions on ceramic tile in Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
Robert S. Strauss to Senator James O. Eastland, 7 Decenber 1978
Robert S. Strauss
Typed letter signed dated 7 December 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to Eastland, re: Japan, Multilateral Trade Negotiations, agriculture.
Hillory A. Tolson to Senator James O. Eastland, 12 May 1978
Hillory A. Tolson
Typed letter signed dated 12 May 1978 from Hillory A. Tolson, Director of the White House Historical Association, to Eastland, re: books sold to benefit White House collection. Attached: pamphlet White House Historical Association.
Harrison Wellford to Senator James O. Eastland, 24 April 1977
Harrison Wellford
Typed letter signed dated 24 April 1978 from Harrison Wellford, to Eastland, re: S.991 creating a Department of Education. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled Statement of James T. McIntyre, Jr. Director, Office of Management and Budget, before the Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate April 14, 1978; 20 pages.
Nancy A. Willing to 'Dear Senator,' 17 April 1978
Nancy A. Willing
Typed letter signed dated 17 April 1978 from Nancy A. Willing, Director of White House Visitors Office, to Dear Senator, re: policies of White House Visitors Office. Attached: typed manuscript entitled Sample of Card the Way It Is to Be Filled Out to Send to the Visitors Office; 2 pages.
Frank D. Barber to Albert Isele, 8 December 1977
Frank D. Barber
Carbon typed letter dated 8 December 1977 from Frank D. Barber, Legislative Assistant to Eastland, to Albert Isele, Assistant & Press Secretary to Mondale, re: enclosed clipping, Mississippi trip.
Thomas E. Bryant to Senator James O. Eastland, 15 April 1977
Thomas E. Bryant
Typed letter signed dated 15 April 1977 from Thomas E. Bryant, Chairman of the President's Commission on Mental Health, to Eastland, re: commission's mission; 2 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 17 February 1977 entitled 'Executive Order: President's Commission on Mental Health'; 2 pages. Attached: First Lady press release dated 29 March 1977, re: Commission on Mental Health; 4 pages.
President Jimmy Carter to "Members of Congress,' 16 March 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 16 March 1977 from Carter to Members of Congress, re: review of water projects. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 10 October 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 10 October 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: 22 September letter on fisheries, sport & commercial fishing industries. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 12 August 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 12 August 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Panama Canal Treaty. Attached: copy typed manuscript beginning Defense and National Security; 2 pages. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 12 January 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 12 January 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: reorganization of government. Original removed from VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 19 October 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 19 October 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: enclosed pen from signing of S. 275 (Food & Agriculture Act of 1977). Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 21 July 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 21 July 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: travel together on Air Force One. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 23 November 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 23 November 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Eastlands birthday; envelope. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 25 January 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy handwritten letter signed dated 25 January 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Griffin Bell confirmation as Attorney General. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 25 March 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy handwritten letter signed dated 25 March 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: establishing selection committees for federal circuit judges, Federal Bureau of Investigation director, and Supreme Court justices; 2 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: White House press release dated 17 February 1977 entitled Executive Order: Establishing the United States Circuit Judge Nominating Commission; 2 pages.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 25 October 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 25 October 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used in signing H.R. 6111 (Juvenile Justice Amendments of 1977). Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 2 March 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 2 March 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Paul Warnke nomination; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 4 April 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 4 April 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: footwear imports. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: typed manuscript entitled Statement by President Carter on the Footwear Import Relief Case; 2 pages. Copy typed letter signed dated 25 April 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Hospital Cost Containment Act of 1977, health care system. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: Department of Health, Education, & Welfare press release dated 25 April 1977 entitled Child Health Assessment Act of 1977; 6 pages. Attached: Department of Health, Education, & Welfare press release dated 25 April 1977 entitled Hospital Cost Containment Act of 1977; 15 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 25 April 1977, re: above topic; 3 pages.
President Jimmy Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, 5 November 1977
Jimmy Carter
Handwritten letter signed dated 5 November 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Panama Canal treaty; 3 pages. Attached: typed manuscript entitled Statement of Understanding, re: above topic. Attached: copy of clipping of chart Support for Canal Treaties Depends on Security Provisions New York Times (2 November 1977).
President Jimmy Carter to Senator Robert C. Byrd, 4 November 1977
Jimmy Carter
Copy typed letter signed dated 4 November 1977 from Carter to Robert C. Byrd, re: honoring Eastland and John C. Stennis for length of joint congressional service. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
President & Mrs. Carter to Senator James O. Eastland, [July 1977]
Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter
Copy invitation from President & Mrs. Carter to White House picnic on 28 July 1977. Envelope addressed to Eastland.
F.T. Davis, Jr. circa June 1977
F. T. Davis Jr.
Typed letter circa June 1977 from F.T. Davis, Jr. Director of General Government Division of the President's Reorganization Project, re: comprehensive review of federal law enforcement; 3 pages. Attached: copy typed memorandum dated 29 June 1977 from Jimmy Carter to 'Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies,' re: above topic; 2 pages. Attached: removal sheet for chart entitled 'Organizations Performing Police or Investigative Activities.'
F.T. Davis, Jr. to Senator James O. Eastland, 30 December 1977
F. T. Davis Jr.
Typed letter signed dated 30 December 1977 from F.T. Davis to Eastland, re: Federal Legal Representation Study, litigation; 2 pages.
Senator James O. Eastland to President Jimmy Carter, 22 September 1977
James O. Eastland
Carbon typed letter dated 22 September 1977 from Eastland to Carter, re: commercial & sport fishing industry.
Senator James O. Eastland to President Jimmy Carter, 25 July 1977
James O. Eastland
Copy typed letter dated 25 July 1977 from Eastland to Carter, re: visit to Mississippi.
Senator James O. Eastland to President Jimmy Carter, 5 August 1977
James O. Eastland
Carbon typed letter dated 5 August 1977 from Eastland to Carter, re: S. 1765, use of the word Federal in insurers name.
Senator James O. Eastland, Bob Dole, Milton R. Young, Carl T. Curtis, George McGovern, James B. Allen, and Hubert H. Humphrey to President Jimmy Carter, 30 September 1977
James O. Eastland, Robert J. Dole, Milton Ruben Young, and Carl T. Curtis
Copy typed letter signed dated 30 September 1977 from Eastland, Bob Dole, Milton R. Young, Carl T. Curtis, George McGovern, James B. Allen, and Hubert H. Humphrey to Carter, re: sugar tariffs, S. 275 (Food and Agriculture Act of 1977); 2 pages.
Senator James O. Eastland; Herman E. Talmadge; Bob Dole; Dick Clark; Edward Zorinsky; Walter D. Huddleston; S.I. Hayakawa; James B. Allen; Dick Stone; Hubert H. Humphrey; John Melcher; George McGovern; Carl T. Curtis; Milton Young; Patrick Leahy; Jesse Helms; & Richard Lugar to President Jimmy Carter, 20 October 1977
James O. Eastland, Herman E. Talmadge, Robert J. Dole, and Dick Clark
Copy typed letter signed dated 20 October 1977 from Eastland; Herman E. Talmadge; Bob Dole; Dick Clark; Edward Zorinsky; Walter D. Huddleston; S.I. Hayakawa; James B. Allen; Dick Stone; Hubert H. Humphrey; John Melcher; George McGovern; Carl T. Curtis; Milton Young; Patrick Leahy; Jesse Helms; & Richard Lugar to Carter, re: agricultural exports, farm prices, Commodity Credit Corporation; 2 pages.
Senator James O. Eastland; Herman E. Talmadge; Bob Dole; George McGovern; James B. Allen; Milton Young; Jesse Helms; Patrick Leahy; Henry Bellmon; S.I. Hayakawa; Carl T. Curtis; Richard Lugar; John Melcher; & Dick Clark to President Jimmy Carter, 14 October 1977
James O. Eastland, Herman E. Talmadge, Robert J. Dole, and George S. McGovern
Copy typed letter signed dated 14 October 1977 from Eastland; Herman E. Talmadge; Bob Dole; George McGovern; James B. Allen; Milton Young; Jesse Helms; Patrick Leahy; Henry Bellmon; S.I. Hayakawa; Carl T. Curtis; Richard Lugar; John Melcher; & Dick Clark to Carter, re: New Orleans strike of International Longshoremens Association, grain exports; 2 pages.
Stuart E. Eizenstat to Senator James O. Eastland, 23 November 1977
Stuart Eizenstat
Typed letter signed dated 23 November 1977 from Stuart E. Eizenstat to Eastland, re: farm exports.
Stuart E. Eizenstat to Senator James O. Eastland, 27 June 1977
Stuart Eizenstat
Typed letter signed dated 27 June 1977 from Stuart E. Eizenstat, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs and Policy, to Eastland, re: 3 June letter on Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, environment; 2 pages. Attached: copy typed letter signed from Eastland; Edward Zorinsky; James A. McClure; J. Bennett Johnston; Lloyd Bentsen; Bob Dole; John Tower; Malcolm Wallop; Milton R. Young; John C. Danforth; Ted Stevens; Robert Morgan; William V. Roth, Jr. Jake Garn; Pete Domenici; John C. Stennis; John Melcher; Clifford P. Hansen; & Russell B. Long to Carter, re: above topic.
Stuart E. Eizenstat to Senator James O. Eastland, 7 October 1977
Stuart Eizenstat
Typed letter signed dated 7 October 1977 from Stuart E. Eizenstat to Eastland, re: gas, Alaskan pipeline.
Leslie J. Goldman to Senator James O. Eastland, 16 June 1977
Leslie J. Goldman
Typed letter signed dated 16 June 1977 from Leslie J. Goldman of Energy Policy and Planning to Eastland, re: thanks for confidential Senate Internal Security Subcommittee print containing testimony on the vulnerability of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline & a draft bill on subject, oil; 2 pages.
Hubert L. Harris, Jr. to Senator James O. Eastland, 29 December 1977
Hubert L. Harris Jr.
Typed letter signed dated 29 December 1977 from Hubert L. Harris, Jr., Assistant to the Director of Office of Management & Budget, to Eastland, re: 6 December letter on budget levels for vocational education.
Bruce H. Hasenkamp to 'Members of the United States Senate,' 24 February 1977
Bruce H. Hasenkamp
Typed memorandum dated 24 February 1977 from Bruce H. Hasenkamp, Director of President's Commission on White House Fellowships, to 'Members of the United States Senate,' re: regional finalists. Attached: President's Commission on White House Fellowships press release, re: above topic; 6 pages.
Tom Joyce memorandum, 19 May 1977
Tom Joyce
Typed memorandum signed dated 19 May 1977 from Tom Joyce, Assistant Director for Public Affairs and Congressional Relations of Council on Wage & Price Stability, re: attachments.
David Lambert to Dan C. Tate, 1 August 1977
David Lambert
Copy typed letter dated 1 August 1977 from David Lambert, Eastland's Press Secretary, to Dan C. Tate, Special Assistant for Congressional Liaison, re: photographs of Eastland and Carter at Leadership Breakfast on 12 July 1977. Attached: copy typed letter dated 1 August 1977 from Lambert to Tom Hederman, Editor of the Jackson Clarion-Ledger, re: above topic. Attached: copies of photograph with text; 2 pages.
Bert Lance, 26 August 1977
Bert Lance
Typed memorandum dated 26 August 1977 on telephone report from Bert Lance, Director of the Office of Management & Budget, re: Export-Import Bank cotton credits to Japan.
Bert Lance to Senator James O. Eastland, 4 April 1977
Bert Lance
Typed letter signed dated 4 April 1977 from Bert Lance, Director of Office of Management & Budget, to Eastland, re: 7 February letter recommending federal programs for disaster relief be directed by the Executive office.
Transcript: Vice President Walter F. Mondale, 1 December 1977
Walter F. Mondale
Copy typed manuscript entitled Transcript: Vice President Walter F. Mondale, Thursday, December 1, 1977, re: Mississippi visit, Eastland, John Stennis, economic development; 4 pages.
Walter F. Mondale to Bill Simpson, 5 December 1977
Walter F. Mondale
Copy typed letter dated 5 December 1977 from Mondale to Bill Simpson, Legislative Aide to Eastland, re: thanks for assistance with trip to Mississippi. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: typed letter signed dated 2 December 1977 from Richard Moe, Chief of Staff of Office of Vice President, to Simpson, re: thanks. Attached: copy typed manuscript, re: schedule for trip. Attached: copy typed manuscript, re: list of Mississippi names & addresses; 22 pages. Attached: handwritten manuscript, re: notes for trip with names & numbers.
Walter F. Mondale to Gardiner Wooten, 15 December 1977
Walter F. Mondale
Carbon typed letter dated 15 December 1977 from Mondale to Gardiner Wooten at the Mississippi House of Representatives, re: sorry for missing him on visit. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 9 December 1977 from William G. Simpson to Richard Moe, re: request for letter to Wooten. Attached: handwritten notes, re: above topic.
Walter F. Mondale to Senator James O. Eastland, 1 December 1977
Walter F. Mondale
Copy printed invitation to coffee for Mondale in Jackson, Mississippi on 1 December 1977. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
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