Walter F. Mondale to Senator James O. Eastland, 5 December 1977
Walter F. Mondale
Copy typed letter signed dated 5 December 1977 from Mondale to Eastland, re: thanks for visit; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
Walter F. Mondale to Senator James O. Eastland, 5 January 1977
Walter F. Mondale
Copy typed letter signed dated 5 January 1977 from Walter F. Mondale to Eastland, re: request for additional space in Capitol for Vice President's office. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
Walter F. Mondale to Senator James O. Eastland, 7 June 1977
Walter F. Mondale
Copy typed letter signed dated 7 June 1977 from Mondale to Eastland, re: Eastland reception. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
Mr. and Mrs. Mondale, 20 October 1977
Walter F. Mondale and Joan Mondale
Copy printed invitation from Vice President & Mrs. Mondale to dinner honoring Hubert H. Humphrey on 20 October 1977. Attached: RSVP card and envelope. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.
Frank Moore to 'Dear Senator,' 6 September 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 6 September 1977 from Frank Moore to 'Dear Senator,' re: Panama Canal Treaty. Attached: removal sheet for Panama Canal Treaty: Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality & Operation of the Panama Canal (1977).
Frank Moore to "Members of Congress,' 18 March 1977
Frank Moore
Typed memorandum signed dated 18 March 1977 from Frank Moore to Members of Congress, re: White House Congressional Liaison Staff. Attached: typed manuscript, re: above topic; 8 pages.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 16 December 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 16 December 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: past eleven months, holiday wishes.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 17 February 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 17 February 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: congratulations on Eastlands election to Chair of Judiciary Committee.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 19 October 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 19 October 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: received telegram on New Orleans strike.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 19 October 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 19 October 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 14 October letter on longshoremans strike.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 1 November 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 1 November 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 20 October letter on agricultural exports.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 20 January 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 20 January 1977 from Frank Moore, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: enclosed inaugural address. Attached: White House press release dated 20 January 1977, re: inaugural address; 4 pages.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 21 December 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 21 December 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 16 December letter on executive orders to improve government regulations.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 22 January 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 27 January 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: Griffin Bell confirmation.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 26 March 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 26 March 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: presidential photograph.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 26 May 1977
Frank Moore
Typed memorandum dated 26 May 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: enclosed. Attached: typed letter signed dated 25 May 1977 from Carter to U.S. Senator John L. McClellan, re: 1978 budget; 2 pages.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 5 May 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 5 May 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: child pornography.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 9 December 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 9 December 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 5 December telegram on delays in Food for Peace Program.
Frank Moore to Senator James O. Eastland, 9 June 1977
Frank Moore
Typed letter signed dated 9 June 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 3 June letter on Section 404 of Federal Water Pollution Control Act.
Esther Peterson to Senator James O. Eastland, 11 July 1977
Esther Peterson
Typed letter signed dated 11 July 1977 from Esther Peterson to Eastland, re: Attorney General Griffin B. Bell on legal effects of the consumer agency bill. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 21 June 1977 from Bell to U.S. Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff, re: S. 1262 (Consumer Protection Act of 1977)' 2 pages.
Esther Peterson to Senator James O. Eastland, 11 October 1977
Esther Peterson
Typed letter signed dated 11 October 1977 from Esther Peterson, Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs, to Eastland, re: automatic automobile restraint systems; 2 pages. Copy telegram dated 14 October 1977 from Eastland to Carter, re: International Longshoremans Association strike in New Orleans, agriculture losses, Taft-Hartley Act. Attached: earlier draft of above telegram. Attached: typed letter dated 14 October 1977 from Bob Dole (handwritten Signed by Eastland office on copy) to Carter, re: above topic. Attached: typed memorandum dated 14 October 1977 from Nelson C. Denlinger, Chief Clerk and Press Secretary, to Members of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, re: above topic.
Richard A. Pettigrew to Senator James O. Eastland, 19 October 1977
Richard Allen Pettigrew
Typed memorandum dated 19 October 1977 from Richard A. Pettigrew, Assistant to the President for Reorganization, to Members of Congress, re: congressional survey of constituent casework.
Richard A. Pettigrew to Senator James O. Eastland, 22 July 1977
Richard Allen Pettigrew
Typed letter signed dated 22 July 1977 from Richard A. Pettigrew, Assistant to the President for Reorganization, to Eastland, re: Reorganization project; 2 pages. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled Casework Survey; 3 pages. Attached: removal sheet for Federal Register Vol. 42, No. 139 (7 July 1977)' 34855-35140.
William G. Simpson to Frank Moore, 1 August 1977
William G. Simpson
Carbon typed letter dated 1 August 1977 from William G. Simpson, Administrative Assistant to Eastland, to Frank Moore, re: signed photograph of president.
William G. Simpson to Landon Butler, 17 August 1977
William G. Simpson
Carbon typed letter dated 17 August 1977 from William G. Simpson to Landon Butler, Deputy Assistant to the President, re: Gulf South and Latin America.
Dan C. Tate to Senator James O. Eastland, 13 September 1977
Dan Tate
Typed letter signed dated 13 September 1977 from Dan C. Tate to Eastland, re: enclosed White House photographs.
Dan C. Tate to Senator James O. Eastland, 6 October 1977
Dan Tate
Typed letter signed dated 6 October 1977 from Dan C. Tate to Eastland, re: enclosed photographs of signing of the Farm Bill.
Dan Tate to Senator James O. Eastland, 1 April 1977
Dan Tate
Handwritten letter signed dated 1 April 1977 from Dan Tate to Eastland, re: previous days visit.
Fran Voorde to Frances G. Knight, 6 June 1977
Frances M. Voorde
Copy typed letter signed dated 6 June 1977 from Fran Voorde to Frances G. Knight, Director of U.S. Passport Office, re: Department of State, Knights position.
Charles Warren to Senator James O. Eastland, 10 May 1977
Charles Warren
Typed letter signed dated 10 May 1977 from Charles Warren, Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, to Eastland, re: public hearings of environmental impact statement. Attached: copy clipping 'Notices: Environmental Statement Reform.'
Harrison Wellford to Senator James O. Eastland, 12 December 1977
Harrison Wellford
Typed letter signed dated 12 December 1977 from Harrison Wellford, Executive Associate Director for Reorganization and Management of Presidents Reorganization Project, to Eastland, re: Natural Resources/Environmental Reorganization Study. Attached: typed letter dated 12 December 1977 from William W. Harsch, Deputy Associate Director of Natural Resources/Environment Division, re: above topic.
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