The Amish are an endogamous rural population experiencing rapid growth; consequently, they have attracted the attention of population health researchers and service providers. With approximately one quarter of all Amish studies publications now devoted to population health (n=246), the time is ripe to review research trends. Using bibliometric measures, we map the genealogy, influence, and configuration of Amish health publications. Amish population health research has (1) a health culture-focused core with clusters representing social science and health practice, (2) peripheral clusters addressing health conditions–mental, physical, and injury/safety–and (3) several clusters straddling both. We identify fruitful interdisciplinary studies and recommend researchers investigating health culture and conditions seek ways to integrate their research agendas. This article represents a pivot-point for Amish population health research, for it provides a first-ever bibliometric mapping, allowing researchers to more easily locate their work within the literature and identify opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations.
Recommended Citation
Anderson, Cory, and Lindsey Potts. 2021. "Research Trends in Amish Population Health, a Growing Literature about a Growing Rural Population." Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 36(1): Article 6. Available at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/jrss/vol36/iss1/6
Publication Date
Main document with figures (final submission)