Editor-in-Chief: | John J. Green, Southern Rural Development Center |
Managing Editor: | Elizabeth Young Sweeney, University of Mississippi |
The Journal of Rural Social Sciences (JRSS) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Southern Rural Sociological Association. JRSS is focused on disseminating scholarly works that build knowledge and have the potential to inform development practice and policy across social, economic, cultural, and environmental domains.
JRSS will be published in partnership between the Southern Rural Sociological Association and Clemson University Press from 2023 onward. New and revise and resubmit manuscript submissions should be sent through the following website: Journal of Rural Social Sciences
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Recent Content
Bridging the Divide: Connecting Urban and Rural Care Through the Right! From the Start Initiative
Tess Lefmann, Sannie Snell, Mobolaji E. Famuyide, Sushmitha Inguva, and John J. Green
HIV and Housing Insecurity in Louisiana
Hui-Peng Liew and Leslie E. Green
Evaluating Success Factors and Challenges Among Small-Scale Agricultural Producers: A Texas Case Study
Katie Tritsch, Ken Mix, Michelle L. Edwards, and Manuel Piña Jr.
Using the Capabilities-Opportunity-Motivation-Behavior (COM-B) System to Conceptualize the Legalization of Sunday Migratory Game Bird Hunting
Elena C. Rubino and Christopher Serenari
Anxiety Symptoms among Extension Professionals' During the COVID-19 Pandemic with the GAD-2
Glenn D. Israel, Colleen E. Gariton, and Harsha E. James
Implications of COVID-19 Mitigation Policies on Recreational Trail Users: Exploring Antecedents to Physical Distancing on Trails Across the Rural-Urban Continuum
Christopher J. Wynveen, Ingrid Schneider, Deonne VanderWoude, Taylor Stein, Heather Gibson, Kim Shinew, William Hendricks, and Megha Budruk
Preventive Behaviors Along the Rural-Urban Continuum in Utah During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Jennifer E. Givens, and Mitchell Beacham
Rural-Urban and Within-Rural Differences in COVID-19 Mortality Rates
Yue Sun, Kent Jason G. Cheng, and Shannon M. Monnat
Space, Place, and COVID-19: Introduction to the Special Issue
Vanessa Parks, Ronald E. Cossman, and John J. Green
Beyond Religiosity: Examining the Relative Effects of Religiosity and Religious Ideation on Climate Skepticism (a Research Note)
Kristin Haltinner and Dilshani Sarathchandra
Racial, Ethnic, and Urban/Rural Differences in Transitions into Diabetes: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Survey Biomarker and Self-Reported Data
Hyeran Chung and Mary Arends-Kuenning
Exploring Rural-Urban Differences in Polygenic Associations for Health among Older Adults in the United States
Trent Davidson, Jason D. Boardman, and Lori M. Hunter
Socio-Spatial Disparities in County-Level Availability of Aging and Disability Services Organizations
Claire Pendergrast and Danielle Rhubart
Support from Adult Children and Parental Health in Rural America
Shelley Clark, Elizabeth M. Lawrence, and Shannon M. Monnat
Rural Population Health and Aging: Introduction to the Special Issue
John J. Green, Shannon M. Monnat, Leif Jensen, Lori Hunter, and Martin Sliwinski
Notes from the Editorial Office (Volume 36, Issue 2)
John J. Green
An Examination of Poverty: Dimensions, Causes, and Solutions
David Nii O. Tackie
Notes from the Editorial Office (Volume 36, Issue 1)
John J. Green
Research Trends in Amish Population Health, a Growing Literature about a Growing Rural Population
Cory Anderson and Lindsey Potts
A Gendered Environmental Justice Perspective of Tiger Reintroductions to Sariska Tiger Reserve
Elena C. Rubino and Kalli F. Doubleday
Economic Change, the Death of the Coal Industry, and Migration Intentions in Rural Colorado, USA
Adam Mayer
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Community-Engaged Research Surrounding Lead in Drinking Water in the Mississippi Delta
Kristine L. Willett, Stephanie E. Showalter, Catherine M. Janasie, Josephine P. Rhymes, Kennedy Dickson, and John J. Green
Evaluating the Impact of Governmental Partners on School Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies: A Survey of Florida School Principals
Michael J. Swain and Glenn D. Israel
A Latent Profile Analysis of Rural Women Who Use Drugs and Commit Crimes
Michele Staton, Amanda M. Bunting, Erika Pike, and Danelle Stevens-Watkins
Notes from the Editorial Office (Volume 35, Issue 2)
John J. Green and Elizabeth Young Sweeney
Cost-benefit and Acceptance Analysis of Alternative Nematode Control Practices on Organic Dairy Goat Farms: A Case Study in France
Sylvain Quiédeville, Hervé Hoste, Yves Le Frileux, Spiridoula Athanasiadou, Steffen Werne, and Simon Moakes
Does a Web-first Tailored Design Method Work with Rural Populations?
Dylan C. Martinez, Kelly Way, Zola Moon, Timothy Killian, and Betsy Garrison
Well-being among Older Adults in Mississippi: Exploring Differences between Metropolitan, Micropolitan, and Noncore Rural Settings
Carolyn E. Adams-Price, Joshua J. Turner, and Margaret Ralston
Southern Rural Sociological Association Statement on the 2020 Census
Southern Rural Sociological Association Officers
Notes from the Editorial Office (Volume 35, Issue 1)
John J. Green
Predicting Support for Oil Industry Regulatory Policy Alternatives During the North Dakota Oil Boom
Curtis W. Stofferahn and Jessica Schad
Trust and Discourse: A Case of Land-Use Conflict in Alachua County, Florida
Anne Saville and Alison Adams
Transformative Change in Rural Ethiopia: The Impact of Small- and Medium-Scale Irrigation
Logan Cochrane and Anne Cafer
Minority Stress among Gay and Bisexual Men in Agricultural Occupations
Michael C. Parent and Garrett M. Steede
Prospects for Commercialization among Smallholder Farmers in South Africa: A Case Study
Christopher Ugochukwu Nwafor and Carlu van der Westhuizen
Youth and Young Adults These Days: Perceptions of Community Resources and Factors Associated with Rural Community Engagement
Wilson Majee, Adaobi Anakwe, and Karien Jooste
New Traditions: Retrospective and Prospective
G. Richard Wetherill
Community Development in Rural America: Sociological Issues in National Policy
Kenneth P. Wilkinson
Satisfaction Among Ecological Management Workers
Theodore D. Fuller and Donald J. Shoemaker
Agricultural Service Firms: Organizational Characteristics and Linkages to Production Agriculture
Thomas A. Lyson
Agrarian and Political Attitudes Among Small-Scale Farmers: A North Carolina Case Study
Michael D. Schulman and Regina Luginbuhl
Adoption of Irrigation Technology: The Effects of Personal, Structural, and Environmental Variables
Don E. Albrecht and Howard Ladewig
Comments on "Some Observations on Rural Sociology and Its Prospects"
Kenneth P. Wilkinson
Some Observations on Rural Sociology and Its Prospects
R. J. Hildreth
Rural Sociology Research in the Land Grant Setting
Preston E. La Ferney
Our Authors
James H. Copp
James H. Copp
Notes from the Editorial Office (Volume 34, Issue 2)
John J. Green
Pathways for Equity in Development: Exploring the Past and Informing the Future through the Rural Social Sciences
John J. Green
Perceptions of Local Leaders in Shale Energy Communities: Views on Influence, Inclusion, and Trust (A Research Note)
Gene L. Theodori and Karen M. Douglas
Engaging Rural Nevadans in Participatory Research to Explore and Explain the Community Food and Physical Activity Context
Anne R. Lindsay, Courtney Coughenour, Holly Gatzke, Juliana Baker-Tingey, Steve Lewis, Mihaela A. Ciulei, Katherine Gunter, and Deborah H. John
The Relationship between Length of Community Tenure and Residents’ Volunteering at Community Events: Results from the Metro Atlanta Speaks Survey
Ramesh Ghimire and Jim Skinner
Use of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in a Rural Outreach Program for Military Veterans
Michelle M. Hilgeman, Eugenia M. Boozer, A. Lynn Snow, Rebecca S. Allen, and Lori L. Davis
An Examination of the Characteristics and Perceptions of School Resource Officers in Rural and Urban Oklahoma Schools
Valerie H. Hunt, Melissa A. Taylor, Brett Fitzgerald, Eric D. Button, and Brinck Kerr
Notes from the Editorial Office (Volume 34, Issue 1)
John J. Green
Marshallese Migrants and Poultry Processing
Jin Young Choi and Douglas H. Constance
The Nonmetro Vote and the Election of Donald Trump
Don E. Albrecht
Benefits to Qualitative Data Quality with Multiple Coders: Two Case Studies in Multi-coder Data Analysis
Sarah P. Church, Michael Dunn, and Linda S. Prokopy
“I have a job... but you can’t make a living”: How County Economic Context Shapes Residents’ Livelihood Strategies
Marybeth J. Mattingly and Jessica A. Carson
A Comparison of Sources of Business Acumen for Entrepreneurs Originating from Developed and Developing Countries (A Research Note)
Jacqueline Joslyn
Utilization of Agricultural Information and Knowledge for Improved Production by Rice Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria
O. D. Adetimehim, J. O. Okunlola, and K. E. Owolabi
Analysis of Staying Time in Italian Agritourism Using a Quantitative Methodology: The Case of Latium Region
Nicola Galluzzo
Participation in Selected USDA Programs by Socially Disadvantaged Farmers in Selected Black Belt Counties in Georgia
Lucy Asare-Baah, Robert Zabawa, and Henry J. Findlay
Economic Identity, Price and Policy: Willingness to Pay for Fracking Regulation in Colorado
Adam Mayer
Heterogeneity of Rural Consumer Perceptions of Health Service Access Across Four Regions of Victoria
Daniel Terry, Kaye Ervin, Alan Crouch, Kristen Glenister, and Lisa Bourke
Community, Regional Identity, and Civic Agriculture: A Structural Ritualization Analysis of Rural Online Farmers' Market Sellers
Jason S. Ulsperger and Kristen Ulsperger
Energy and the Rural Sociological Imagination
Thomas M. Beckley
Livestock-Livelihood Linkages in Uganda: The Benefits for Women and Rural Households?
Elizabeth Ransom, Carmen Bain, and Iim Halimatusa'diyah
Effect of Mobile Telecommunication Technologies on Globalization of Nigerian Rural Areas
O. A. Lawal-Adebowale
ICT Use by Smallholder Farmers in Rural Mozambique: A Case Study of Two Villages in Central Mozambique
Kathlee Freeman and Fridah Mubichi
Coerced Agricultural Modernization: A Political Ecology Perspective of Agricultural Input Packages in South Wollo, Ethiopia
Anne Cafer and Sandy Rikoon
Comparative Assessment of Rural Development Programs of Selected NGOs in Plateau State, North-Central, Nigeria
I. A. Jacobs, T. O. Olanrewaju, and P. O. Chukwudi
A Comparative Study Between Mozambique and Malawi Soybean Adoption Among Smallholder Farmers
Fridah M. Mubichi
Reviving Agricultural Extension for Effective Transition from Subsistence to Commercial Agriculture in Nigeria
Adolphus Angol Naswem and Simon Ameh Ejembi
Rural Sociologists in the Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Development
Keith M. Moore and Amadou Ndiaye
Assessing the Influence of Importance Prompt and Box Size on Response to Open-ended Questions in Mixed Mode Surveys: Evidence on Response Rate and Response Quality
Anil Kumar Chaudhary and Glenn D. Israel
Another Look at Likert Scales
Fern K. Willits, Gene L. Theodori, and A. E. Luloff
Public Intercept Interviews and Surveys for Gathering Place-Based Perceptions: Observations from Community Water Research in Utah
Courtney G. Flint, Charles Mascher, Zack Oldroyd, Phillip Andre Valle, Elizabeth Wynn, Quinton Cannon, Alexander Brown, and Bethany Unger
The Case for Personal Interaction: Drop-Off/Pick-Up Methodology for Survey Research
Carla Koons Trentelman, Jessica Irwin, Kyle A. Petersen, Nallely Ruiz, and Caitlin S. Szalay
Effectiveness of the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Survey Methodology in Different Neighborhood Types
Douglas Jackson-Smith, Courtney G. Flint, Mallory Dolan, Carla K. Trentelman, Grant Holyoak, Blake Thomas, and Guizen Ma
Mixed-Mode Surveys Compared with Single Mode Surveys: Trends in Responses and Methods to Improve Completion
Virginia M. Lesser, Lydia D. Newton, Daniel K. Yang, and Jean C. Sifneos
Advances in Survey and Data Analysis Methods for Rural Social Scientists: An Introduction
Glenn D. Israel
Globalization and Its Effects on Agriculture and Agribusiness in the Mississippi Delta: A Historical Overview and Prospects for the Future
Paulette Ann Meikle
Perceptions of Risk and Reward of Rapid Energy Exploration in Rural Kansas: Are Older Adults Different?
Rosemary Wright, Richard D. Muma, and Teresa S. Radebaugh
Online and Offline Bullying Perpetration in a Rural Development Context: The Impact by Social Media Use
Alexander T. Vazsonyi, Gabriela Ksinan Jiskrova, Erin Kelley, and Albert Ksinan
Do Rural School Resource Officers Contribute to Net-Widening? Evidence from a Southern State
David C. May, Raymond Barranco, Rick Ruddell, and Angela Robertson
Rural/Urban Differences in Inmate Perceptions of the Punitiveness of Prison: Does Having Children Make Prison More Punitive
Kecia R. Johnson and David C. May
Criminal Futures on the Ruralside: A Preliminary Examination of Antisocial Behaviors of Rural and Urban Students
Raymond Biggar Jr., Jing Chen, and Craig J. Forsyth
Judging the Effectiveness of Anti-Poaching Hotlines
Egan Kyle Green
Guest Editor's Notes
Dan Phillips
Self-Reported Familiarity of Hydraulic Fracturing and Support for Natural Gas Drilling: Substantive and Methodological Considerations
Fern K. Willits, Gene L. Theodori, and A. E. Luloff
Restructuring of the Financial Industry and Implications for Sources of Start-up Capital for New Businesses in Nonmetropolitan Counties
F. Carson Mencken and Charles M. Tolbert
Recreational Needs and Practices of Youth Living in Rural Areas in Quebec: Views and Concerns of Stakeholders and Parents
Romain Roult, Denis Auger, Chantal Royer, and Jean-Marc Adjizian
The Masculinized Work of Energy Development: Unequal Opportunities and Risks for Women in Pennsylvania Shale Gas Boomtown Communities
Erin McHenry-Sorber, Kai A. Schafft, Ian Burfoot-Rochford, and Daniella Hall
The Impact of the Farmers' Market Nutrition Program on Participating Florida Farmers: A Research Note
Nicole Owens and Amy Donley
Community Leaders' Perspectives on Shale Development in the New Albany Shale
Ryan G. Ceresola and Jessica Crowe
An Overview of Health and Occupational Hazards of Rural Women in Nigeria
Taiwo Grace Odeleye
Toward Engagement in Climate Training: Findings from Interviews with Agricultural Extension Professionals
David C. Diehl, Nicole L. Sloan, Sebastian Galindo-Gonzalez, Wendy-Lin Bartels, Daniel R. Dourte, Carrie Furman, and Clyde W. Fraisse
The Impact of Rurality, Community Attachment, and Community Involvement on Health Among Rural Texans
Jin Young Choi, E. Miranda Reiter, and Gene L. Theodori
Outgoing Editor's Concluding Comments
Douglas H. Constance
Armed to Farm: Developing Training Programs For Military Veterans in Agriculture
Dan J. Donoghue, Harold L. Goodwin, Angela R. Mays, Komala Arsi, Margo Hale, Terrell Spencer, Michael O’Gorman, Shibu Jose, Ondieki J. Gekara, Joan M. Burke, and Ann M. Donoghue
Child Labor in Agricultural Production and Socioeconomic Variables among Arable Farming Households in Nigeria
Albert Ukaro Ofuoku, David Eduvie Idoge, and Bishop Ochuko Ovwigho
Why “Ritiya” Could Not Go To Sell Vegetables? Myth Versus Reality In Terms Of Caste, Culture And Livelihood
Chandu Lal Chandrakar
Rural Caregivers and Social Isolation: Some Properties and Dimensions
Ramon Hinojosa, Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, and Toni Chiara
Promoting Participation in Sustainable Living Educational Programming Events Among Nonenvironmentally-Motivated Individuals: The Importance of Key Informant Involvement
Brooklynn J. Wynveen
Perceptions of Community and Place and the Migration Intentions of At-Risk Youth in Rural Areas
Ann E. Theodori and Gene L. Theodori
"I Wanna Have My Own Damn Dairy Farm!”: Women Farmers, Legibility, and Femininities in Rural Wisconsin, U.S.
Julie C. Keller
Examining Social Support in a Rural Homeless Population
Afton Jackson and Lisa Shannon
On Rural-Urban Differences in Human Capital Formation: Finding the ‘Bottlenecks’
Elton Mykerezi, Genti Kostandini, Jeffery L. Jordan, and Ilda Melo
Craig M. Klugman and Pamela M. Dalinis, Ethical Issues in Rural Health Care
Brandi Jean Felderhoff
Rural Residents for Responsible Agriculture: Hog CAFOs and Democratic Action in Illinois
Barbara M. Ashwood
Changes in Residents’ Views of Natural Gas Drilling in the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale, 2009-2012
Fern K. Willits, A. E. Luloff, and Gene L. Theodori
An Unexpected Legacy: Women, Early Rural Sociological Research, and the Limits of Linearity
Julie N. Zimmerman
Perceptions of Disaster Risk and Vulnerability in Rural Texas
Andrew J. Prelog and Lee M. Miller
Examining Rural-Urban Population Change in the Southeastern United States
Buddhi Raj Gyawali, Anquinette Hill, Swagata “Ban” Banerjee, Duncan Chembezi, Colemore Christian, James Bukenya, and Maifan Silitonga
Women of the River: Grassroots Organizing and Natural Disaster
Larry G. Morton, Samuel R. Terrazas, and Matthew G. Herriman
The Social Architecture of Local Food Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Economic Development
Michael L. Dougherty, Laura E. Brown, and Gary Paul Green
Differing Perspectives on Biofuels: Analysis of National, Regional, and State Newspaper Coverage
Janice C. Dyer, Brajesh Singh, and Conner Bailey
Are Rural People More Anti-Immigrant than Urban People? A Comparison of Attitudes toward Immigration in the United States
Carlos Garcia and Theresa Davidson
Small Farmers, Big Challenges: A Needs Assessment of Florida Small-Scale Farmers' Production Challenges and Training Needs
Joy N. Goodwin and Jessica L. Gouldthorpe
Geographical Indicators in Brazilian Food Markets: Quality Conventions, Institutionalization, and Path Dependence
Paulo Andre Niederle and Jhulia Gelain
The Twilight of Forks?: The Effect of Social Infrastructure on Film Tourism and Community Development in Forks, WA
Jessica Crowe
Ruptured Identity of Male Farmers: Subjective Crisis and the Risk of Suicide
Anthony Hogan, Edward Scarr, Stewart Lockie, Brett Chant, and Sylvia Alston
The School Neighborhood Environment for Childhood Obesity in a Rural Texas Community
Jin Young Choi and David Pate
Partnering to Enable Active Rural Living: Pearl Project
Deborah H. John, Barbara McCahan, and Suzanne Gaulocher
A Demographic Analysis of Metro/Nonmetro Differences in Adult Normal Weight, Overweight, and Obesity
P. Johnelle Sparks and Susanne Schmidt
Assessing Barriers to Health Care Services for Hispanic Residents in Rural Georgia
Michele Vitale and Conner Bailey
A Portrait of Rural Health in America
Jin Young Choi
Phillip Vannini, Ferry Tales: Mobility, Place and Time on Canada’s West Coast
Maximiliano E. Korstanje
Frans Schryer, Farming in a Global Economy: A Case Study of Immigrant Farmers in Canada
Cornelia Butler Flora
Who Counts Reality and Why it Counts: Searching for a Community-Based Approach to Quantitative Inquiry
John J. Green
Insider, Outsider, or Somewhere Between: The Impact of Researchers’ Identities on the Community-Based Research Process
Katie Kerstetter
Examining Community-Based Research as an Application for Public Health Training
Jolynn P. Montgomery and Dana L. Thomas
Imagination Enviro-Station: Students Connecting Students to Ecological Sustainability
David Burley, Natalie Shelton, Chris Daunis, Jessica Cuifi, Jamie Walker, Maria Coleman, and Bertha-Fabianna Matheu
History as Community-Based Research and the Pedagogy of Discovery: Teaching Racial Inequality, Documenting Local History, and Building Links Between Students and Communities in Mississippi and Tennessee
Spencer D. Wood and Ricardo Samuel
Lifting Spirits and Changing Lives: Analysis of Outcomes from One Organizations Journey with Community-Based Research
Anna M. Kleiner and Sarah D. Walker
Community-Based Research: Analysis of Outcomes for Learning and Social Change: An Introduction
Anna M. Kleiner, Katie Kerstetter, and John J. Green
Steven Solomon, Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization
Brooklynn J. Wynween
Jennifer Sherman, Those Who Work, Those Who Don't: Poverty, Morality, and Family in Rural America
Peter A. Kindle
Experiences of Rural Non-VA Providers in Treating Dual Care Veterans and the Development of Electronic Health Information Exchange Networks Between the Two Systems
Michelle A. Lampman and Keith J. Mueller
Time Trends in Expenditures for Rural Veterans' Healthcare
Alan N. West and Todd A. Mackenzie
PTSD Treatment-Seeking Among Rural Latino Combat Veterans: A Review of the Literature
Michael R. Duke, Roland S. Moore, and Genevieve M. Ames
Addressing the Health Needs of Rural Native Veterans: Assessment and Recommendations
Tim D. Noe, Carol E. Kaufman, Elizabeth A. Brooks, Nancy K. Daily, Byron D. Bair, and Jay H. Shore
Mental Health Status and Perceived Barriers to Seeking Treatment in Rural Reserve Component Veterans
Elizabeth A. Bennett, Michael Crabtree, Mary E. Schaffer, and Thomas W. Britt
Transitioning to the Civilian Workforce: Issues Impacting the Reentry of Rural Women Veterans
Celia Renteria Szelwach, Jill Steinkogler, Ellen R. Badger, and Ria Muttukumaru
The Economic and Cultural Impacts of Veterans on Rural America: The Case of Iowa
Dan Krier, C. Richard Stockner, and Paul Lasley
Examination of Post-Service Health-Related Quality of Life Among Rural and Urban Military Members of the Millennium Cohort Study
Susan P. Proctor, Timothy S. Wells, Kelly A. Jones, Edward J. Boyco, and Tyler C. Smith
George Ritzer, Globalization: A Basic Text
Paul Monaghan
From Vulnerability to Resiliency: Achieving Sustainable Communities Through Social Science
Anna M. Kleiner
Children's Participation in Agricultural Activities in the Adopted Villages of the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Nigeria
Oyegbami Ajoke, Saka Jelili Olaide, and Lawal Bosede Oluwakemi
Rural Masculinity and Antique Tractors: Reliving the Men in the Machines
Michael R. Nusbaumer
De-Placing Local at the Farmers' Market: Consumer Conceptions of Local Foods
Damian C. Adams and Alison E. Adams
An Empirical Note on the Social and Geographic Correlates of Mexican Migration to the Southern United States
Frank L. Farmer and Zola K. Moon
Family Farming and Economic Cooperation: The Emergence and Decline of Agrarian Condominios in Southern Brazil
Flavio Sacco Dos Anjos, Eduardo Moyano Estrada, and Nadia Vellada Caldas
An Analysis of Earned Income Tax Credit Filers and Earned Income Tax Credit Non-Filers in Rural Communities
Nii O. Tackie, Deborah Yeboah, Ntam Baharanyi, Robert Zabawa, Mudiayi Ngandu, Henry J. Findlay, and Eunice Bonsi
Explaining Residential Energy Consumption: A Focus on Location and Race Differences in Natural Gas Use
Lazarus Adua and Jeff S. Sharp
Public Perception of Desalinated Produced Water From Oil and Gas Field Operations: A Replication
Gene L. Theodori, Mona Avalos, David B. Burnett, and John A. Veil
Natural Gas Landowner Coalitions in New York State: Emerging Benefits of Collective Natural Resource Management
Jeffrey Jacquet and Richard C. Stedman
Residents' Perceptions of Community and Environmental Impacts From Development of Natural Gas in the Marcellus Shale: A Comparison of Pennsylvania and New York Cases
Kathryn J. Brasier, Matthew R. Filteau, Diane K. McLaughlin, Jeffrey Jacquet, Richard C. Stedman, Timothy W. Kelsey, and Stephan J. Goetz
A Thematic Analysis of Local Respondents' Perceptions of Barnett Shale Energy Development
Brooklynn J. Wynveen
Introduction: Special Issue on Social Issues Associated with Unconventional Natural Gas Development
Gene L. Theodori
Patrick J. Carr and Maria J. Kefalas, Hollowing Out the Middle: The Rural Brain Drain and What It Means for America
Peter A. Kindle
Gregory S. Alexander and Eduardo M Penalver, Property and Community
Charles C. Geisler
Governance, Globalization, and the State
Alessandro Bonanno
Constructing Credibility: Using Technoscience to Legitimate Strategies in Agrifood Governance
Carmen Bain, Elizabeth Ransom, and Michelle R. Worosz
A Note on the Economy of Qualities: Attributing Production Practices to Agricultural Practices
B. James Deaton, Lawrence Busch, Warren J. Samuels, and Paul B. Thompson
A Role for Ethical Analysis in Social Research on Agrifood and Environmental Standards
Kyle Powys White and Paul B. Thompson
Standards, Law, and Governance
Lawrence Busch
Technoscience in Agriculture: Reflections on the Contributions of the MSU School of Sociology of Food and Agriculture
Keiko Tanaka and Arunsa Juska
An Interview with Dr. Lawrence Busch of the Michigan State University School of Agrifood Governance and Technoscience
Jason Konefal and Maki Hatanaka
The Michigan State University School of Agrifood Governance and Technoscience: Democracy, Justice, and Sustainability in an Age of Scientism, Marketism, and Statism
Jason Konefal and Maki Hatanaka
Amy Trubek, The Taste of Place: A Cultural Journey into Terroir
Stacia Falat and Jayson Otto
It's Our Most Rural Region; It's the Poorest; It's the Black Belt South; and It Needs Our Attention
Ronald C. Wimberley
Type III Error in Social Problem Solving: Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Terrence Thomas and Cihat Gunden
The Effects of Moral Obligations to Others and Others' Influence on Veterinarians' Attitudes toward and Recommendations to Utilize Antibiotics in Feedlot Cattle
Jie-Sheng Jan, William Alex McIntosh, H. Morgan Scott, and Wesley Dean
The Land Question and Ethnicity in the Darjeeling Hills
Swatahsiddha Sarkar
Place Bonding and Trust: The Case of Feral Hog Management Surrounding Big Thicket National Preserve
Christopher J. Wynveen, Gerard T. Kyle, and Gene L. Theodori
[Un]common Language: The Corporate Appropriation of Alternative Agro-Food Frames
Alison E. Adams and Thomas E. Shriver
Spatial Contours of Potential Biomass Crop Production: An Examination of Variations by U.S. Region
Frank M. Howell, Jeremy R. Porter, Philip B. Mason, and Troy C. Blanchard
Wayne Roberts, The No-Nonsense Guide to World Food
Rachel Kelly and Timothy LeDoux
Alessandro Bonanno and Douglas H. Constance, Stories of Globalization: Transnational Corporations, Resistance, and the State
Ariel Brovont and Emily Reiersgaard
Applying Craft for Sociological Practice: Place in Odyssey
George K. Floro
Economic Restructuring and Education in the Nonmetropolitan United States
Don E. Albrecht and Carol Mulford Albrecht
How Farmers Learn: Implications for Agricultural Educators
Nancy Franz, Fred Piercy, Joseph Donaldson, Robert Richard, and Johnnie Westbrook
Extending the Concept of Community Interaction to Explore Regional Community Fields
Courtney G. Flint, A. E. Luloff, and Gene L. Theodori
Editors' Preface
Gene L. Theodori and Douglas H. Constance
Editor's Concluding Comments
D. Clayton Smith
Paradoxical Perceptions of Problems Associated with Unconventional Natural Gas Development
Gene L. Theodori
Assessing Introductory Rural Sociology
Joseph F. Donnermeyer and Benjamin Gray
On Innovation in Teaching Rural Sociology
Keiko Tanaka
Rural Leadership and Legacy: Partnering for Progress
Patricia Hyjer Dyk
Durkheim Did Not Say "Normlessness": The Concept of Anomic Suicide for Introductory Sociology Courses
Phyllis Puffer
Quantile Regression: An Education Policy Research Tool
Edward B. Reeves and Jesse Lowe
CAFOs, Culture, and Conflict on Sand Mountain: Framing Rights and Responsibilities in Appalachian Alabama
Zachary Henson and Conner Bailey
Occupational Aspirations, Rural to Urban Migration, and Intersectionality: A Comparison of White, Black, and Hispanic Male and Female Group Chances for Leaving Rural Counties
W. Trevor Brooks and Meredith Redlin
Local Leaders’ Perceptions of Energy Development in the Barnett Shale
Brooklynn J. Anderson and Gene L. Theodori
A Social Currency Approach to Improving Health-Related Quality of Life for Migrant Workers
Alfonso Morales
The Political Ecology of the Colonias on the U.S.-Mexico Border: Human-Environmental Challenges and Community Responses in Southern New Mexico
Guillermina G. Núñez-Mchiri
One Decade of Drought and Two of Neoliberal Reforms in the Sierra Sonorense: Responses by the Rural Poor
Marcela Vásquez-León
Sharing Water Internationally, Past, Present and Future—Mexico and the United States
John M. Donahue and Irene J. Klaver
Environmental Issues on the Mexico-U.S. Border: An Introduction
Rogelio Sáenz and Karen Manges Douglas
Amish Victimization and Offending: A Rural Subculture's Experiences and Responses to Crime and Justice
Bryan D. Byers
Rural Crime and Policing in American Indian Communities
L. Edward Wells and David N. Falcone
Integration-Regulation and Lethal Violence: A Sociological Examination of the Rural-Urban Suicide Differential in the U.S. Gulf South 1970-2000
Russell R. Davis
Scots-Irish Women and the Southern Culture of Violence: The Influence of Scots-Irish Females on High Rates of Southern Violence
Emily R. Berthelot, Troy Blanchard, and Timothy C. Brown
Theoretical Predictors of Delinquency In and Out of School Among a Sample of Rural Public School Youth
Preston Elrod, Irina R. Soderstrom, and David C. May
Violent and Criminal Behaviors in Rural and Non-Rural African American Youth: A Risk-Protective Factor Approach
Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo, Alexander T. Vazsonyi, and Dusty D. Jenkins
Making Methamphetamine
Ralph Weisheit
The Game of Wardens and Poachers
Craig J. Forsyth
Illegal Dumping: Large and Small Scale Littering in Rural Kentucky
Kenneth D. Tunnell
Toward a Rural Critical Criminology
Joseph F. Donnermeyer and Walter DeKeseredy
Special Issue Editors' Notes
Daniel W. Phillips III and Steven F. Hundersmarck
Bios of Contributors to this Special Issue
Anna M. Kleiner and John J. Green
Ownership Characteristics of Heir Property in a Black Belt County: A Quantitative Approach
Janice F. Dyer, Conner Bailey, and Nhuong Van Tran
Creating Alternatives: A Participant Observer's Reflections on the Emerging Local Food System in Kansas City
Mary Hendrickson
Escaping the Bondage of the Dominant Agrifood System: Community-Based Cooperative Strategies
John J. Green and Anna M. Kleiner
World Trade, Farm Policy, and Agribusiness Accountability: The Role of Reflexive Modernization in Constructing a Democratic Food System
Robert Gronski and Leland Glenna
Agribusiness Concentration, Intellectual Property, and the Prospects for Rural Economic Benefits from the Emerging Biofuel Economy
Leland L. Glenna and Daniel R. Cahoy
Visualizing Food System Concentration and Consolidation
Philip H. Howard
Contested Globalization of the Agrifood System: A Missouri School Analysis of Sanderson Farms and Seaboard Farms in Texas
Douglas H. Constance
Sociology of Agriculture and Food Beginning and Maturity: The Contribution of the Missouri School (1976-1994)
Alessandro Bonanno
The Contributions of Dr. William Heffernan and the Missouri School of Agrifood Studies
Anna M. Kleiner and John J. Green
2009 SRSA Presidential Address: Modification and Adaptation in Rural Sociology: Part I
Gene L. Theodori
Alternative and Conventional Agricultural Representations in the United States: Results from Two National Mail Surveys, 1992 and 2001
Gregory Fulkerson
On the Diversity of Friendship and Network Ties: A Comparison of Religious Versus Nonreligious Group Membership in the Rural American South
Jeremy Porter and Susannah M. Brown
Attendance at Religious Meetings and Community Involvement
Gene L. Theodori and Chyrel A. Mayfield
Conservation Use and Quality of Life in a Rural Community: An Extension of Goldschmidt's Findings
Jason Shaw Parker and Richard H. Moore
Conventionalization, Bifurcation, and Quality of Life: Certified and Non-Certified Organic Farmers in Texas
Douglas H. Constance, Jin Young Choi, and Holly Lyke-Ho-Gland
Barriers to Entry into the Specialty Red Meat Sector: The Role of Food Safety Regulation
Michelle R. Worosz, Andrew J. Knight, Craig K. Harris, and David S. Conner
Expanding the Marketing Opportunities and Sustainable Production Potential for Minority and Limited-Resource Agricultural Producers in Louisiana and Mississippi
Anna M. Kleiner and John J. Green
Lessons Learned from Advocating CSAs for Low-Income and Food Insecure Households
Susan Andreatta, Misty Rhyne, and Nicole Dery
Motivations for Participating in Community-Supported Agriculture and Their Relationship with Community Attachment and Social Capital
Joan M. Brehm and Brian W. Eisenhauer
Slow Food Lessons in the Fast Food Midwest
Heather McIlvaine-Newsad, Christopher D. Merrett, William Maakestad, and Patrick McLaughlin
Produce Sections, Town Squares, and Farm Stands: Comparing Local Food Systems in Community Context
Stephen Gasteyer, Sarah A. Hultine, Leslie R. Cooperband, and M. Patrick Curry
The Role of Southern SARE Projects in Enhancing the Quality of Life in Rural Communities in the South
Keiko Tanaka and Victoria Mundy Bhavsar
Sustainable Agriculture and the Social Sciences: Getting Beyond Best Management Practices and into Food Systems
Jeffrey L. Jordan and Douglas H. Constance
Uncovering the Hidden Dimensions of Rural Disaster Mitigation: Capacity Building Through Community Emergency Response Teams
M. A. Brennan and Courtney G. Flint
Risk Perceptions After a Coal Waste Impoundment Failure: A Survey Assessment
Stephanie McSpirit, Shaunna Scott, Duane Gill, Sharon Hardesty, and Dewayne Sims
The Impact of Rural-Urban Migration on Plantation Agriculture in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria
Albert Ukaro Ofuoku and Christopher Okeleke Chukwuji
Mississippi Business Environment Before and After Katrina: Challenges and Opportunities
Domenico Parisi, Steven Michael Grice, and Jed Pressgrove
Accelerating Rural Growth Through Collective Action: Groups' Activities and Determinants of Participation in Southwestern Nigeria
Mure U. Agbonlahor, Oluwafemi S. Enilolobo, C. I. Sodiaya, Dare Akerele, and Joel T. Oke
Quality of Life on the Agricultural Treadmill: Individual and Community Determinants of Farm Family Well-Being
J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr. and Chris Kast
The Texture of Local Disaster Response: Service Providers' Views Following Hurricane Katrina
John J. Green, Anna M. Kleiner, and Jolynn P. Montgomery
Exploring Producers', Staff Members', and Board Members' Cognitive Frame on Decision Making in an Appalachian Organic Farming Venture
Curt D. Gervich, Max Stephensen Jr., and Marc J. Stern
A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Community Attachment in Rural Romania
Natalia Buta, Mark A. Brennan, and Stephen M. Holland
Alabama Veterans Rural Health Initiative: A Preliminary Evaluation of Unmet Health Care Needs
Lori L. Davis, Stefan G. Kertesz, Ann F. Mahaney-Price, Michelle Y. Martin, Kroshona D. Tabb, Kristin M. Pettey, Sandre F. McNeal, U. Shanette Granstaff, Karl Hamner, M. Paige Powell, Michelle M. Hilgeman, A. Lynn Snow, Marietta Stanton, Patricia Parmelee, Mark S. Litaker, and Mary T. Hawn
Rural Communities and Disasters: Research from the Southern United States
Courtney G. Flint and M. A. Brennan
John Deere Tractors and School Reform: Balancing Economies of Scale and Quality of Life
Stephen K. Miller
A Whistling Girl and a Crowing Hen: Changing Productivity and Gender Expectations
Cynthia Williams Resor
Cocoa Farming in Ghana: Emic Experience, Etic Interpretation
Francis Danquah and Stephen K. Miller
"Dirt Farmer" vs. "Soil Scientist": Representative Tensions in the Constructed Identities of Farmer-Writers Walter Thomas Jack and Edward H. Faulkner
Zachary Michael Jack
My Garden State: Memory, History, and the Agrarian Ideal
Michelle Gillespie
Storytelling as Narrativity: Rural Life Through the Prism of Social Tensions
Stephen K. Miller and Zachary Michael Jack
Small Town in Global Society
Don E. Albrecht
From Vulnerability to Resiliency: Assessing Impacts and Responses to Disaster
John J. Green, Duane A. Gill, and Anna M. Kleiner
The Effects of Race, Place, Class, and Gender on Instructional Strategies in Kentucky's Seventh Grade Science Classes: Individual and School Level Analyses
Stephen K. Miller, D. Clayton Smith, and Larry S. Ennis
Appalachian and Rural Student Performance Differences on Kentucky's Educational Assessment: Eighth Grade Results
D. Clayton Smith
Population Change, Economic Restructuring, and the Evolving Landscape of Retail Activities in the Rural Great Plains
Alexander C. Vias
Editor's Preface
D. Clayton Smith
An Analysis of the Determinants of Food Insecurity with Severe Hunger in Selected Southern States
Okwudilio O. Onianwa and Gerald D. Wheelock
The Spatial Dynamics of High School Dropout: The Case of Rural Louisiana
Mark J. Shafer and Makiko Hori
Evaluating the Pecan and Sweet Potato Pilot Insurance Programs: A Case Study in the Application of Utilization-Focused Client-Based Methodology
Terrence W. Thomas and Benjamin Gray Jr.
The Delta E-Commerce Connection: Preliminary Findings
Susan Watson, Ogbonnaya John Nwoha, Gary A. Kennedy, and Kenneth W. Rea
Nonmetro/Metro Migration: Economic and Noneconomic Outcomes
Don E. Albrecht
So What? A Primer on Methods for Identifying, Measuring, and Analyzing Program Impacts and Outcomes
Ronald L. Williams
Entrepreneurship Education at 1890 Land Grant Institutions: A Profile of Programs and Consideration of Opportunities
Caroline E. W. Glackin
University-wide Entrepreneurship Education: Alternative Models and Current Trends
Deborah H. Streeter and John P. Jaquette Jr.
Entrepreneurship among Black Americans: A Theoretical Perspective on Modes of Adjustment and Entrepreneurial Education
John Sibley Butler
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development as a Rural Development Strategy
Kenneth L. Robinson, Wylin Dassie, and Ralph D. Christy
Exploring the Association Between Length of Residence and Community Attachment: A Research Note
Gene L. Theodori
Underemployment and Workforce Development in the Mississippi Delta: Community-Based Action Research for Program Planning to Increase Livelihood Security
John J. Green, Antoinette Jones, and Christopher Pope
Oil and Natural Gas and Rural Local Government Finances in the Gulf of Mexico Region
F. Carson Mencken and Nicole Flynn
Socioeconomic Perspectives on Infant Mortality in Alabama
James O. Bukenya
An Economic Analysis of Forest Products and Nature Based Tourism Sectors in North Carolina
Aruna Murthy and Frederick W. Cubbage
Enhancing the Rural South's Quality of Life: Leveraging Development through Educational Institutions
Glenn D. Israel
The Concept of Social Exclusion and Rural Development Policy
F. Dale Parent and Bonnie L. Lewis
Public Perceptions About Biotechnology
Don E. Albrecht
Public Interests in Private Property: Conflicts Over Wood Chip Mills in North Carolina
Sarah T. Warren
One Step Further: Women's Access to and Control Over Farm and Forest Resources in the U.S. South
Sarah T. Warren
One Engineer and a Dog: Technological Change and Social Restructuring in Alabama's Pulp and Paper Industry
Peter R. Sinclair, Conner Bailey, and Mark Dubois
New Opportunities for Social Research on Forest Landowners in the South
John Schelhas, Robert Zabawa, and Joseph J. Molnar
Regional Comparisons of Timber Dependency: The Northwest and the Southeast
Joni F. Norton, Glenn R. Howze, and Laura J. Robinson
Historical Analysis of Timber Dependency in Alabama
Glenn R. Howze, Laura J. Robinson, and Joni F. Norton
Extension Services in the Transition from Post-Communist Agrarian Systems: The Case of the Plant Protection Stations in Ukraine
Keith M. Moore, Edwin G. Rajotte, Charles Pitts, Igor Dolinniy, and Olena Cholovska
From Goldschmidt to Globalization: The Southern Model and Rural Development
Douglas H. Constance
Camas Calientes: Housing Adjustments and Barriers to Social and Economic Adaptation Among Georgia's Rural Latinos
Jorge H. Atiles and Stephanie A. Bohon
Pines in Lines: Tree Planting, H2B Guest Workers, and Rural Poverty in Alabama
Josh McDaniel and Vanessa Casanova
An Ethnographic Description of Latino Immigration in Rural Arkansas: Intergroup Relations and Utilization of Healthcare Services
Deborah O. Irwin
Mexican Immigrant Communities in the South and Social Capital: The Case of Dalton, Georgia
Rubén Hernández-León and Victor Zúñiga
Latinos in the South: A Glimpse of Ongoing Trends and Research
Rogelio Saenz, Katherine M. Donato, Lourdes Gouveia, and Cruz Torres
The Martin County Project: A Student, Faculty, and Citizen Effort at Researching the Effects of a Technological Disaster
Stephanie McSpirit, Sharon Hardesty, and Robert Welch
Bribing Biodiversity: Corruption, Participation, and Community-Based Management in Venezuela
Brooke Ann Zanetell and Barbara A. Knuth
Social Capital, Structural Conditions, and Mortality: A Study of Nonmetropolitan Counties in Mississippi
Domenico Parisi, Steven Michael Grice, Michael Taquino, and Duane A. Gill
Passing the Cluck, Dodging Pullets: Corporate Power, Environmental Responsibility, and the Contract Poultry Grower
Joseph J. Molnar, Thomas Hoban, and Gail Brant
Lagoons, Litter, and the Law: CAFO Regulation as Social Risk Politics
Larry L. Burmeister
Globalization, Broiler Production, and Community Controversy in East Texas
Douglas H. Constance
The Loss and Persistence of Black-Owned Farms and Farmland: A Review of the Research Literature and Its Implications
Jess Gilbert, Gwen Sharp, and M. Sindy Felin
The Regionalization of Poverty: Assistance for the Black Belt South?
Ronald C. Wimberley and Libby V. Morris
Southern Rural Family Economic Well-Being in the Context of Public Assistance
Bonnie Braun, Frances C. Lawrence, Patricia H. Dyk, and Maria Vandergriff-Avery
The Promise and Peril of Charitable Choice: Religion, Poverty Relief, and Welfare Reform in the South
John P. Bartkowski and Helen A. Regis
Raising a Flag of Caution in the Race for Community-Based Approaches to Rural Welfare Reform: Early Findings from Texas
Miguel Ferguson, Dennis Poole, Diana DiNitto, and A. James Schwab
The Impact of Welfare Reform on Rural Alabamians
David L. Klemmock, Lucinda Lee Roff, Debra Moehle McCallum, and John T. Stern
TANF/Welfare Client Decline and Community Context in the Rural South, 1997-2000
Domenico Parisi, Diane K. McLaughlin, Michael Taquino, Steven Michael Grice, and Neil R. White
Racial Disparities and Welfare Reform in Mississippi
Curtina Moreland-Young, Kristie Roberts, Jody Fields, and Royal Walker Jr.
Time Limit and Sanction Effects of the Texas TANF Waiver
Tami Swenson, Steve White, and Steve Murdoch
Food Security of Low-Income Single Parents in East Alabama: Use of Private and Public Programs in the Age of Welfare Reform
Patricia A. Duffy, Ginger Grayson Hallmark, Joseph J. Molnar, LaToya Claxton, Conner Bailey, and Steve Mikloucich
Welfare, Work, and Well-Being in Metro and Nonmetro Louisiana
Joachim Singelmann, Theresa Davidson, and Rachel Reynolds
Contextualizing Cash Assistance and the South
Julie N. Zimmerman
Common Cause: A Comparative Case Study of Three Alabama Communities Organizing Against Landfills
Lani Merritt
Outdoor Recreation Constraints: An Examination of Race, Gender, and Rural Dwelling
Cassandra Y. Johnson, J. M. Bowker, and H. Ken Cordell
Natural Resource Access and Interracial Associations: Black and White Subsistence Fishing in the Mississippi Delta
Ralph B. Brown and John F. Toth Jr.
Labor Use By Small-Scale Conventional and Sustainable Farmers in Tennessee
Fisseha Tegegne, Surendra P. Singh, Enefiok Ekanem, and Safdar Muhammad
Anger, Boycott, Secession–A Clash Of Perspectives: The Closing of a High School in an Appalachian County
John Verburg
Foucault on the Farm: Producing Swine and Subjects
Mary E. Curran
Hidden Voices: Linking Research, Practice, and Policy to the Everyday Realities of Rural People
Rosalind P. Harris
Migration in the Nonmetropolitan South
Mark Nord and John Cromartie
Job Search, Employment Density, and the Rate of Exit of Unemployment in Nonmetropolitan Labor Markets
Bradford F. Mills
Labor Supply and Underemployment in the Southern United States
Leif Jensen, Jill L. Findeis, and Qiuyan Wang
Earning Patterns of Mexican Workers in the Southern Region: A Focus on Nonmetro/Metro Distinctions
Rogelio Saenz
The Labor Force Experiences of Non-College Bound Youth in the South: A Ten-Year Perspective
Lionel J. Beaulieu and Melissa Barfield
Introduction to the Special Issues (Volumes 15 & 16) on Southern Rural Labor Markets
Lionel J. Beaulieu and David Freshwater
Industry Clusters and Rural Labor Markets
G. Andrew Bernat Jr.
Service Industries and Employment Growth in the Nonmetro South: A Geographical Perspective
William B. Beyers and Peter B. Nelson
The Geography of New Manufacturing Technology: Implications for the Nonmetropolitan South
David A. McGranahan
What Does the Future Hold? What Globalization Might Mean for the Rural South
Amy K. Glasmeier and Robin M. Leichenko
Spatial Labor Markets, New Economic Geography, and Urban-Rural Linkages: Implications for the Rural South
Mark S. Henry
Employment Change in the Nonmetropolitan South: An Overview of Recent Trends and Future Prospects
David L. Barkley
Introduction to the Special Issues (Volumes 15 & 16) on Southern Rural Labor Markets
Lionel J. Beaulieu and David Freshwater
Editor's Note
Glenn D. Israel
Violence Prevention in Georgia's Rural Public Schools: Perceptions of School Superintendents
Chet Ballard
Perceived Barriers to Labor Force Participation Among Welfare Recipients in West Virginia
Melissa Latimer
The Challenge of Welfare Reform: Earnings and the Cost of Living in Rural Kentucky
Julie N. Zimmerman and Lorraine Garkovich
Agricultural Concentration: An Analysis by Commodity
Don E. Albrecht
Geographic Information Systems: A Tool for Rural Community Research
Sarah Dewees and Timothy Collins
Social and Demographic Influences on Environmental Attitudes
MaryBe McMillan, Thomas J. Hoban, William B. Clifford, and Margaret R. Brant
Solid Waste Management and the Need for Effective Public Participation
Catherine A. Solheim, Charles E. Faupel, and Conner Bailey
The Effects of Residence Location on Parental Involvement with the School: A Contrast Between Nonmetropolitan Rural and Other Communities
Yongmin Sun, Daryl Hobbs, William Elder, and Dongchu Sun
To Cross the Rubicon?: The College of Agriculture Rural Development Dilemma
Louis E. Swanson and Shripad D. Deo
Facing the Future: Rural Sociology in a Time of Change
Libby V. Morris
Conflict in the Community: A Challenge for Land Grant Universities
Thomas W. Ilvento
Patterns of In-Migration and Out-Migration: Human Capital Movements in the Lower Mississippi Delta Region
Donald E. Voth, Molly Sizer, and Frank L. Farmer
Changing Employment Patterns in Nonmetropolitan America: Implications for Family Structure
Don E. Albrecht and Stan L. Albrecht
A Social Exchange Explanation of Participation in the U.S. Farm Program
John K. Thomas and Jack Thigpen
Regaining Our Youth, Empowering Our Communities: Service Learning and Community Development
Glenn D. Israel and Thomas W. Ilvento
Regional Differences in Financial Resources, Assets, and Savings Behavior of Low-Income Families
Joan Koonce Lewis
Dimensions of Farm Commodity Production: Horses, Strawberries, and Why
Ronald C. Wimberley and Robert M. Moxley
Tourism as a Sustainable Rural Development Strategy: Building Consensus in Resident Attitudes
Paul B. Siegel and Paul M. Jakus
A Comparison of the Views of Farmers and the Nonfarm Public Regarding Resource Use: The Case of Texas Groundwater
Don E. Albrecht
Editor's Note
Douglas C. Bachtel
Selective Migration and the Educational "Brain Drain" from the Lower Mississippi Delta Region in 1975-80
Donald E. Voth, Molly Killian, and Frank L. Farmer
Dependence in the Rural South
Libby V. Morris
Assessing Housing Affordability In Rural Georgia
Carol B. Meeks and Anne L. Sweaney
Antecedents of Infant Mortality: An Analysis of Risk Factors in Rural and Urban Arkansas
Shannon M. Holman, Frank L. Farmer, Russell S. Kirby, and Bruce L. Dixon
The Management of Hunting Leases By Rural Landowners
John K. Thomas, Clark E. Adams, and John F. Thigpen III
Community Impacts from a Temporary Military Deployment: The Case of Fort Stewart, Ga.
Warren Kriesel and Gina L. Gilbreath
Changing the Health Care System: Opinions of Rural and Urban Residents
F. Dale Parent and Bonnie L. Lewis
Job Placement of JTPA-Trained Welfare Recipients: Implications for the JOBS Program in Southern and Nonmetro States
Linda M. Ghelfi
Employment Migration Among Graduates of Southern Land-Grant Universities
John A. Ballweg and Li Li
Community Structural Changes and the Nature of Leadership
Gina L. Gilbreath
Determinants of Farmers' Satisfactions With Farming and With Life: A Replication and Extension
C. Milton Coughenour and Louis Swanson
Concern About Eating Genetically Engineered Food
Glenn D. Israel and Thomas J. Hoban
Community Attachment: A Research Note Examining the Effects of Gender
Stephanie Sayers Fowler
Testing TDM Modifications with Mail Surveys During a Southern Farm Study: A Research Note
John Ballweg
The Receptivity to Housing Programs in the Rural South
Gladys Shelton and Kenneth Gruber
Creating Entrepreneurship in Rural Sociology
Rusty Brooks
Robert L. Moxley
Editor's Note
Robert L. Moxley
The 1890 Land-Grant Universities
Robert L. Moxley
The Decline of Black Farmers and Strategies for Survival
Robert Zabawa, Arthur Siaway, and Ntam Baharanyi
Farm Structure and Use of the Conservation Reserve Program of the 1985 Farm Bill
Joseph N. Kairumba and Gerald C. Wheelock
Institutions Under Influence: The Case of Knowledge Stratification within the U.S. Land Grant System
Rosalind P. Harris
1890 Institutions' Extension Program and Rural Development
Adell Brown Jr.
Robert L. Moxley
Editor's Note
Robert L. Moxley
A Gender Comparison of Former Agricultural Students' Employment Experiences
John K. Thomas and Kathy L. Schiflett
Determinants of Work Status Among Heads of Poor Families in the South
Elizabeth S. Morrissey
Sociology and Biotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities
Thomas J. Hoban IV
Family Type and Familism in Contemporary Appalachia
James K. Crissman
The Future of Farming: Regional Variation in Opinions From Louisiana and the Nation
Alan Acock and Ann Dellenbarger
Revitalizing Rural America: Focus on Rural Youth
E. Yvonne Beauford
Robert L. Moxley
Rural Sociological Research in the South: An Historical Overview
Alvin L. Bertrand
Family Economic Organization and the Practice of Subsistence Cropping: The Case of Swaziland
Vernaline Watson
Effects of Alternate Income-Generating Strategies of Small Farm Households: A Modified Farming Systems Approach
E. Yvonne Beauford and H. Max Miller
Black Farmers and the Economic and Social Conditions Where They Live: Some Policy Implications
Robert A. Hoppe and Herman Bluestone
Is Structural Differentiation in Localities a Single or Multidimensional Phenomenon? Alternative Measures and Relation to Population
Terry J. Tomazic and Robert L. Moxley
The Rural South in Crisis: New Challenges for Rural Development
Lionel J. Beaulieu
Our Authors
Robert L. Moxley
Robert L. Moxley
Changes in Industrial and Occupational Structures of Texas Counties, 1960-80
John K. Thomas and H. L. Goodwin Jr.
Accountability and the Cooperative Extension Service: An Emerging Role for Rural Sociology
Howard Ladewig
The All New This Old South
Leann M. Tigges and Gary P. Green
Traditional and Non-Traditional Explanations of Food Consumption: The Case of Beef
Patricia K. Guseman, William Alex McIntosh, and Stephen G. Sapp
A Rural-Urban Comparison Of Preferences Expressed by Elders for Long-Term Care Arrangements
William J. McAuley and Rosemary Blieszner
Influence of the Community Economic Base on Off-Farm Employment
Gregory S. Taylor and Mike D. Woods
Impact of Farm Policies on Agriculture, Farm Structure, and Rural Communities
Ronald D. Knutson, James W. Richardson, and Edward G. Smith
Income Security Policy and the Nonmetro Poor
Susan Bentley
Selection Factors in Housing Among Rural Low-To-Moderate Income Residents
Kenneth J. Gruber, Ann R. Hiatt, and Gladys G. Shelton
Our Authors
James H. Copp
James H. Copp
Recruitment to Food Animal Veterinary Medicine Practice in Louisiana
George W. Ohlendorf
Teenage Vandalism in Georgia
Douglas C. Bachtel
Factors Contributing to Reported Home Energy Conservation Behavior
Lionel J. Beaulieu and Michael K. Miller
Farm Operation Characteristics, Institutional Support, and the Use of Soil and Water Conservation Technologies
Peter F. Korsching
Incidence, Magnitude, and Determinants of Off-Farm Income in Tennessee and the South
Surendra P. Singh
Mainline and Peripheral Agriculture: Toward Generic Classification of Farms
Carlton R. Sollie and Wolfgang Frese
Economic Dualism in American Agriculture
Gary P. Green and William D. Heffernan
Our Authors
James H. Copp
James H. Copp
Beef Cattle Producers of the Texas Gulf Coast: Characteristics and Production Practices
Howard Ladewig and Ray Garibay
Position and Prospects of Black Farmers in the South
Surendra P. Singh
Use of Government Services by Low-Income, Rural Residents in Alabama
Gerald C. Wheelock, Joseph Befecadu, and Priscilla Salant
Sociodemographic Predictors of Rural Poverty: A Regional Analysis
Alton Thompson, Betty J. Traub, and Randall P. White
An Analysis of the Impact of Industrial Development in Selected Counties in South Carolina
Marguerite R. Howie, Robert L. Phillips, and Sharon L. Wade
Time Use by Small Farm Families in Southwest Virginia: An Approach for the Inclusion of Household in Farming Systems Research and Extension
John S. Caldwell, Michael French Smith, Vicki Karagianis, and Ruth D. Harris
Demographic Trends and Consumer Demand for Agricultural Products
Patricia Knight Guseman and Stephen G. Sapp
List of Reviewers
G. Richard Wetherhill
Editor’s Preface
G. Richard Wetherhill