eGrove - National Writing Project in the South Conference: Breakout Session C. Youth Programs: The ICEing Your Site Needs!

Breakout Session C. Youth Programs: The ICEing Your Site Needs!


Room 503

Start Date

29-3-2019 1:10 PM

End Date

29-3-2019 2:00 PM

Presentation Type



Our Ice Writers’ Camps have developed into a financially profitable model that has helped benefit the whole TBAWP community. Our session will focus on how TBAWP’s ICE program creates a community of young writers, fosters a love of language and instills passion and reinvigorates TCs working with the young people. Session highlights include ideas to build youth programs at your own site, marketing, recruiting, lesson models, sample topics and brainstorming ideas to make your future program financially sustainable.

Relational Format

Conference proceeding

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Mar 29th, 1:10 PM Mar 29th, 2:00 PM

Breakout Session C. Youth Programs: The ICEing Your Site Needs!

Room 503

Our Ice Writers’ Camps have developed into a financially profitable model that has helped benefit the whole TBAWP community. Our session will focus on how TBAWP’s ICE program creates a community of young writers, fosters a love of language and instills passion and reinvigorates TCs working with the young people. Session highlights include ideas to build youth programs at your own site, marketing, recruiting, lesson models, sample topics and brainstorming ideas to make your future program financially sustainable.