Faculty and Student Publications
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© 2019 authors. Anomalies in semileptonic B decays could indicate new physics beyond the standard model (SM). There is an older puzzle in nonleptonic B→πK decays. The new particles, leptoquarks and diquarks, required to solve the semileptonic and the nonleptonic puzzles can also generate neutrino masses and mixing at loop level. We show that a consistent framework to explain the B anomalies and the neutrino masses is possible and we make predictions for certain rare nonleptonic B decays.
Relational Format
journal article
Recommended Citation
Datta, A., Waite, J., & Sachdeva, D. (2019). Unified explanation of b → s μ + μ − anomalies, neutrino masses, and B → π K puzzle. Physical Review D, 100(5), 055015. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.100.055015