"Exercise Science" by Jeremy Loenneke, Thomas Andre et al.

AI Art Exhibit



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Exercise Science (traditionally known as kinesiology) is a degree program that provides students with a broad but strong foundation in the applied sciences. We cover how the physiological systems work at rest and how they change with exercise. We teach how the body moves and how to assess and improve those movement patterns. We help students discover the power of exercise. Our students learn how to implement that exercise to improve human performance for sport or how to use it for health span in the general population. Our key words were chosen to reflect all the fields our program represents.

AI tool: Dall-E
Artistic Style - creators chose a “Jackson Pollock” style to pay homage to AS Jackson and ML Pollock; two exercise scientists who made contributions to the estimation of body composition.
Effects- painting

Relational Format



exercise science, exercise physiology, cardiovascular, e-sports, neuroscience, skeletal muscle growth, strength and conditioning, exercise psychology, motor learning, sports medicine, human performance, memory, neurophysiology and behavior

