Sheet Music, 1910-1919

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MUM00682, 0344
Cover: drawing of two grizzly bears flanking a photo inset of Tim McMahon; Publisher: Ted Snyder Co. (New York)
Subject Headings (Library of Congress)
Songs -- United States -- 20th Century; Popular Music -- United States
Relational Format
music score
Original Format
Original Collection
Sheldon Harris Collection (MUM00682), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries
Finding Aid
First verse
Out in San Francisco where the weather's fair, They have a dance out there, They call the grizzly Bear, All your other lovin' dances don't compare, Not so coony But a little more than spoony. Talk about yo' bears that Teddy Roosevelt shot, They couldn't class with what old San Francisco's got; Listen, my honey, do, and I will show to you the dance of the grizzly Bear.First
Hug up close to your baby, Throw your shoulders t'ward the ceiling, Lawdy, Lawdy, what a feelin', Snug up close to your lady, Close your eyes and do some nappin', Something nice is gwine to happy, Hug up close to your baby, Sway me everywhere; Show your darlin' beau, just how you go to Buffalo, Doin' the grizzly Bear. Hug up close to your baby, Throw your shoulders t'ward the ceiling, Lawdy, Lawdy, what a feelin', Snug up close to your lady, Close your eyes and do some nappin', Something nice is gwine to happy, Hug up close to your baby, Sway me everywhere; Show your darlin' beau, just how you go to Buffalo, Doin' the grizzly Bear. Hug up close to your baby, Throw your shoulders t'ward the ceiling, Lawdy, Lawdy, what a feelin', Snug up close to your lady, Close your eyes and do some nappin', Something nice is gwine to happy, Hug up close to your baby, Sway me everywhere; Show your darlin' beau, just how you go to Buffalo, Doin' the grizzly Bear.
Second verse
Let's sit down and rest a minute, honey, dear, My head feels awful queer, Please call the waiter near; Water, water, quick the lady's gone I fear, Thank you, honey, In my purse, you'll find some money, Where's the man who show'd me how to do that dance, That put me in a trance? I'll take another chance, Now that I've got my breath I'm his'n until death, come on with yo' grizzly Bear.
Second chorus
Hug up close to your baby, Hypnotize me like a wizard, Shape yo'self just like a blizzard, Snug up close to your lady, If they do that dance in heaven, Shoot me, hon', tonight at seven, Hug up close to your baby, Sway me everywhere; You and me is two, I'll make it one when we get through, Doin' the grizzly Bear. Hug up close to your baby, Hypnotize me like a wizard, Shape yo'self just like a blizzard, Snug up close to your lady, If they do that dance in heaven, Shoot me, hon', tonight at seven, Hug up close to your baby, Sway me everywhere; You and me is two, I'll make it one when we get through, Doin' the grizzly Bear.
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