A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody / words by Irving Berlin
Irving Berlin and Irving Berlin Inc. (New York)
Key of G. Cover: a drawing of a Chorus Girl; Publisher: Irving Berlin Inc. (New York)
12th Street Rag / words by Euday L. Bowman
Euday L. Bowman and J. W. Jenkins Sons (Kansas City)
Cover: photo of a Caucasian male saxophonist playing to a Caucasian female dancer; Publisher: J. W. Jenkins Sons (Kansas City)
Anything Is Nice If It Comes From Dixieland / words by Grant Clarke, George W. Meyer, and Milton Ager
Grant Clarke, George W. Meyer, Milton Ager, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of an African American man playing banjo on a riverbank; photo inset of a woman (see #162); Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Alabama Lullaby / words by Cal De Voll
Cal De Voll and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of exotic birds singing; description reads a unique dreamy southern song (see 315); Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Way Down in Birmingham / music by Harold Dixon; words by Erwin F. and Jacob L. Kleine
Harold Dixon, Erwin F. Kleine, Jacob L. Kleine, and Dixon-Lane Pub. Co. (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of a Caucasian male boarding a train, as an African American male loads his luggage; Publisher: Dixon-Lane Pub. Co. (Chicago)
At the High Brown Babies' Ball / music by Erdman Ernie; words by Benny Davis and Sid Erdman
Erdman Ernie, Benny Davis, Sid Erdman, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a well-dressed African American couple dancing, as a group of African American musicians perform in the background; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Alexander's Band is Back in Dixieland / music by Albert Gumble; words by Jack Yellen
Albert Gumble, Jack Yellen, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Cover: African American band parading in uniform; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Rose of Washington Square / music by James F. Hanley; words by Ballard Mcdonald
James F. Hanley, Ballard McDonald, and Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Key of Bb. Cover: photo of Fanny Grice; Publisher: Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Jazz Baby / music by M. K. Jerome; words by Blanche Merrill
M. K. Jerome, Blanche Merrill, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of Caucasian couples dancing in at a Ball; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Jazz Baby / music by M. K. Jerome; words by Blanche Merrill
M. K. Jerome, Blanche Merrill, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of well-dressed Caucasian couples dancing; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Pickaninny Blues / music by Henri Klickman; words by Harold G. Frost
Henri Klickman, Harold G. Frost, and McKinley Music Co. (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of a peaceful log cabin scene at night; description reads waltz lullaby; Publisher: McKinley Music Co. (Chicago)
Anything is Nice if it Comes from Dixieland / music by Geo W. Meyer and Milton Ager ; words by Grant Clarke
Geo W. Meyer, Milton Ager, Grant Clarke, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of an African American male playing a banjo, as a riverboat floats by in the background (see 321); Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
There's A lot of Blue-Eyed-Marys down in Maryland / music by Geo W. Meyer; words by Jack Yellen and Milton Ager
Geo W. Meyer, Jack Yellen, Milton Ager, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: a drawing of girls faces; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Smilin' Through / words by Arthur A. Penn
Arthur A. Penn and M. Witmark and Sons (New York)
Cover: photo of a woman in a fancy-dress Ball, Norma Talmadge; Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons (New York)
Mammy O' Mine / music by Maceo Pinkard; words by Wm Tracy
Maceo Pinkard, Wm. Tracy, and Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Cover: a photo of an elderly woman knitting; Publisher: Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Pretty Little Rainbow / music by Vincent C. Plunkett; words by Robert Levinson
Vincent C. Plunkett, Robert Levinson, and Joe Morris Music Co. (New York)
Key of F. Cover: a drawing of an native American Woman in the moonlight; Publisher: Joe Morris Music Co. (New York)
I Ain't'en Got'en No Time to Have the Blues / music by Harry von Tilzer; words by Andrew B. Sterling
Harry von Tilzer, Andrew B. Sterling, and Harry von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of an African American male on his knees, pleading to an African American female; photo inset of the Duncan Sisters; Publisher: Harry von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. (New York)
Take Me to the Land of Jazz / music by Pete Wendling; words by Bert Kalmar and Edgar Lelie
Pete Wendling, Bert Kalmar, Edgar Lelie, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: a caricature of an orchestra; [3 identical copies]; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Take Your Girlie To The Movies (If You Can't Make Love At Home) / music by Pete Wendling; words by Edgar Leslie and Bert Kalmar
Pete Wendling, Edgar Leslie, Bert Kalmar, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: a drawing of people in the cinema; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
By the Campfire / words by Percy Wenrich
Percy Wenrich and Leo Feist Inc. (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of an African American male playing a banjo; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (Chicago)
Take Me to the Land of Jazz / music by Pete Windling; words by Bert Kalmar and Edgar Leslie
Pete Windling, Bert Kalmar, Edgar Leslie, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a Caucasian jazz band; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
When it's Cotton Pickin' Time in Tennessee / music by James A. Brennan; words by Jack Caddigan
James A. Brennan, Jack Caddigan, and Daly Music Publisher (Boston)
Cover: drawing of idyllic farm scene, where African Americans smile as they pick cotton; Publisher: Daly Music Publisher (Boston)
When the Boys from Dixie Eat the Melon on the Rhine / music by Ernest Breuer; words by Alfred Bryan
Ernest Breuer, Alfred Bryan, and Richmond Publisher (New York)
Cover: drawing of Caucasian male American troops unloading watermelons from a ship; caricature drawing inset of African American boys eating watermelons; Publisher: Richmond Publisher (New York)
I'm Sorry I Made You Cry / words by N. J. Clesi
N. J. Clesi and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a Caucasian couple, locked in an embrace; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
When You Come Back / words by George M. Cohan
George M. Cohan and M. Witmark and Sons (New York)
Cover: a photo of George M. Cohan; Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons (New York)
At the Coffee Cooler's Tea / music by Harry de Costa; words by Alex Sullivan
Harry de Costa, Alex Sullivan, and Witmark and Sons (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of African Americans, dressed in finery, dancing under the stars; description novelty jazz song; Publisher: Witmark and Sons (Chicago)
Jazzin' the Blues Away / music by Dick Heinrich; words by Jeff Branen
Dick Heinrich, Jeff Branen, and Stasny Music Co. (New York)
Cover: drawings of Caucasian males performing music; Publisher: Stasny Music Co. (New York)
Kentucky Dream / music by S. R. Henry; words by Agnetta Floris and D. Onivas; translated by Frank H. Warden
S. R. Henry, Agnetta Floris, D. Onivas, and Jos. W. Stern and Co. (New York)
Cover: a Photo of Mabel Norman; Publisher: Jos. W. Stern and Co. (New York)
Tears Of Love / music by S.R. Henry; words by Frank K. Warren
S. R. Henry, Frank K. Warren, and Jos. W. Stern and Co. (New York)
Cover: a photo of a woman; Publisher: Jos. W. Stern and Co. (New York)
When Alexander Takes His Ragtime Band to France / music by Cliff Hess and Edgar Leslie; words by Alfred; Bryan
Cliff Hess, Edgar Leslie, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a marching band, with battle scenes in the background; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
At the Shim-Me-Sha-Wabblers' Ball / music by Geo A. Lewis; words by Geo A. Lewis
Geo Lewis, Geo A. Lewis, and Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of African Americans dancing at a ball; Publisher: Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
The Pickaninny's Paradise / music by Nat. Osborne; words by Sam Ehrlich
Nat. Osborne, Sam Ehrlich, and Harry von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. (New York)
Cover: photo of the Courtney Sisters; drawing of an elderly African American woman talking to a young African American girl; Publisher: Harry von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. (New York)
The Pickaninnys Paradise / music by Nat. Osborne; words by Sam M. Ehrlich
Nat. Osborne, Sam M. Ehrlich, and Harry von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. (New York)
Key of G. Cover: a photo of the Courtney Sisters and a drawing of a African American people working on the Field; Publisher: Harry von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. (New York)
The Pickaninny's Paradise / music by Nat Osborn; words by Sam Ehrlich
Nat Osborn, Sam Ehrlich, and Harry von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. (New York)
Cover: photo of two males in blackface; drawing of an elderly African American woman talking to a young African American girl; Publisher: Harry von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. (New York)
That Alabama Jazbo Band / words by W. Benton Overstreet
W. Benton Overstreet and Will Rossiter (Chicago)
Cover: caricature of an African American band; photo inset of Sophie Tucker; Publisher: Will Rossiter (Chicago)
Mammy's Lullaby / words by Lee. S. Roberts
Lee. S. Roberts
Cover: drawing of an evening scene with a little house and a steamboat in background; text on cover reads close yoh dreamy eyes; Publisher: Forster Music Publisher (Chicago)
Mammy's Lullaby / music by Lee S. Roberts; words by Will Callahan
Lee S. Roberts, Will Callahan, and Forster Music Publisher (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of sunset over a river; description reads a dreamy southern waltz (see 431); Publisher: Forster Music Publisher (Chicago)
How'd You Like To Be My Daddy / music by Ted Snyder; words by Joe Young and Sam M. Lewis
Ted Snyder, Joe Young, Sam M. Lewis, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: photo of two women superimposed over a drawing of an exotic garden scene; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Ziegfeld Follies 1918 / music by Dave Stamper; words by Gene Buck
Dave Stamper, Gene Buck, and T. B. Harms and Co. (New York)
Cover: photo collage of twenty Ziegfeld girls; Publisher: T. B. Harms and Co. (New York)
Cotton Hollow Harmony / music by Richard A. Writing; words by Chas A. Mason
Richard A. Writing, Chas A. Mason, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (Detroit)
Cover: drawing of an African American couple gazing into each others eyes; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (Detroit)
Good-Bye Broadway, Hello France / music by Billy Baskette; words by Francis Reisner and Benny Davis
Billy Baskette, Francis Reisner, Benny Davis, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of an American soldier shaking hands with a French soldier across a symbolic representation of the United States and Europe during World War I; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
The Darktown Strutters' Ball / words by Shelton Brooks
Shelton Brooks and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: caricature drawing of African American couples dancing, photo inset of Ben Davis; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Over There / words by George M. Cohan
George M. Cohan and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Key of Bb. Cover: a drawing of four soldiers singing and one of them is playing Banjo; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Southern Gals / music by Albert Gumble; words by Jack Yellen
Albert Gumble, Jack Yellen, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (Detroit)
Cover: a drawing of a woman with Hat; photo inset of Florence Moore; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (Detroit)
A Little Bit O' Honey / music by Carrie Jacobs-Bond; words by W. G. Wilson
Carrie Jacobs-Bond, W. G. Wilson, and Carrie Jacobs-Bond and Son (Hollywood)
Cover: painting of an African American mother holding a child on her lap; Publisher: Carrie Jacobs-Bond and Son (Hollywood)
When the Last Rose of Summer Was In Bloom / words by Kendis and Brockman
Kendis and Brockman and Kendis Brockman Music Pub. Corp. (New York)
Cover: a drawing of a red rose with a womans face in the middle of it.; Publisher: Kendis Brockman Music Pub. Corp. (New York)
Mammy Blossom's Possum Party / music by Theodor Morse; words by Arthur Fields
Theodor Morse, Arthur Fields, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of African Americans playing music and dancing; photo inset of Eddie McGrath (see #73); Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Mammy Blossom's Possum Party / music by Theodor Morse; words by Arthur Fields
Theodor Morse, Arthur Fields, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of rural African Americans dancing to music made by a banjo player, an accordionist, and by wood blocks; photo inset of Jack Connors Jr. (see 417); Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)