Sheet Music, 1910-1919

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MUM00682, 0479
Key of C. Cover: a photo of a man in a black suit; Publisher: J. Fred Helf Company (New York)
Subject Headings (Library of Congress)
Songs -- United States -- 20th Century; Popular Music -- United States
Relational Format
music score
Original Format
Original Collection
Sheldon Harris Collection (MUM00682), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries
Finding Aid
First verse
Down in a great big rathskellar, where a swell colored fellow, by the name of Bill Jefferson Lord, Played piano while he'd sing a song; He just sung and played the whole night long; Till one night, a kinky haired lady, they called Chocolate Sadie, Heard him playing that Barber shop chord; When he finished Sadie drew a sigh; Ev'ry time that she would catch his eye, she'd cry.
Mister Jefferson Lord play that Barber shop chord; That soothing harmony; It makes an awful, awful, awful, hit with me; Play that strain, Just to please me again. Cause, mister, when you start that minor part, I feel your fingers slipping and a gripping at my heart Oh! Lord! play that Barber shop chord! Mister Jefferson Lord play that Barber shop chord; That soothing harmony; It makes an awful, awful, awful, hit with me; Play that strain, Just to please me again. Cause, mister, when you start that minor part, I feel your fingers slipping and a gripping at my heart Oh! Lord!
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