"Mammy's Lullaby / words by Lee. S. Roberts" by Lee. S. Roberts

Sheet Music, 1910-1919


Lee. S. Roberts


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MUM00682, 0430


Cover: drawing of an evening scene with a little house and a steamboat in background; text on cover reads close yoh dreamy eyes; Publisher: Forster Music Publisher (Chicago)

Subject Headings (Library of Congress)

Songs -- United States -- 20th Century; Popular Music -- United States

Relational Format

music score

Original Format


Original Collection

Sheldon Harris Collection (MUM00682), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries


Close yoh dreamy eyes an' lay yoh head on Mammy's breast, Stahs ah in de skies an birds ah sleepin' in de nest, Nighttime is heah, honey don't feah, Yoh on Mammy's ahm; Great big yallah moon a shinin' down upon de stream, Mammy's little coon will soon be floatin' in a dream, Slumbah awhile, mah honey chile, Yoh Mammy will keep yoh from hahm, Go to sleep, wiv yoh head on yoh Mammy's breast Cause Mammy knows her dusky rose is tiahed an' longin' fo' rest; Go to sleep while de shadders creep, Des dream away till break ob day, An doan yoh eben peep In dah sugah cane de owl's a hootin' to de moon, Down along de lane I heah de darkies softly croon, Now hush-a-bye, honey, don't cry, But des close yoh eyes; When de mawnin' come an' all de birds begin to cheep Mammy's sugah plum a goin' to waken from his sleep Des like a flow'h kissed by de show'h when rain drops come down from de sky Yoh Mammy's pickaninny, de finest an' de best, De pride of old Virginny So slumbah, my honey, an' rest Go to sleep, Go to sleep.

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Mammy's Lullaby / words by Lee. S. Roberts



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