Sheet Music, 1910-1919

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MUM00682, 0107
Cover: drawing of a peaceful log cabin scene at night; description reads waltz lullaby; Publisher: McKinley Music Co. (Chicago)
Subject Headings (Library of Congress)
Songs -- United States -- 20th Century; Popular Music -- United States
Relational Format
music score
Original Format
Original Collection
Sheldon Harris Collection (MUM00682), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries
Finding Aid
First verse
The moon is sailing low where souther'n breezes blow, It's twilight round the cabin door, When silv'ry stars appear, I hear my Mammy dear A-singing as in days of yore, And it seems again I'm on her knee And she's crooning this sweet melody.
Oh, rockabye, my honey, while close to Mammy's breat, The firlds of snowy white are gleaming thro' the night, (So close your eyes, my dusky little Pickaninny). Sweet magnolias swaying, The birds have gone to rest; Just drift and dream on slumber stream While Mammy sings the Pickaninny Blues. Oh, rockabye, my honey, while close to Mammy's breast, The fields of snowy white are gleaming thro' the night, (So close your eyes, my dusky little Pickaninny). Sweet magnolias swaying, The birds have gone to rest; Just drift and dream on slumber stream While Mammy sings the Pickaninny Blues.
Second verse
The night birds in the trees are singing melodies, But non like Mammy's lullaby; While on her loving breast he slowly sinks to rest, The angels watching from on high. They were guarding the babe on her knee Lulled to sleep by this sweet melody
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