Sheet Music, 1910-1919
I Ain't'en Got'en No Time to Have the Blues / music by Harry von Tilzer; words by Andrew B. Sterling

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MUM00682, 0207
Cover: drawing of an African American male on his knees, pleading to an African American female; photo inset of the Duncan Sisters; Publisher: Harry von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. (New York)
Subject Headings (Library of Congress)
Songs -- United States -- 20th Century; Popular Music -- United States
Relational Format
music score
Original Format
Original Collection
Sheldon Harris Collection (MUM00682), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries
Finding Aid
First verse
Ain't no use a sighing, Ain't no use a crying, Ain't no use a pleading you see because I'm through I'm through with you, And I'm on my way Ainnn't no use a moaning, Ain't no use a groaning, Ain't no use a gighting with me, Because I'm going away, Yes I'm leaving today, You hear me say, Not ime to lose I had to choose, here comes my man, So goodbye blues.
I ainten goten no time to have the blue-oo-oo-oos No how I'se goten another daddy now sweet Papa Oh Papa I'm in love I ainten goten no time for mournful new-oo-oo-oos, I never knew, never knew, What a certain kind of lugadove could do, oh daddy, When you throw your arms around me oh daddy, Ain't I awful glad you found me, When you start to love you sure know how I vow right now, I ainten goten no time to have the blue-oo-oo-oos today I'm just going' to live and love my life away, Sweet papa I'll say.
Second verse
Ain't no use a grieving, You know why I'm leaving, Couldn't live on one kiss day I want that love I'm dreaming of, My dreams comin' true Ain't no use a scolding, Ain't no use a holding, Ain't no chance a makin' me stay, My love is not for you, You're an icicle too, You make me blue, No time to sigh I had to cry, here comes my man, I'll say goodbye.
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