Sheet Music, 1910-1919

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MUM00682, 0389
Cover: man and woman on an outdoor bench; he is holding a tennis racquet, she is holding a net bag of tennis balls, she looks sad, he looks like he is trying to convince her; illustrated babies in a heart inset; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Subject Headings (Library of Congress)
Songs -- United States -- 20th Century; Popular Music -- United States
Relational Format
music score
Original Format
Original Collection
Sheldon Harris Collection (MUM00682), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries
Finding Aid
First verse
Once we were sweethearts, Not so long ago, Then I loved you so, But you didn't know; You couldn't learn to love me, You're not to blame, But I like you just the same;
If we can't be the same old sweethearts, Then we'll just be the same old friends, For I want someone like you, Just to tell my troubles to, My happiness on you it all depends; For I've known you too long to forget you, And my old dream of love never ends, Tho' I know you can't be mine, We will meet from time to time, And we'll just be the same old friends. If we friends.
Second verse
You said you love me, Not so long ago, But you didn't know, Sweethearts come and go; Some day you'll love another, And later on, You may want me, when he's gone;
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