"Mammy's Song / music by Harriet Ware; words by Laura Spencer Porter" by Harriet Ware, Laura Spencer Porter et al.

Sheet Music, 1910-1919


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MUM00682, 0231


Cover: drawing of an African American woman holding a Caucasian child on her lap; Publisher: John Church Company (Cincinnati)

Subject Headings (Library of Congress)

Songs -- United States -- 20th Century; Popular Music -- United States

Relational Format

music score

Original Format


Original Collection

Sheldon Harris Collection (MUM00682), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries


I had an old black Mammy who used to sing to me, All kinds of funny little songs and funny poetry; All about a heap o' things, but the song that I liked best Was the one she sang when I went to sleep With my head upon her breast. Twas Hi! said the Possum, des shake dat simmon tree Golly, said de Rabbit, you's a shakin' dem on me! Den dey picked wid der claws, And dey licked der paws, An' dey tuk a heap home to der Maws, A heap, oh a heap, honey, home to der Maws, Oh a heap, oh a heap, oh a heap, heap, heap, To der Maws. Then I would raise my head and beg, Oh sing it once again. And she would say Hush, honey chile! And rock and pat me. Then, Hi! said de Possum, des shake dat simmon tree, Golly! said de Rabbit, you's a shakin' dem on me! Den dey picked wid der claws, And dey licked der paws, An' dey tuk a heap home to der Maws, A heap, oh a heap, oh a heap, heap, heap, oh a heap. But I never heard the end, because I always fell asleep.

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Mammy's Song / music by Harriet Ware; words by Laura Spencer Porter



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