Some Things are Simply Given


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Start Date

17-12-2020 12:20 PM

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17-12-2020 12:40 PM


Panspermia has become a respectable alternative for explaining the emergence of life on Earth, but its implications reach farther than commonly thought. Here, with a skeptical look at mainstream Darwinism, I suggest that all of life may come from the eternal past. If this alternative is admitted, many issues can be resolved, including the gridlock between evolutionary science and creationism/Intelligent Design.

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Dec 17th, 12:20 PM Dec 17th, 12:40 PM

Some Things are Simply Given

Panspermia has become a respectable alternative for explaining the emergence of life on Earth, but its implications reach farther than commonly thought. Here, with a skeptical look at mainstream Darwinism, I suggest that all of life may come from the eternal past. If this alternative is admitted, many issues can be resolved, including the gridlock between evolutionary science and creationism/Intelligent Design.