Ole Miss National Spot 2017
University of Mississippi
National Spot for the University of Mississippi
The Ole Miss Family
University of Mississippi
Listen to some of our current students talk about how great it is to be a member of the Ole Miss Family. Also, check out https://admissions.olemiss.edu/ for more information about applying and scheduling a visit.
The University of Mississippi's 165th Commencement
University of Mississippi
Watch the 165th annual University of Mississippi Commencement exercises. Welcome: 27:14 Introduction of platform party: 35:34 Elsie Hood Outstanding Teacher recognition: 38:02 Presentation of Frist Award: 38:44 Presentation of Distinguished Research and Creative Achievement Award: 46:25 Presentation of Humanitarian Award: 52:13 Remarks by senior class president Guy Fortenberry Thornton: 57:47 Introduction of and remarks by Commencement speaker Walter Isaacson: 1:05:13 Conferral of degrees, charge to Class of 2018, and conclusion: 1:34:32
University of Mississippi Chinese & Flagship: A Student's Perspective
University of Mississippi
UM Chinese Flagship is one of 31 programs at universities around the U.S. with federal funding from the National Security Education Program to teach languages locally and abroad with the goal of bringing students to professional levels of cultural competence and linguistic proficiency in languages of critical importance to global business and national security. Since 2003, Flagship has bolstered the academic experience and professional preparedness of Ole Miss students. Students with majors as far-ranging as Accountancy, Psychology, and Chemical Engineering have benefitted from Flagship certification, landing competitive jobs in sectors ranging from technology to business, medicine, intel, etc. For more information about the UM Chinese Flagship program visit: https://chinese.olemiss.edu/
Value of Liberal Arts Education at the University of Mississippi
University of Mississippi
See three University of Mississippi alumni discuss the value of a Liberal Arts education as well as their experiences while attending the institution.
Warrior Week ROTC Student Spotlight (Air Force)
University of Mississippi
Check out our Warrior Week ROTC Student Spotlight. John P. Cronin C/LT COL, AFROTC #OleMissWarriorWeek ���� #HottyToddy
Warrior Week ROTC Student Spotlight (Army)
University of Mississippi
Check out our Warrior Week ROTC Student Spotlight. Michael Lanagan Army ROTC #OleMissWarriorWeek ���� #HottyToddy
Warrior Week ROTC Student Spotlight (Marines)
University of Mississippi
Check out our Warrior Week ROTC Student Spotlight. Easton Pittman Marines, ROTC #OleMissWarriorWeek ���� #HottyToddy
Warrior Week ROTC Student Spotlight (Navy)
University of Mississippi
Check out our Warrior Week ROTC Student Spotlight. Garrett Booth Navy, ROTC #OleMissWarriorWeek ���� #HottyToddy
Why Ole Miss?
University of Mississippi
Why Ole Miss? Hear firsthand from current Ole Miss students as to why they chose to attend the University of Mississippi. Also, check out https://admissions.olemiss.edu/ for more information about applying and scheduling a visit.
Flagship Constellations Initiative Event
University of Mississippi
On Friday, Nov. 17, 2017, the University of Mississippi unveiled the Flagship Constellations during an hour-long presentation held at the Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts. See how each constellation plans to bring together members of the UM community to inspire meaningful solutions to complicated issues.
Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College
University of Mississippi
Interested in the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College? See how they can prepare you for future success. Produced by Deer Run Media (www.deerrunmedia.com).-
The University of Mississippi's 164th Commencement
University of Mississippi
Watch the #OleMiss Commencement 2017 livestream. #HottyToddy
Commencement 2016
University of Mississippi
Relive the special moments of Ole Miss Commencement 2016.
The University of Mississippi's 163rd Commencement
University of Mississippi
Morning convocation from the Grove at Ole Miss featuring Tom Brokaw on Saturday, May 14, 2016.
Promotional videos made for the university's YouTube page.
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