Open Access, 1980-1997

U.S. House of Representatives Floor Coverage: Tributes Honoring Jamie L. Whitten for 50 Years of Service in the U.S. House of Representatives

Other Form of Name

Gephardt, Richard A. (Richard Andrew), 1941-



Creation Date


Document Type

Open Access Recording


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U.S. House of Representatives Floor Coverage of tributes to Jamie Whitten for fifty years of service: Richard B. Gephardt as Speaker Pro Temp; House Chaplain Rev. James David Ford offers prayer; Craig Thomas leads the pledge of allegiance; tributes by colleagues G.V. Sonny Montgomery, Mike Espy, Mike Parker, Gene Taylor, William H. Natcher; Marcy Kaptur; Tom Bevill; Nancy Pelosi; John T. Myers; Louis Stokes; William Lehman; Richard J. Durbin; Matthew F. McHugh; Bill Alexander; and Jack Brooks. Remarks by Whitten. More tributes by colleagues: David R. Obey; Sidney R. Yates; Ray Thornton; John D. Dingell; Nancy Johnson; Joseph D. Early; Leon E. Panetta; Neal Smith; Thomas J. Downey; Dan Glickman; Vic Fazio; Don Edwards; Bill Emerson; Neil Abercrombie; J.J. Pickle; Carroll Hubbard Jr.; and Eleanor Holmes Norton.

Subject Headings (Library of Congress)

Whitten, Jamie L.

Relational Format

video recording



Original Format


Original Collection

Jamie L. Whitten Collection (MUM00732), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries


This media file is for personal and research use only. This file may not be reproduced, re-posted, captured or saved except under fair use, as stipulated by U.S. Copyright Law : reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." For publication and professional uses, please contact the Archives and Special Collections at the University of Mississippi Libraries.


Rep. Whitten 50th Anniversary 11/5/91 - VHS spine label; Rep. Whitten 50th Anniversary 11/5/91 - VHS case label

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