
Working Papers in Linguistics

Publication Ethics Statement

Ethical Guide for the Members of Working Papers in Linguistics

    The selectors of Working Papers in Linguistics are responsible for the following:

  • Evaluating the submitted manuscripts in accordance with their areas of expertise or requesting external reviewers from the faculty of the Department of Modern Languages. At least two (but no more than four) reviewers will be assigned to each submitted manuscript. Book reviews will have one evaluator.

    The editors and reviewers of Working Papers in Linguistics are responsible for the following:

  • Verifying that the submitted manuscripts are unpublished original research from the authors and co-authors
  • Accepting materials in languages other than English when possessing the specific language skills needed
  • Informing the authors of submitted manuscripts and book reviews of the decisions of the evaluators (accept/revise and resubmit/reject) not later than 30 days after receipt of the submitted manuscript or book review
  • Editing for the style of the accepted manuscripts and book reviews
  • Maintaining the archives of submitted materials
  • Consulting faculty members as needed in the administration of the WPL
  • If formal training in the editing/reviewing processes is available or possible, editors should participate in the appropriate training courses concerning editing/proofing and administration of the WPL as needed


The Members of Working Papers in Linguistics must work in compliance with the established confidentiality and privacy policies of the University of Mississippi. In addition, members will consider that

  • (a) disclosure of the authors' personal information is not permitted, except as needed to maintain communication about the manuscript
  • (b) disclosing information contained in submitted manuscripts is not permitted and will be limited to those members of the Editorial Board who need access to the submitted manuscripts for performing their duties to and for the WPL

    General Considerations

    The members of Working Papers in Linguistics can opt to discontinue their service as an editor or reviewer at any time by informing the Editorial Board at least thirty (30) days in advance and completing all tasks as a reviewer to which they have committed to prior to the effective date of their resignation.

    When editors/reviewers of Working Papers in Linguistics are also members of the Editorial Board, they can resign their membership on the Editorial Board at any time by informing their colleagues of their decision at least thirty (30) days in advance and completing all tasks for the Editorial Board to which they have committed prior to the effective date of their resignation.