Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
M.S. in Engineering Science
First Advisor
Dr. Taiho Yeom
Second Advisor
Dr. Taiho Yeom
Third Advisor
Dr. Wen Wu
Relational Format
A transient numerical simulation was carried out using ANSYS Fluent, to investigate the convection heat transfer enhancement of the air channel flow using the synthetic jet. Keeping the dimensional parameters of the domain fixed, averaged channel flow velocity was varied up to 3m/s. The diaphragm displacement effect on synthetic jet was studied, ranging the peak-to-peak displacement value from 0.4 to 1.2mm with increment of 0.4mm. Three locations were studied to determine the best operating location of the synthetic jet. Also, frequencies were varied up to 200Hz with every 50Hz increment, from initial condition of 50Hz. It was found that the effect of the synthetic jet deteriorates as channel velocity is increased, as vortex structures get degenerated by strong channel flow. The heat transfer rate decreases, as the synthetic jet location is shifted from upstream position to the front end and center of the heated surface, moving further downstream. The maximum diaphragm displacement of 1.2 and maximum frequency increased the heat transfer rate by 97.43%. Finally, Q-criterion was analyzed to observe the interaction between the channel flow and synthetic jet, and their transport mechanism, along with the interaction with the heated surface. It was found that the impingement or sweeping effect of the vortical structures has significant effect on the convective heat transfer rate of the heated surface in the channel.
Recommended Citation
Pokharel, Pravesh, "CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER ENHANCEMENT OF A CHANNEL-FLOW USING SYNTHETIC JET" (2021). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2043.