"Post-Newtonian dynamics of eccentric, spinning binary black holes and " by Sashwat Tanay
Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Physics

First Advisor

Leo C. Stein

Second Advisor

Anuradha Gupta

Third Advisor

Luca Bombelli


University of Mississippi

Relational Format



In 2015, the gravitational wave (GW) era of astronomy began. The binary black hole (BBH) system being the primary source of GWs, are at the center stage of GW astronomy. The matched-filtering method of detection of GWs requires accurate modeling of the BBH system and the associated GWs. With the increasing sensitivity of the GW detectors, we need to push our GW models to even higher accuracy in the future. There is also a need to make these models as fast as possible to implement so as to allow for hundreds of detections in a year. This is where the need to model the BBHs and GWs analytically comes into the picture. In this dissertation, we document our series of efforts to construct analytical solutions to the BBH dynamics (spinning and non-spinning) and the associated GWs. Apart from constructing the analytical solutions, we implement our solutions in the form of publicly available Python and Mathematica packages for the GW community to use and improve upon.



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