Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. in Education

First Advisor

Kerry B. Melear

Second Advisor

Amy Wells Dolan

Third Advisor

Susan McClelland

Relational Format



The purpose of this dissertation in practice (DiP) is to explore the relationship, if any, between the Mississippi Teacher Corps Graduate School experience and the expressed reasons of some of its teachers to either leave their placement school; teach in another critical-needs school in Mississippi, but not remain long-term; teach in another state; or exit the profession of classroom teaching after completion of the program. This study will only focus on teachers who left their placement school, another critical-needs school in Mississippi, or classroom teaching after 5 years. These five years include the two years while participants were in the MTC program.This DiP has three manuscripts. The first manuscript is an overview of the DiP and a literature review, the second manuscript focuses on the DiP evaluation plan, and the third manuscript is the self-authored leadership statement. The methodology of this study includes an in-depth evaluation tool designed to specifically address the major focus of this DiP. Any final evaluation results will help provide MTC with the knowledge to adjust, modify, or expand its practices to help increase the long-term retention of its teachers in their placement school after completing the program.



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