Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Second Language Studies

First Advisor

Tamara Warhol

Second Advisor

Michael Raines

Third Advisor

Felice Coles


University of Mississippi

Relational Format



This study investigates English language assessment practices in Saudi Arabian universities from the perspectives of English language teachers. It explores how ESL teachers perceive the applicability of assessment frameworks provided by policymakers in higher education. Guided by concepts of Language Assessment Literacy, the study examines the roles and practices of various stakeholders in language assessment, the principles and concepts guiding these practices, and the awareness of the social contexts in which language assessment takes place. In Saudi Arabia, research on language assessment is needed due to the limited attention given to assessment and testing issues, and the minimal involvement of teachers in assessment development and decision-making.

This mixed-method study employs both qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected through interviews to explore participants' in-depth perceptions, while quantitative data were gathered via surveys to collect information on assessment from a larger population. The interviews included eight (8) English language teachers currently teaching at various universities in Saudi Arabia; whereas, 73 teachers participated in the survey. Thematic analysis was used to analyze interview data, and descriptive analysis was applied to survey results.

Findings reveal that ESL teachers in Saudi universities are generally dissatisfied with current assessment practices. Key concerns identified in interviews include limited teacher involvement in assessments, the rigid structure of the unified exam system, reliance on traditional assessment methods, and the neglect of students' individual needs. Survey findings indicate a preference among language teachers for assessment topics addressing language pedagogy issues over theoretical and local practice aspects of assessment.

Available for download on Saturday, November 22, 2025
