Electronic Theses and Dissertations
eGrove provides long-term access and preservation services for the intellectual and creative output of the university’s academic, research, and administrative communities, including graduate theses and dissertations. If you are unable to find an electronic version of the thesis or dissertation you are seeking, a physical copy might be available in the UM Libraries' collections. Please check the library catalog.
While presented for scholarly and research purposes, the works in this collection may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without permission of the authors.
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Undergraduate Theses from the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College are listed separately.
Graduate Students trying to upload their work to eGrove: As of September 10, 2024, graduate students need only submit their work to ProQuest. Theses and dissertations will be harvested into eGrove on a schedule.
Photo by Thomas Graning/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Down Friendship: A Journey Home, Chelsea Wright
Faulkner And "The Football", Jason Joseph Zerbe
Synthesis, Characterization And Application Of Pt Complexes With Pincer Ccc-Bis(Nhc) Ligands, Xiaofei Zhang
Gravitational Waves From Perturbed Kerr Black Holes: Two Investigations, Zhongyang Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Geographic and Host-Microbe Symbiotic Influence on Secondary Metabolism, Samuel Hamed Abbas
Characterizations Of Zero Divisor Graphs Determined By Equivalence Classes Of Zero Divisors, Amanda Catherine Acosta
Numerical Evaluation Of Different Retrofitting Techniques Of New Orleans Floodwalls And Implementation Of Advanced Constitutive Model In Flac3D, Sudarshan Adhikari
We Didn't Get Famous: the Story of the Southern Music Underground, 1978-1990, Camilla Ann Aikin
Performance analysis of diversity techniques in wireless communication systems: Cooperative systems with CCI and MIMO-OFDM systems, Mohammed Akhoirshida
Implementation of a Software Defined Spread Spectrum Communication System, Mir Ali
Room Temperature Ionic Liquid (Rtil) Membranes For Bio-Methane Dehumidification, Ryan Amos
Nonviolent Bodies and the Experience of Breakdown in the American Movement for Civil Rights, Danielle Andersen
An Examination of the Effects of the Sexual Double Standard on College Students' Condom Use, Cahryn Anderson
Close Encounters, Martin Anthony Arnold
Infrasound as upper atmospheric monitor, Jelle Daniel Assink
Gender and Sexuality in Blame Attributions for Intimate Partner Violence, Jennifer April Balliet
Rewriting the Question, What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? Career Counseling With 21st Century Emerging Adults, Susan Rene Barclay
The Potential for Screening for Interpersonal Violence in Community Pharmacies: an Exploratory Study, Marie Barnard
Given: F(A Great Love + a Missing Body), Emily Anne Barnes
Wild & Wonderful: a Collection of Stories, Thomas Bennitt
Identifying Dysfunction in Persistent Social Deviance: Perspective Taking as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Psychopathy and Social Aggression, Olga Vadymovna Berkout
A Longitudinal Analysis of Changes in Accounting Curriculum Requirements Since the Perry Commission Report, William Homer Black
Comparison of Exercise and Eating in Collegiate Athletes Vs. Non-Athletes Active in High School Sports, Laura Leighton Blair
One Time, One Place? Richard Wright and Eudora Welty's Shared Visual Politics in the Depression Era, Mallory Blasingame
Functional Studies of Novel Bioactives From Complex Host-Microbiomes as Drug Leads for Cancer, Infectious Disease, Depression and Pain, John Jason Bowling
Use of Georphysics to Map Subsurface Features at Levee Seepage Locaitons, Thomas Chapman Brackett
Disciplining The Body: Societal Controls Of Gender, Race And Sexuality, Michelle Renae Bright
Reckoning, Wendy Elaine Buffington
Investigating The Effects Of Obesity On Cardiovascular Reactivity And Recovery From Acute Physical And Psychological Stress, Ashley Elizabeth Burch
From Country to Country Club: the Landscapes of Walker Percy, Joyce Garrett Butterworth
Mixing it up: Multiple symbiont acquisition strategies as an adaptive mechanism in the coral Stylophora pistillata, Kristen A. Byler
Fighting Extremism: Strategies Used to Combat Extremism and Radicalization, Scott Michel Caldwell
An Analysis of Down Syndrome Children and the Importance of Their Cognitive and Communicative Development, Maria Elisa Campana
The Life Purpose Questionnaire: a Factor-Analytic Investigation, Stephanie Wood Campbell
Inspection of Earthen Embankment Dams Using Time Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Jared Stewart Case
Elemental And Isotopic Analysis Of Sediments From Oxbow Lakes In The Mississippi Delta, Pragya Chakravarty
Impacts on Balance When Walking in Occupational Footwear, Harish Chander
Plume Dispersion Modeling of Chlorine Gas Released Due to Ballistic Attack on Chlorine-Carrying Railway Tanker, Anna Claire Chapman
Admicellar Polymerization Of Calcium Carbonate And Its Performance In Drilling Fluids, Poh Lee Cheah
On the Nature of Weak Intermolecular Forces: a First Principles Approach to Hydrogen Bonding and Pi-Type Interactions, Kari Lorene Copeland
The Applicability of Video Self-Modeling for Adults With Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities, Lauren Elizabeth Cox
15Md158: Excavations and Lithic Analysis of a Late Archaic/Early Woodland Lithic Workshop Site in Meade County, Kentucky., Lee Michael Creswell
The Modern Ontological Argument: in Which the Position of Alvin Plantinga Is Refuted, Zachary Green Crownover
Temporal and Spatial Assessment of PAHs in Water, Sediment, and Oysters as a Result of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Meghan Christina Dailey
Using Geophysics To Evaluate Levee Stability, Laura Mcconnell Dalton
Discovery of small-molecule natural products that target cellular bioenergetics, Sandipan Datta
Between God and Man: Community's Place in Virtue, Practical Reason, and Transcendent Good, Jordan Herz Davis
Bindweed And Fire, Joshua Lee Davis
Tensor Products Of Vector Seminormed Spaces, John William Dever
The Public Secondary School And Teacher In American Films Of The 1990s, Arleen Belinda Dowd
Geospatial Assessment of Sustainable Built Infrastructure Assets and Flood Disaster Protection, Alper Durmus
Problems With Truth: Scope, Mixing, and Truth Pluralism, Christopher Dyer
Six Days of Twenty-Four Hours: the Scopes Trial, Antievolutionism, and the Last Crusade of William Jennings Bryan, Kari Lynn Edwards
Three Essays on Quote Stuffing, Dealer Liquidity and Stub Quoting, Jared Frank Egginton
On K-trees and Special Classes of K-trees, John Wheless Estes
Unequal Error Protection Raptor Codes, Hussein Fadhel
Experimental Investigation of Transonic Shock Oscillations on NACA 0018 at Incidence, Christopher Allen Farrell
Cliff's Notes, Kevin Fitchett
The Art of Going Beyond in Hossana, Ethiopia, Megan Elizabeth Flowers
The Effects of Adding Values to an Acceptance Intervention on Willingness to Engage in a Difficult Task, Maureen Kathleen Flynn
Synthesis and Evaluation of Naturally Occuring Halogenated Bipyrroles in a Relevant Marine Species, Fundulus Heteroclitus, Kimberly Sheree Foster
Experimental and numerical analysis of nano-enhanced polymer coated steel plates subjected to ballistic loading, Miles Coleman Fowler
Implementation of Multiple-Instance Learning in Drug Activity Prediction, Gang Fu
Developing Social Networks and Language Learning: Japanese ESL Students in a Study Abroad Context, Michiyo Fujimoto
Investor Behavior Surrounding Trading Halts: Short Sales, Predation and Contagion Effects, Mary Celeste Funck
Phytochemical studies on the medicinal plant Sutherlandia frutescens, Xiang Fu
Assessing the Timing of One-Sided Violence in Civil Conflict, Nicholas Christopher Galanos
The Legendre Transform of the Holst Action, Caixia Gao
Development of Novel Thermosensitive Polymers for Bioresponsive Drug Delivery, Vivek Kumar Garripelli
Functional Morphology of the Sphyrnid Shark Cephalofoil: an Assessment of the Hydrodynamic Lift Hypothesis Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Matthew K. Gaylord
Cultivating a Rainbow Median Through the Study of Sexuality in Second Language Acquisition: Identity Construction of Lesbian Women Native to the Southern Region of the United States, Elizabeth Walker Graves
Making a Difference: Measuring the Effectiveness of Mississippi Teacher Corps Teachers as Compared to Non-Mississippi Teacher Corps Teachers, James Benjamin Guest
The Adoption of Lean Operations and Lean Accounting on the Financial-Performance Measures of Publicly Traded Companies, Daniel C. Harris
The Use of Space at the Late Woodland Shady Grove Site (22-Qu-525), Stephen George Harris
Trust and Trustworthiness in the Executive Compensation Policy Required By the Dodd-Frank Act: an Experimental Study, Dana L. Hart
A Factor-Analytic Study of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, Second Edition (Lassi-2) in a Sample of University Students, Kwoneathia Hill
Preformulation Characterization And Formulation Development of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Prodrugs For Potential Treatment Of Glacuoma, Tushar Hingorani
Mississippi Breakdown: a New Look at the Mississippi Old Time Fiddle Music Traditions, Joseph Jamison Hollister
Distributed Space-Time Message Relaying for Uncoded/Coded Wireless Cooperative Communications, Peng Huo
Virtual Worlds and Conservational Channel Evolution and Pollutant Transport Systems (Concepts), Chenchutta Denaye Jackson
Masculinity In Comparative Black Literatures, Latoya Renee Jefferson
How Do STEM Minority Faculty Members Describe Their Experiences of Graduate Student and Faculty Socialization?, Ayana Milele Johnson
An Examination of the Relationship Between an Autism Label and Teachers' Attitudes, Expectations, and Behavioral Intentions, Corinn Nicole Johnson
Immersion Within Call, Jaime Ann Jones
Homogenization of Structured Metasurfaces and Uniaxial Wire Medium Metamaterials for Microwave Applications, Chandra Sekhar Reddy Kaipa
Chinese/Chinese American Students at the University of Mississippi From 1946 to 1975, Hsin-Yi Sandy Kao
Reconfigurable Wideband Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications, Ahmed Khidre
A Generic Qualitative Study of the Experiences of International Students Participating in the Cultural Connections Program at the University of Mississippi, Nadezda Nikolaevna Kholomeydik
Journey, Hosik Kim
The Effects of Response to Intervention on Third Graders' Reading Achievement, Marlon Demetrius King
Serializing the Middle Ages: Television and the (Re)Production of Pop Culture Medievalisms, Sara McClendon Knight
Determination Of Cutoff Frequencies Of Simple Waveguides Using Finite Difference Method, Sridhar Kolagani