Honors Theses
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Photo by Nathan Latil/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Application of Accounting Principles: A Case-By-Case Study, Austin L. Daher
An Investigation of Recreational Marijuana Laws and Traffic Fatalities, Todd Darby
The Impacts of Charter Schools on Traditional Public School Districts: Lessons for Mississippi, Evan Dean
Investigating the Response Criteria Shift Account for the Verbal Overshadowing Effect, Matthew C. Dean
Methods Utilizing the Phenomena of Light Scattering to Measure Microscopic Aluminum Oxide Particle Size in both Solution and Turbulent Air Flow, Lawrence Edward Deese
German Regional Identity and Soccer: Comparison of Soccer’s Impact on Cultural and Political Identities in Munich and Dortmund, Germany, Megan DeGrafft
Classically Biased: A Quantitative Analysis of Gender & Writing Styles in Classical Literature, Madeleine Rose Delcambre
Effects of Vertical Transmission of Maternal Antibodies to Mycoplasma Gallisepticum on Growth and Condition of Eastern Bluebird Nestlings (Sialia Sialis), McKenzie Xiang Denton
Increasing the Effectiveness of Impossible Spaces in Virtual Environments Using Moving Textures, Dylan Devenny
The Effects of Story Creation on Recall Performance, Amelia G. DeWitt
Cannabinoid Conundrum: A Study of Anti-Epileptic Efficacy and Drug Policy, Kennedy Dickson
The Effects of Acute Exercise Intensity on Episodic Memory and False Memory, Emma Kate Dilley
O-GlcNAcylation of HIF-1α Protein in Human Breast Cancer Cells, Joshua D. Dolsen
A Comprehensive Review of Accounting through Case Studies, Ellen Duncan
Indoor Localization Using a Smartphone: Approaches, Issues, and Challenges, Lee J. Easson
Diurnal Variation in CO2 Efflux by Pine Seedlings and Root-Associated Mycorrhizal Fungi, Richard Easterling
Investigation of Fouling Mechanisms on Ion Exchange Membranes During Electrolytic Separations, Matthew James Edwards
A Comprehensive Review of Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles, Nicholas Egorshin
Incorporating African American Vernacular English in Education: Fostering Linguistic Diversity Within Mississippi K-12 Classrooms, Alyssa Eilers
The Upright Go Wearable Posture Device: An Evaluation of Postural Health, Improvement of Posture, and Salivary Cortisol Fluctuations in College Students, Alexandra Lauren Elliott
It's Not Just "Skin Deep": Social Anxiety and Anxiety Sensitivity in Adults with Psychodermatological Disorders, Lauren E. Ellison
A Series of Case Studies: An Analysis of Key Accounting Issues, Jordan Haley Enlow
What We Could Do: Stories, Jacob D. Ferguson
Frames, Fallacies, and the Market for Lemons, Adam Field
Analysis of Financial Accounting Procedures and Reporting Topics, Janey Fielden
A Pro-Life Re-Alignment: Proposing a Shift in Focus Toward Demand-Side Anti-Abortion Advocacy, Dylan Fink
Authoritarian Regimes and Economic Development:Related Much?, Tia Denise Floyd
Are Adult ESL Programs in Northern Mississippi Meeting Student Needs?, Jessica Jill Flynn
Blocking Recombinations in DSCs Through MgO And PFTS Surface Treatments, Kayla Foell
Navigating the Grey Areas Within Financial Reporting: A Composition of Case Studies, Annabelle Fortune
Understanding the Causes of Female Labor-Force Participation Stagnation in the U.S., Sophia Fosdick
Preparation of a Perylenebisimide Acceptor with Serinol and Nonadecyl-Swallowtail Imides for Use in Molecular Rectification, Tarrah Frederick
Case Analyses of Accounting Concepts and Methodologies by William Freeman, William Freeman
Effects of Mycoplasma gallisepticum on experimentally infected Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis), Meredith A. Fry
Exploration of Financial Accounting: A Compilation of Individual Case Studies, Allison Gaerke
#WhyIDidntReport: Using Social Media as a Tool to Understand Why Sexual Assault Victims Do Not Report, Abby Garrett
Examining the impact of meaning and resilience on survivors' life satisfaction after Hurricane Harvey, Emily A. Gawlik
Watering the Desert: Azraq, Public Opinion, and Environmental Post-Materialism, Wesley Gerard
The Culture of Football in the United States: How Hegemonic Masculinity Affects and is Expressed in American Football, Hallie Gillam
Code-Switching Practices in the Foreign-Language Classroom: Instructor Nativeness and Students' Perceptions, Zachary Ty Gill
A Comprehensive Examination of University of Mississippi Early Entry Students’ Perceptions of Mental Illness, Brianna Gray
Discrete Optimization of a Styrene Production Process, Seth Gray
Survey of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters from Sequenced Myxobacteria and Analysis of Potential Metabolic Diversity, Katherine C. Gregory
A Compilation of Case Studies in Financial Accounting, Hagen Gurley
The Effect of Music and Movement Interventions on Elementary Students’ Classroom Transition Times and Engagement, Bryanna Susann Hall
The Application of Accounting Concepts Through Case Studies, Olivia Hamilton
Time Course Effects of Repetitive Social Defeat Stress on a Prefrontal Cortex-Dependent Cognitive Flexibility Task, Shaffer Hannah
The Role of the Age/Rage Signaling Pathway in Cardiac Fibroblast Migration, Mallory B. Harmon
An Analysis of the United States Accounting Codification Through Practical Case Studies, Samuel Harres
The Chevron Bunionectomy for Moderate to Severe Deformity: Effects of Varying Procedural Factors in Hallux Valgus Correction, Hunter Reed Harrison
[FEMALE]: A Collection of Profiles Featuring Influential, Inspiring, Modern American Women Who Have Made History, Tara Lyn Hawkins
Comparative Analysis of Pregnancy Accommodation Laws Among States, Margaret Hampton Hay
The Effect of Simulated Storm Passage on the Behavior of Whitespotted Bamboo Sharks, Chiloscyllium Plagiosum and Golden Shiners, Notemigonus Chrysoleucas, Jordan A. Healy
Zoning Policies in the United States: An Inquisition into the Inequities and Solutions, Caroline Heavey
The Water Changed Me as a Person: How Childhood Experiences With Water Affect Behavior and Attitudes Towards Water as an Adult, Victoria Heim
How Will I Afford It? Financial Aid and Its Impact on Higher Education: Evidence from the State of Mississippi, Daria Herasymova
Economic Advancement Across the European Playing Field, Zac Herring
A Synthesis and Analysis of Anhydrous Hydroxide Ion Conducting Polymer Electrolytes, Stanton Heydinger
Effects of Kanglaite, An Anticancer Herbal Medicine, on Breast Cancer Cell Metabolism, Sarah A. Hillhouse
Financial Reporting: The Application of Professional Development and Research, Hannah Hilton
Ethics in 21st Century Art Conservation: Confederate Monuments, Kate L. Hoffman
Active Shooters on Campus: University of Mississippi Employees’ Perceptions and Preparedness, Calli Faye Holland
Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act: A Case for Mississippi, Coulter Holland
Institutional Divides: How Democracy Affects Economic Complexity In The Transition Economies Of Eastern Europe And Central Asia, Mary Frances Holland
Silent Majorities: The Brief History of a Curious Term, 1920-1980, Jordan R. Holman
Descriptive Study of Reading Comprehension Skills in Individuals with Down Syndrome, Katherine Hubbard
A Compilation of Accounting Case Studies and Analyses, Madison Huey
Prowler: Stories, Conor Hultman
Foreign Direct Investment and Migration to the Persian Gulf, Paul Hunt
An Investigation of Possible Reservoirs of Lymphoproliferative Disease Virus of Turkeys in Mississippi, Walker Hyche
Equality in Education: Solutions Aimed at Closing the Achievement Gap in Mississippi Public Schools, Mallie E. Imbler
Nutritional Knowledge and Behaviors of Undergraduate Students, Victoria Inghram
Nutritional Content of Mississippi Child Care Centers Participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program: 1995 to 2019, Katelyn Marie Inserra
On a Generalization of Lucas Numbers, Skylyn Olyvia Irby
An Exploration of Accounting Issues Through a Series of Case Studies, Ashley Nicole Theresa Irons
Social Media and Collegiate Athletic Recruitment: Friends or Foes?, Brittney Nicole Jackson
El hip-hop cubano: An Agent of Social and Political Change in Cuba?, Margaree Jackson
The Effect of Familiarity on Joint Attention in Children with ASD, Rachel Jenkins
Exploring the Financial and Accounting Reporting Standards and Principles under U.S. GAAP, Harrison B. P. Jensen
State and Regional Comparisons of Breastfeeding Policies and Rates: A National Study, Erin Johnson
Healthcare Practices Related to Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Muriel Mikayla Johnson
Analysis of Financial Accounting Theory and Methodologies, Sienna Johnson
Auditory Verbal Hallucinations in Schizophrenia, Katherine Joiner
What Happened to Venezuela?, Harris Jones
Determination of Shrinkage of Fine-Grained Soils using 3D Scanning Technology, Hemant R. Joshi
Generational Marketing: an IMC Approach to Increase Non-Profit Awareness and Giving in North Mississippi Status:, Anna Kate Joyce
Analysis and Optimization of a Triple Notch Ultra-Wideband Antenna, Caleb D. Keathley
Protein Templated Silver Nanoclusters, Greyson Keel
Lifestyles of the Instagram Famous: What Fashion Micro-Influencers Want from Brands and how Brands Should Partner with Them., Reed Ashton Kevin
Analysis of Atlantic and Northern Gulf Coast Wetland Bacterial Extracellular Enzyme Activity, Noah Kippenbrock
Archaeological Investigations at Rowan Oak: Searching for Evidence of Antebellum Slavery, Arianna Faith Kitchens
Deducing the Reproductive, Behavioral, and Learning Effects of Developmental Cannabinoid Exposure in Zebrafish, Marisa L. Kutchma
Analysis of crush resistance and Mississippi-sourced sands to determine potential as proppant sands, Ryann C. Lam
A Comprehensive Analysis of Cases in Financial Accounting, Anna Lapayeva
The Effects of Social Influence on Time Perception, Phoebe Lavin
Survey of Accounting Principals in Generally Accepted Accounting Principals and Financial Statement Analysis, Hunter Lawrence
Resting State fMRI Study of the Olfactory Region in Autism, Madlyn Lawrence
Bacteria in Salt Pans Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Lauren A. Lawson