Honors Theses
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Photo by Nathan Latil/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Attitudes towards Plastic Surgery in College Men and Women, Margaret Rose Hovan
Classifying #MeToo Hash-tagged Tweets by Semantics to Understand the Extent of Sexual Harassment, Claire Hubacek
Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool: The Influence of the Student Union Dining Atmosphere and Service on Students' Attitudes and Actions, Grayson Beau Huber
The Milk Carton Age, Dalton Huerkamp
The Impact of Expectations on Student Perceptions, Taylor A. Huey
A Study of the Product Development Process for the Stackable Shelf, Stool, and Table, Harleigh Elizabeth Huggins
Breastfeeding Support Programs: Systematic Review of Socioeconomic Literature, Chinelo Ibekwe
Tales as Old as Time: The Origins of Selected Fairy Tales and Their Legacies in Popular Culture, Ann Louise Jackson
The Role Of Automatic Mood On Risk Appetite, Makail Johannesson
Automating the Calculation of Hilbert-Kunz Multiplicities and F-Signatures, Gabriel Johnson
Application of Accounting Principles in a Collection of Case Studies, Tamara Kalmykova
Analysis of EEG Coherence During Active Suppression in Patients with Tourette's Syndrome, William Kalusche
Raman Spectroscopic and Computational Study of Hydrogen Bond Interactions between Guanidine Hydrochloride, Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), Urea, and Water, Andrew Kamischke
Case Studies of Financial Accounting Theories and Techniques, Walter D. Kearney III
The Fundamentals of Accounting: A Series of Case Reports, Thomas W. Kemp
An Introduction to Case Reports: The Fundamentals of Accounting, William C. Kemp
Gender Bias and Sex Trafficking in China, Avery Kennedy
Vengeance, Violence, and Vigilantism: An Exploration of the 1891 Lynching of Eleven Italian-Americans in New Orleans, Caitlin Kennedy
Design and Production of a UM Photo Album, Daniel Kennedy and David Johnson
Lost Cause Textbooks: Civil War Education in the South from the 1890s to the 1920s, Earl King
Policy Responses to Migration Flows Through the Mediterranean Sea: An Analysis of European Union and Italian Policies, Megan M. Krynen
Scheduling Problems, Aamir Kudai
Pilgrimage in the Modern World: Collected Stories, Catherine Page Lagarde
Millennial Effects on Tourism and Branding in Rural Destinations, Tousley Anne Leake
Characterizing the Effects of stm and ath1 Mutations on Floral Organ Development in Arabidopsis thaliana, James Luke Leary
Energetics and Vibrational Signatures of Nucleobase Argyrophilic Interactions, Suhwan Paul Lee
The Frequency Attenuations of Foam Ear Plugs Affected by User Error of College Students, Alyse J. Lemoine
A Case by Case Study on Accounting Principles, Cody Letchworth
Walking Gait Measurement and Gait Parameters Extraction, Chenye Li
Roman Character: Moral Foundations Theory and the Success of Rome, Weston Liefer
Unraveling the Veil: An Evaluation of American Immigration Policy in the 20th Century using John Rawls's Ethical Theory, Elizabeth J. Linginfelter
Development of a scn1a Null Zebrafish Model for Screening Potential Anti-Epileptic Natural Products, Patricia Ann Lipson
A Quantitative Evaluation of the HTC Vive for Virtual Reality Research, Ethan Luckett
The Study of Key Accounting Principles on a Case-by-Case Basis, Jennifer Clara Lyons
Social Media Use and Negative Partisanship Among College Students, Savannah Maas
A Case Study in the Principles and Practice of Accounting, Ryan Maddigan
Characterizing the Effects of Mutations in STM and ATH1 on Floral Organ Development in Arabidopsis thaliana, Hayden Malone
An Analysis of Managerial Accounting and Corporate Reporting Practices, Matthew McInnis
The County-Level Impact of Telemedicine: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis of the University of Mississippi Medical Center's Telemedicine Initiatives, Megan Elise McLeod
Cardiolipin Profiling in Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells, Meghan Houston McNeely
Water, Women, and Migration: Examining the Interconnections Between Water Scarcity, Environmental Migration, and Women in Bolivia, Sarah T. Meeks
Financial Reporting: A Case Study Analysis, Darby Mills
Development of a Gel Assay for Analysis of Bovine Milk Casein, Masa Miscevic
Nonlinear Computational Analysis of Postural Stability and its Relationship to Estrogen Deficiency in Postmenopausal Women, Zachary Mitchell
Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Activity and Expression in the Aged Mouse Hippocampus, James Mitchum
Analysis of Accounting Practices Worldwide, Robert Mounger
Education in Mississippi: Did Integration Elicit Equality?, Baylee Mozjesik
Active Shooters on Campus: Student Perceptions and Institutional Recommendations at the University of Mississippi, Victoria Mulvey
Understanding the Basic Principles of Accounting: A Case-by-Case Application, Katherine Collins Murphy
Brutus, Cassius, Judas, And Cremutius Cordus: How Shifting Precedents Allowed The Lex Maiestatis to Group Writers with Traitors, Hunter R. Myers
Soybeans to Chemicals: A Case Study for Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Education, Kaitlyn Myers
Abortion: Drawing a Line of Moral Permissibility in Fetal Development, Madison Elizabeth Nash
The Cinematic South: A Look into the South According to Quentin Tarantino, Justin Tyler Necaise
Keeping Gideon's Promise: An Evaluation of Indigent Defense in the State of Mississippi, Andie Beth Netherland
The Effect of Participation in Party Politics on Terrorist Organizations: A Case Study of Hamas and Hezbollah, David Newman
Housing Policy Alternatives for the Lafayette-Oxford, Mississippi Community, Alice C. Norman
Cell-free telomere DNA as a biomarker for treatment response and tumor burden in Glioblastoma, John P. North
A Comparison of Small and Large European Cities for Tourism: Implications for Strategic Marketing Communications, Sarah Noser
Examination of Dental Distress and Anxiety-Related Vulnerability Factors, Sydney Olson
A Compilation of Accounting Case Studies, Elizabeth Forbes Owen
Integrated Solution For Financial Analysis Case Studies, Nicole Park
Population Genetics of the Eastern Subterranean Termite, Reticulitermes flavipes, in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, Lee Ann Passarella
Preparing a Trumpet Recital, William Matthew Pate
A Collection of Accounting Case Studies Analyzing Financial Reporting, Jessica Lee Pearson
A Case Study on the Design and Optimization of an Ethylbenzene Production Plant, William Grafton Peaster
Financial Reporting: The Application of Professional Development and Research, Jordan Pendergraft
Computational Investigation on Electronic Structures and Properties of 4,6-Bis(Nitroimino)-1,3,5-Triazinan-2-One: An Insensitive Munitions Compound, Katarina M. Pittman
Plant Power: The Impact of Plants in the Classroom on Student Success and Well-Being, Elizabeth Pitts
A Basic Understanding of Accounting Principles: a Case-by-Case Study, Rachel Lee Prestwood
A Prediction of Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. V. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, Hilary Price
A Quantitative and Analytical Study of Accounting Principles, Logan Racine
A Comprehensive Review of Accounting through Case Studies, E. Dean Ramsey
Exploring Announcement Dynamics in Select Republican Primary Elections, Mitchell Redd
Investigation of Vibrational Signatures Of Nitrobenzenes Enhanced By Argyrophilic Interactions, Hailey Reed
Heterobifunctional Linear Dendritic Block Co-Polymers (LDBCS) as Multifunctional Carriers for Targeted Drug Delivery, William Rieger
Elder Care in Chile and the US: Two Models of Culture Change, Sarah Jane Robinson
Home Network Protector - IoT Device, Rodrick Rogers and Kranthi Kadaru
The Effects of Mutations in the ATH1 and STM Genes on Sepal, Petal, and Stamen Abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana Plants, Hunter L. Roth
The Role of Cannabinoids and Terpenes in Cannabis Mediated Analgesia in Rats, Margaret A. Rousseau
Regulating Sex Work: United States' Policy and International Comparisons, Kathryn Rowe
A Journey of Knowledge Through Various Case Studies, Rachel S. Rutledge
Sentiment of the Union: Analyzing Tone in Presidential State of the Union Addresses, Chase Rydeen
Neurotoxicity of Asimina Triloba, Myriam Sanders
The Dodd-Frank Act and its Impact on Community Bank Mortgage Lending, Margaret Schorgl
The Impact of Various Instructional Strategies on Student Engagement with Mathematics, Sidney Scott
¡El Nuevo Chile Papi!: An Examination of the Influence of Public Opinion on the Development of Chilean Immigration Policies, Nicholas Senften
Product Realization Capstone: Safety Steps for the Willie Price Lab School, Christopher L. Sevigney
A Compilation of Analyses of Financial Reporting, Kellie A. Shannon
The Impact of Mass and Active Shooting Incidents on Residential Real Estate Values, Claire Sherman
Voices, Anna Kennedy Shock
Risk Perceptions for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Among College Students, Seth Simmons
Out of the margins: Mississippi English language learner curriculum practices and their implications, Alexis Smith
Studies of Carbonaceous Materials Using Raman Spectroscopy, Cameron L. Smith
Personal Space: Explorations of Environment, Surroundings, and Sense of Place, Maggie Smith
Brain Drain in Mississippi: Why Some of the State's Best and Brightest are Leaving, Savannah G. Smith
Alternative Accounting Thesis: Special Topics, Kenneth Starling
Ici on noie les algériens: France's Repression of the 1961 Algerian Massacre, Brianna Starnes
The Holy Trinity: Religion, Identity, and International Law in Egypt, Henry Owen Stonnington