Teaching and Learning Guides
The ThinkForward Teaching & Learning Guides include a sample of assignments and activities developed by faculty and graduate students who received Faculty Approaches to Critical Thinking (FACT) and Critical Thinking Redesign (CTR) grants. The goal of the guide is to serve as a starting point for faculty who might wish to help students develop their critical thinking skills after the conclusion of the QEP. They are collected by discipline.
BISC 102 Vaccine Activity, Joshua Schmerge
BISC 103 Antibiotic Resistance Lab, Lydia Lytal
BISC 104 Critical Thinking Activities, Evelyn Jackson, Tiffany Bensen, and Carla Carr
ChE 251 Lego and Digital Cards Activities, Brenda Prager
CLC 325 Reacting to the Past, Jacqueline DiBiaisie-Sammons
EDHE 105 Chronicle of an Ole Miss Freshman During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Wendy Pfrenger
ENG 224 Unit Project Questions, Cristin Ellis
English 200-level Critical Thinking Handbook, Kate Lechler
English: QEP Sample Interventions, Andrew Pfrenger
HST 121 Long Data Assignment, Joshua First
HST 131 Primary Source Analysis Activity, Mikaela Adams
LIBA 102 Think Pieces, Colleen Thorndike
LIN 200 Brainteaser Activity, Ala Simonchyk
LIN 303 Phonology Activity, Ala Simonchyk
NHM 215 Restaurant Case Study, Katerina Berezina and Tanya Ruetzler
NHM 376 Hotel Distribution Channel Assignment, Katerina Berezina and Olena Ciftci
PHCY 432 Literature Evaluation and Research Design Assignment, Joseph Dikun
PHCY 561 Health Promotion Activity, Kim Adcock and Sally Earl
PHYS 108 Introduction to Electric Current Lab, Bin Xiao and Thomas Jamerson
PHYS 223 Graphical Analysis Lab, Jennifer Meyer and Ray Siedlecki
SPCH 102 Persuasive Speech Assignment, Carrie McCormick
SW 321 Critical Thinking Exercises, Tess Lefmann
SW 340 Discussion Prompts, Saijun Zhang
THEA 268 Critical Thinking Assessments, Rory Ledbetter
WRIT 101 Social Media Influencer Critical Analysis Activity, Marc Watkins
WRIT 310 Research Report Assignment, Karla Lyles