Undergraduate Honors Theses in Applied Sciences
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Receptive and expressive prosodic abilities in adults with Down syndrome, Logan A. Kingry
The Effects of Acute Exercise and Psychological Stress on Episodic Memory, Lauren Koehler
The Effects of Written Stuttering Disclosure on Young Adult's Perceptions of Children Who Stutter, Ashlee Manahan
Differential Effects of Verbal and Written Disclosure on Perceptions of a Child Who Stutters, Peyton McKnight
Perceptions of School Nutrition Standard Rollbacks by Child Nutrition Program Directors in Mississippi, Payton Meadows
Wernicke’s Area in Autism: rsfMRI study, Sydney Osbarn
Blood Glucose Levels of Esports Athletes During High Intensity Gaming, Gunner Rhoden
Veridical and False Memory Performance as a Function of the Timing of High-Intensity Acute Exercise, Claire Sanderson
The Raphe-Hippocampal Tract and its Age Differences: Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Probabilistic Tractography Study, Ashley Sekul
Measuring the Accessibility of Mississippi High Schools' School Wellness Policy Documents, Samikshya Thapa
The Auditory Radiation in Traumatic Brain Damage: Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study, Jane Walsh
Dialect Variation Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology, Maliah Wilkinson
Assessment of Orofacial Myofunctional Profiles of Undergraduate Students in the United States, Rachel Yockey
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Contralateral Repeated Bout Effect of the Elbow Flexors Not Observed In Young Women, Bailey Brown
Influence of Multidisciplinary Educational Experiences on Engineering and Nutrition Student Perceptions on Collaboration and Soft Skill Development, Caroline Kay Crosby
The Effects of Acute Exercise Intensity on Episodic Memory and False Memory, Emma Kate Dilley
Time Course Effects of Repetitive Social Defeat Stress on a Prefrontal Cortex-Dependent Cognitive Flexibility Task, Shaffer Hannah
Descriptive Study of Reading Comprehension Skills in Individuals with Down Syndrome, Katherine Hubbard
Nutritional Knowledge and Behaviors of Undergraduate Students, Victoria Inghram
Nutritional Content of Mississippi Child Care Centers Participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program: 1995 to 2019, Katelyn Marie Inserra
The Effect of Familiarity on Joint Attention in Children with ASD, Rachel Jenkins
Auditory Verbal Hallucinations in Schizophrenia, Katherine Joiner
Resting State fMRI Study of the Olfactory Region in Autism, Madlyn Lawrence
Feedback-Related Neuronal Processing During Motor Learning, Rosemary Marguerite Marquez
Staff Perceptions of Healthy Eating Opportunities and Choices on a Southern University Campus, Rebecca Gwendolyn Miller
Evaluation of School Wellness Policies Implementation as Measured by the Organizational Readiness to Change Theory, Elizabeth B. Quirk
Auditory Radiation and Cognitive Decline: Probabilistic Tractography Study, Adryanna Tucker
Parents’ Perspectives on Early Intervention for Children with Speech and Language Delays, Alissa Ann Williams
Interactions Between Contextual and Phonetic Information in Children’s and Adults’ Perception of Non-Native Speech, Alexis P. Zosel
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Effects of Footwear on Stride Length in Adolescent Baseball Pitchers, Alexandra Adderholt
The Relationship of Factors Contributing to Burnout and Grit Among Division I Collegiate Athletes, McKenzie Cavanaugh Cavanaugh
Investigating University Students' Cultural Competency in Relation to Time Spent Abroad, Elizabeth Baylee Edwards
Speech Language Pathologists and Prosody: Knowledge and Clinical Practices, Sarah Elizabeth Fischer
The Effects of Prosthetic Tactile Feedback on Persons Who Stutter, Meliah Kayla Grant
Measuring the Effects of Prosthetic Tactile Pacing on Overt Stuttering Frequency in Adults Who Stutter, Sydney Elizabeth Gully
The Effects of Acute Exercise and Learning Strategy Implementation on Episodic Memory Performance, Faith A. Harris
The Frequency Attenuations of Foam Ear Plugs Affected by User Error of College Students, Alyse J. Lemoine
A Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists' Use and Understanding of Evidence-Based Practice, Emma Kate Thome
The Effects of Hearing Loss on Literacy Skills in Down Syndrome: Assessing Parents' Knowledge, Annalise Claire Valle
Effects of Point of Purchase Marketing on Selection of Vegetables in a University Greek House Foodservice, Shelton Wittenberg
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Prevalence of Food Insecurity within the University of Mississippi Community and Knowledge of and Opinions About the University of Mississippi Food Bank, Megan Marie Eubanks
Action Understanding via Mirror Neuron Systems: A Proposed Model for the Science and Treatment of Stuttering, Madison Jones
Evaluation of a Farmers' Market Intervention on Food Insecurity, Health, and Diet of Individuals Living in Rural, Appalachian Mississippi, Heather A. Poole
Pituitary Gland Functional Connectivity and BMI, E. Paige Rucker
A Qualitative Process Evaluation of a Meal Service Program, Grace Marie Sullivan
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
A Comparison of Cleated Footwear Conditions and the Effects on Ground Reaction Forces During the Phases of a Side-Cut Task, Zachary Bridges
Autism Spectrum Disorder: How Does Transitional Planning from Preschool to Elementary School Benefit Educational and Social Success?, Shakeika K. Everett
A Comparison of American Football Cleats and Soccer Cleats on Measures of Force in a Countermovement Vertical Jump, Jessica Hiskey
The Olfactory System in Schizophrenia: an rsfMRI Study of the Piriform Cortex, Sara Kiparizoska
A Comparison of Warm-Up Modalities on Upper Body Force Production Measures, Mary G. Langford
The Effects of Eating Disorders and Menstrual Irregularity on Bone Mineral Density in Sorority Women: A Cross-Sectional Study, Rachel Robertson
Newborn Diagnostics: Effects of Hearing Screening Failures, Appointment Attendance and Distance on Age of Hearing Loss Diagnosis, Stephanie Trippel
Attitudes and Practices Among College Students Relative to Personal Listening Device Usage and Hearing Conservation, Molly Grace Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Knowledge and Perceptions of Vegetarian Diets Among College-Aged Students, Haley Marie Berich
A Comparison of the Deaf Community and Hard-Of-Hearing Individuals on their Knowledge and Opinions of Cochlear Implants, Marian R. Bryant
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Exercise Effects on Attention and Working Memory in Alzheimer's Disease, Alexandria Drakos
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Graduate Students' Preparedness to Work with Individuals Who Are Bilingual, Elizabeth M. Harbaugh
The Acute Effect of a Mandibular Repositioning Appliance on Force Production During an Isometric Clean Pull in Recreationally Trained Males, Daniel L. Hartman
The Effects of Mouth Guards and Clenching on Strength and Power Measures of a Countermovement Vertical Jump: A Pilot Study, Hannah M. Hudson
Investigating the effects of alternative footwear on balance, David S. May
Standardized Articulation Test Performance of African American Preschoolers in Mississippi, Emily Ortega
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The Acute Influence of Occupational Footwear on Balance, Caroline Borland
The Effects of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage on Aerobic Capacity Tested Through Repeated VO2max Tests, Luke Burnett
Influence of Whole-Body Vibration on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, Cecilia Drennen
Essential Roots: Planting Seeds for a Bright Future; a Pilot Implementation of Transitional Service that Promotes Nutritional Health and Business Skills for Students with IDD, Jennybeth S. Hendrick
Role of speech-language pathologists in aphasia therapy and rehabilitation as reported by practicing speech-language pathologists, Meredith Wooley
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Roles of Speech-Language Pathologists in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Katy Lane Greenlee
The Effect of Whole Body Low Frequency Vibration on Absolute and Relative Peak-Z Forces in Vertical Jump Performance, Morgan Shields Hilton
The Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Rate of Force Development and Vertical Jump Performence In College Aged Females, Marco Antonio Italia
Perceptions of Mississippi as a Tourist Destination, Kathleen Diane Kaiser
Elementary School Teachers' Perspectives and Practices Toward Foods Allowed in the Classroom, Jennifer Leigh Varner
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Effect of Extended Durations of Walking in Different Footwear on Measures of Muscle Activity, Kacie Brooke Childers
The Effect Of Extended Durations Of Walking In Different Footwear On Measures Of Balance, Rebecca Lane MacNeill
Food Preparation Habits among College Students: An Exploration and Culinary Intervention, Mary Lindsey Simpkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
A Study of Attendee's Motivations: Oxford Film Festival, Taylor Elizabeth Thomas
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The Relationship Between Young Women's Self-Perceived Body-Esteems and Calculated Body Compositions, Alyssa Kay Ashmore
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption of Elementary Students in Serve Only Service and Offer Versus Serve Service, Margaret Louise Harbison
Greater Frequency of Sorority Meal Consumption Results in Higher Food Group Intake and Lower Body Mass Indices in Sorority Members, Blair Stevens Harris
A Comparison of Training Modalities on Vertical Jump Performance in Recreationally Trained College Males, Katie Alexis Jackson
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Pediatric Brain Tumors & Subsequent Communication and Swallowing Disorders., Emily Kathryn Chambers
Total Communication or the Picture Exchange Communication System? Increasing the Vocabulary Growth of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Ruth Ann Cooper
Assessment of Eating Disorder Knowledge Among College Students & the Effectiveness of a Primary Prevention Program, Patricia Eileen Edwards
Military and Civilian Speech-Language Pathologists' Attitudes towards Evidence-Based Practice: A Pilot Study, Lauren Nicole Furr
Whole Body Vibration Effects on Activation of Lower Extremity Muscles in Recreationally Trained Females, Margaret Jean Lancaster
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
The Effects of a Pre-Operative Education Program on Anxiety and Cortisol Levels Prior to and Following Surgery, Lou Ann Balducci
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The Effects of Physiological Arousal on Measures of Upper Extremity Position Sense in Healthy Young Adults, Melissa Angelique Parker
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: A Comprehensive Understanding, Needs Assessment, and Development of Intervention, Jacquelyn Jean Lee