Undergraduate Honors Theses in Applied Sciences
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Exploring Social Workers Potential Role in Mitigating Maternal Mortality through Coordinated Care, Jena Brown-Talib
How Witnessing Domestic Violence Affects the Future of Children: An Exploratory Study, Victoria Cleckler
Treating Stuttering at the Cellular Level: The Effects of Benfotiamine Supplementation on Overt Stuttering Frequencies, Organic Acid Testing Parameters, and Overall Quality of Life in Adults who Stutter., Alice Cofield Collins
Proposals to Address Health Disparities in Occupational Therapy, Madison Michelle Cotten
Comparing reproducibility between cross-sectional and longitudinal artery size measurements, Brianna Cupp
The Impact of School-Based Education Program on Body Image in Middle School Students, Elizabeth Hendon
The Effects of Vigorous-Intensity Acute Exercise on Hippocampal- and Prefrontal Cortex-Dependent Memory, Lauren Hord
MoCA normative data on young adults using an adapted version and remote administration via Zoom, Elizabeth Johns
Dental Modification among the Classic Maya of Chac Balam and San Juan, Ambergris Caye, Belize, Katherine Kelly
Childhood Food Insecurity as it relates to Adult Intuitive Eating Patterns, Lily Langley
The Effects of Acute Exercise on Long-Term Memory: Individual Differences in Baseline Memory Performance, Margaret Reese Mann and Paul D. Loprinzi
Examining the Nexus of Food Insecurity and Oral Health, Abigayle Talbot
Functional Connectivity of the Hippocampus in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Noah Watts
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Functional and Location Context Effects on Reading Sentences in Healthy Young Adults: Evidence from Eye Tracking Methods, Elizabeth Baird
Determining the Effect of Cuff Deflation on Post-Exercise Arterial Occlusion Pressure, John Benton
Telepractice-Based Language Intervention Training for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sarah Bryan
Black Male Educator Shortage in the Mississippi Public School System: Impact, Challenges, and Intervention Strategies, Jilkiah Bryant
Directed Forgetting, Anna Case
The Effects of Acute Exercise on Memory: Considerations of the Testing Effect, Philip Christian
The Measurement and Treatment of Overt Stuttering in Handwriting, Preston Dubberly
Impact of Nutritional Knowledge on Student Purchase Intention of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, Mary Claire Ford
The Effects of Acute Exercise Intensity on Memory: State-Dependent Learning, Lauren E. Fuglaar, Rylie S. Mangold, and Sierra N. Petty
Mental Health Among D1 Female College Athletes: Prevalance and Links to Athletic and Academic Performance, Mary Goebel
The Role of the PCC and ACC in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Functional Connectivity Study, Claudia Gonzalez
The Existence of Stuttering-Like Disfluencies in American Sign Language, Katherine King
The Auditory Radiations and Migraines: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study, Eva Kiparizoska
An Examination of the Research Addressing Evidence-Based Communication Approaches for Students With Autism, Sydni Kaye McAtee
The Role of Community Outreach Programs in Partnership with the University of Mississippi in Combating Food Insecurity in the Oxford/Lafayette Area, Gabrielle Miller
The Effects of Calmer on the Quality of Life in Adults with Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder, Madilyn Morris
The Evolving Role of Women in the Sinaloa Cartel: An Analysis of the Relationship between Drug Trafficking Organizations, Female Agency, and Economic Mobility, Catherine Page and Kennady Leigh Hertz
Comparing Calculated and Perceived Energy Needs in Collegiate Student-Athletes, Lyndsey T. Reed
A Qualitative Study of Food Behaviors in University of Mississippi Students as They Relate to Nutrition Security, Bethany Selby
A Study of First-Generation College Students at the University of Mississippi, Brady Suttles
Botulinum Toxin for Abductor Type Spasmodic Dysphonia: A Systematic Review, Keyona Sutton
Calculating Risk: A Scoping Review of NCAA D1 Football Players’ Motivations to Play and the Correlation to Demographic Characteristics and Injury Experiences, Kathleen D. Walsh
The Impact of Cursive Writing Requirement on Reading: A Survey of Young Adults, Alexa Williams
Verb Tense Production Differences across Various Discourse Tasks in People with Fluent and Nonfluent Aphasia, Madeline Ann Zurbrugg
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Effects of Acute Exercise Intensity on Behavioral Pattern Separation, Sarah Amitin
Effects of Parent Intervention via Tele-Practice on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Rural Mississippi, Erin Bowens
Grit and Food Security Among Female Caregivers in a Rural, Appalachian Mississippi County, Mary Frances Buzhardt
Resilience Training & Parental Support for Children Who Stutter - A Systematic Review, Rachel Elizabeth Davis
Speech-Language Pathologists' Skills and Knowledge In Dysphagia Management In Long-Term Care Facilities, Madelyn Griffin
Impact of Food Insecurity on Coping Strategies: A Comparison of Family and College Perception, Nora Evelyn Halama
Patients’ Perspective of Patient-Centered Approach vs. Biomedical Approach, Lakynn Hillhouse
College Students Fail to Identify Nutrition Misinformation on Social Media, Helen Mary Katool
Resilience Training and Quality of Life in Stuttering Therapy: A Systematic Review, Ashley Koehler
A Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists' Academic Preparation in Craniofacial Anomalies, Francesca Myerski
Comparing Intuitive Eating Behaviors Between Student Athletes and College Students Enrolled at the University of Mississippi, Mary McKennon Pierce
The Effects of Acute Exercise Intensity on Retrieval-induced Forgetting, Geoffrey Reliquias
Assessing the Validity of the Perch System During a Deadlift, Becht Rowell
Food Insecurity in Collegiate Athletes During COVID-19, Elizabeth Swindell
Effects of Acute Exercise on True and False Memory, Hanna Watson
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Healthy Food Accessibility in Rural Mississippi and Potential for a Corner Store Intervention, Anna Conner
Relationship Between Anxiety And Dietary Quality In College Students, Katie Darnell
A Systematic Review of the Correlation Between Dyslexia and the Axon Guidance Receptor Gene, ROBO1, Catherine Day
Test Transferability of 3D-MOT Training on Soccer Specific Parameters, Micaela Dusseault
Systematic Review of Race/Ethnicity in Parkinson's Disease, Amia Fisher
Parkinson's Disease, the Amygdala, and Non-motor Symptoms, Callie Claire Gammill
The Effects of Disclosure on Perceptions of Different Overt Stuttering Severity Levels, Katelyn Geringswald
The Effect of Chronic Alcohol Consumption on Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Young Men, Emma Hamilton and Grant Hilliard
Early Intervention Service Delivery Models in Mississippi: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Claire Harper
Perceived Adult/Child Health and Diet by SNAP Usage and Food Security in a Rural, Appalachian Mississippi Community, Georgia Inglis
The Effects of Cochlear Implantation and Educational Audiology Services on Language Skills: A Case Study, Madison Josey
Pragmatic Deficits in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Paige Kessler
The Relationship of Rehabilitation Therapy Clients and Grit: A Pilot Study, Kamilla Kisch
Light and Heavy Verb Usage by People with Non-Fluent Aphasia, Chase Sophia Kozak
Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity and Health Influences Among College Students, Rachael Larkin
Hippocampal Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease, Landis Llewelyn
Open vs. Closed Skill Acute Exercise on Emotional Memory, Ashley Lovorn
Implementation Evaluation of Blood Flow Restriction in the Clinical Setting, Madison McCall
Functional Connectivity of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Emma Miller
Adverse Childhood Experiences and their Connection to Autoimmune Disease in Adulthood, Emma J. Molden
Clinical Effectiveness of Early Intervention via a Hybrid Teletherapy Model: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Rylan Ponthier
Tablet Use and Social Skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Taylor Schwartz
The Effect of Advocate Disclosure on the Perceptions of a Young Adult who Stutters, Madeline Simpson
The Interhemispheric Connectivity of the Auditory Cortices, Taylor Stansberry
Parental and Peer Influences on College Students' Relationships with Food, Body Image, and Intuitive Eating Behaviors, Ann McQueen Whatley
Analyzing the Consumer’s Decision-Making Process to Visit Walt Disney World during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Corinne Kincade Williams
Predisposition of Disordered Eating Among Women at the University of Mississippi, Lucy Williams
The Functional Connectivity of the Auditory Cortex in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Katherine Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
An Educational Audiology Model for Mississippi: Telepractice for Direct Service Provision, Sally Autry
The Embeddedness of Racial Microaggressions in International Student Experiences at the University of Mississippi, Morgan Blythe
Acute Exercise on Prospective Memory Function: Open vs. Closed Skilled Exercise, Grace Burnett
Acute Exercise on Memory Function: Open vs. Closed Skill Exercise, Justin Cantrelle
Mississippi Immigration Raids: Implications for Social Workers, Amy Chance
From Zero to One Hundred: Assessing Discomfort in Different Cuff Widths Following Use of Blood Flow Restriction, Raksha Chatakondi
Investigating the Link Between Executive Function and Creativity in School Aged Children, Katherine Crenshaw
Audibility, Cost-Acceptibility and Cosmetic Appearance of IQBuds BOOST in Adults Over the Age of 50, Madison Dacus and Vishakha Rawool
Teacher Evaluation of An Integrated Nutrition Curriculum For Mississippi Schools, Janiya A. Davis
The Experimental Effects of Acute Exercise Intensity on Retrieval-Induced Forgetting, Joshua Franklin
The Nightmare Before Delivery: A Study of Nightmares, Depressive Symptoms, and Suicidality in Pregnant Women, Denise Frantz
The Effects of High-Intensity Acute Exercise on Implicit Memory and Face-Name Explicit Memory, Morgan Gilbert