I'm A Real Kind Mama (Lookin' For A Lovin' Man) / music by Maceo Pincard; words by Roger Graham
Maceo Pincard, Roger Graham, and Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
Cover: a drawing of a woman wearing a massive hoopskirt (Tricolor outfit: red, white, and blue); Publisher: Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
The Dixie Volunteers / music by Harry Ruby; words by Edgar Leslie
Harry Ruby, Edgar Leslie, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of Soldiers; photo inset of Eddie Cantor; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
It Takes a Long Tall Brown-skin Gal to Make a Preacher Lay His Bible Down / music by Will E. Skidmore; words by Marshall Walker
Will E. Skidmore, Marshall Walker, and Skidmore (Kansas City)
Cover: drawing of an African American minister walking away from a church with an African American woman -- his Bible is left on the road; photo inset of singer Rae Samuels; Publisher: Skidmore (Kansas City)
Before the World Began / music by Alfred Solman; words by Andrew B. Sterling
Alfred Solman, Andrew B. Sterling, and Joe Morris Music Co. (New York)
Sweetness (Honey Suckle of Mine) / music by Jack Stern; words by Eddie Leonard
Jack Stern, Eddie Leonard, and Chas K. Harris (New York)
Cover: photo of a Caucasian male in blackface; Publisher: Chas K. Harris (New York)
Prohibition Blues / music by Al Sweet; words by Al Sweet
Al Sweet, Al Sweet, and M. Witmark and Sons (New York)
Cover: caricature of an exasperated African American male pointing to his wine glass, as a weeping waiter holds out his hand in a gesture of no, liquor bottle fly away on wings; Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons (New York)
Alexander's back From Dixie (With His Ragtime Band) / music by Pete Wendling; words by Lew Colwell
Pete Wendling, Lew Colwell, and Lee S. Roberts (Chicago)
Cover: African American band parading in uniform (see # 159); Publisher: Lee S. Roberts (Chicago)
Alexanders Back from Dixie! (with His Ragtime Band) / music by Pete Wendling; words by Lew Colwell
Pete Wendling, Lew Colwell, and Lee S. Roberts (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of an all black marching band parading through city streets; Publisher: Lee S. Roberts (Chicago)
You Can Have It, I Don't Want It / music by Clarence Williams and Armand J. Piron ; words by May Hill
Clarence Williams, Armand J. Piron, May Hill, and Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of an African American male playing banjo and singing, while a rooster stares down at him; photo inset of Miss Lillian Teece; Publisher: Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
When The Black Sheep Returns to the Fold / words by Irving Berlin
Irving Berlin and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: a photo of Belle Baker; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Dancing Down in Dixieland / music by Irving Bibo; words by Abe Olman
Irving Bibo, Abe Olman, and Forster Music Publisher (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of an elegant African American couple dancing, inset of a paddle wheeler; Publisher: Forster Music Publisher (Chicago)
I'm Saving Up the Means to Get to New Orleans / music by Harry de costa; words by Howard Johnson
Harry de Costa, Howard Johnson, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of three scenes of African Americans, one of picking cotton, another of a duo singing and playing banjo, and the last of dock workers; photo inset of singer Emma Carus; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula (Hawaiian Love Song) / words by E. Ray Goetz, Joe Young, and Pete Wendling
E. Ray Goetz, Joe Young, Pete Wendling, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: a photo of Al. Jolson; a drawing of a island; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
War Babies / music by James F. Hanley; words by Ballard Mcdonald and Edward Madden
James F. Hanley, Ballard McDonald, Edward Madden, and Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Cover: an after war scene, a destroyed city and a photo of little kids with sad and scary eyes; a photo inset of Al Jolson; Publisher: Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Sweetheart Song / music by Jerome Heller; words by Lettie Gould
Jerome Heller, Lettie Gould, and Church Paxson and Co. (New York)
Cover: a photo of a woman; Publisher: Church Paxson and Co. (New York)
Homesick Blues / words by Cliff Hess
Cliff Hess and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: idyllic drawing of a house and birds on a branch; photo inset of Nora Bayes; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Home Sickness Blues / music by Cliff Hess
Cliff Hess and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a pleasant home surrounded by trees and singing birds; photo inset of Nora Bayes; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Ireland Must Be Heaven, For My Mother Came From There / words by Joe Mc Carthy, Howard Johnson, and Fred Fisher
Joe McCarthy, Howard Johnson, Fred Fisher, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a castle and clover; photo inset of Avon Comedy 4; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
If You Had The World and All Its Gold / music by Al Piantadosi; words by Bartley Costello and Harry Edelheit
Al Piantadosi, Bartley Costello, Harry Edelheit, and Al Piantadosi and Co. Inc. (New York)
Cover: of Eva Tanguay; Publisher: Al Piantadosi and Co. Inc. (New York)
Roses of Beautiful Memories / music by Geo. B. Pitman; words by Geo. B. Pitman
Geo. B. Pitman, Geo. B. Pitman, and Garton Brothers (Boston)
Key of Bb. Cover: a drawing of Roses; Publisher: Garton Brothers (Boston)
Keep Your eye On The Girlie You Love / music by Ira Schuster; words by Howard Johnson, Alex Gerber, and .
Ira Schuster, Howard Johnson, Alex Gerber, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: a couple taking a stroll, while walking a pair of dogs; photo inset of Sophie Tucker; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
The Bull-Frog Blues / music by Guy Shrigler; words by Tom Brown
Guy Shrigler, Tom Brown, and Will Rossiter (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of a crying bullfrog; two photo insets: one of Tom Brown and another of the Brown Brothers saxophone sextet, five clowns in whiteface and one clown in blackface; Publisher: Will Rossiter (Chicago)
Down Where the Swanee River Flows / music by Harry von Tilzer; words by Chas Mc Carron and Chas S. Alberte
Harry von Tilzer, Chas Mc Carron, Chas S. Alberte, and Broadway Music Corporation (New York)
Cover: drawing of an idyllic southern landscape; drawing inset of Al Jolson; Publisher: Broadway Music Corporation (New York)
Auf Wiedersehn but not goodbye / music by Fred W. Wanderpool; words by Louis Weslyn
Fred W. Wanderpool; Louis Weslyn; and A. J. Stasny Music, Inc. (New York)
Cover: painting of flowers; Publisher: A.J. Stasny Music, Inc. (New York)
Mammy's Little Coal Black Rose / music by Richard A. Whiting; words by Raymond Egan
Richard A. Whiting, Raymond Egan, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Cover: photo of Al. Jolson; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
They Made it Twice as Nice as Paradise and They Called it Dixieland / music by Richard A. Whiting; words by Raymond Egan
Richard A. Whiting, Raymond Egan, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of an elderly African American woman telling a story to a child on her knee; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
They Made It Twice As Nice As Paradise and They Called It Dixieland / music by Richard A. Whiting; words by Raymond Egan
Richard A. Whiting, Raymond Egan, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Cover: a African American grandma with a child; [2 identical copies]; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Nola / words by Felix Arndt
Felix Arndt and Sam Fox Pub. Co. (Cleveland)
Key of D. Cover: a drawing of a womans Portrait (silhouette) in a oval design like a medallion; Publisher: Sam Fox Pub. Co. (Cleveland)
Jolly Darkies / music by Karl Bechter
Karl Bechter and Allan and Co. (Melbourne)
Cover: drawing of African American men performing music, while another dances; description reads piano duet; Publisher: Allan and Co. (Melbourne)
Once In A While / music by Laurence Bolton; words by Maude Clark Hough
Laurence Bolton, Maude Clark Hough, and Thos. Goggan and Bros. (Dallas)
Key of Eb. Cover: n/graph.; Publisher: Thos. Goggan and Bros. (Dallas)
The Perfect Song / music by Joseph Carl Breil; words by Clarence Lucas
Joseph Carl Breil, Clarence Lucas, and Chappell Harms Inc. (New York)
Cover: photos of Amos n Andy in blackface; musical theme of the Pepsodent Hour (see 477); Publisher: Chappell Harms Inc. (New York)
There's A Broken Heart For Every Light On Broadway / music by Fred Fisher; words by Howard Johnson
Fred Fisher, Howard Johnson, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: a drawing of a woman contemplating the city lights from her window; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Along the Rocky Road to Dublin / music by Bert Grant; words by Joe Young
Bert Grant, Joe Young, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: photograph of singer Blanche Ring; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
The Memphis Blues / words by W. C. Handy
W. C. Handy and Joe Morris Music Co. (New York)
Cover: photo of a Caucasian fiddle player (possibly Waiman); description reads a southern rag; Publisher: Joe Morris Music Co. (New York)
(Some One Waits, and that is Why) I Love the Name of Dixie / music by E. Clinton Keithley; words by Jack Frost
E. Clinton Keithley, Jack Frost, and Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
Cover: African Americans picking cotton; Publisher: Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
High Yellow Cake Walk and Two-Step / music by F. Heri Klickmann; words by F. Henri Klickmann
F. Heri Klickmann and Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of a well-dressed African American couple dancing; Publisher: Frank K. Root and Co. (Chicago)
When Old Bill Bailey Plays the Ukalele / words by Chas Mc Carron and Nat. Vincent
Chas McCarron, Nat. Vincent, and Broadway Music Corporation (New York)
Cover: a drawing of an old African American man playing ukulele; Publisher: Broadway Music Corporation (New York)
If we can't be the same old sweethearts, we'll just be the same old friends / words by Joe McCarthy, music by Jimmie V. Monaco
Joe McCarthy, Jimmie V. Monaco, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: man and woman on an outdoor bench; he is holding a tennis racquet, she is holding a net bag of tennis balls, she looks sad, he looks like he is trying to convince her; illustrated babies in a heart inset; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Kangaroo Hop / words by Melville Morreis
Melville Morreis, Irving Caesar, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Cover: a Caucasian couple dancing under the trees; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Down Among The Sheltering Palms / music by Abe Olman; words by James Brockman
Abe Olman, James Brockman, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: Drawing of palm trees and a steam ship; photo inset of Al Jolson; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
(The Song That I Heard In My Childhood) That's The Song For Me / music by Nat. Osborne; words by Joe Goodwin
Nat. Osborne, Joe Goodwin, and Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Cover: a photo of a mother and her child, floral illustration; Publisher: Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Dancing the Jelly Roll / music by Herman Paly; words by Nat Vincent
Herman Paly, Nat Vincent, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a Caucasian couple, dressed in finery, dancing, with a Caucasian male playing the banjo in the background; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
I Didn't Raise My Boy to be a Soldier / music by Al Piantadosi; words by Alfred Bryan
Al Piantadosi, Alfred Bryan, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a mother holding her son, as she visualizes a battle scene; photo inset of the American Comedy Four, four Caucasians, one in blackface; text at the top reads A Mothers Plea for Peace; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Springtime of Youth / words by Walter Rolfe
Walter Rolfe and Maurice Richmond Music Co. (New York)
Cover: a photo of a young lady with a basket picking flowers; Publisher: Maurice Richmond Music Co. (New York)
Hesitation Blues (Oh! Baby, Must I Hesitate?) / music by Billy Smythe; words by Scott Middleton
Billy Smythe, Scott Middleton, and Billy Smythe Music Co. (Louisville)
Cover: photo of the Ranos [photocopy]; Publisher: Billy Smythe Music Co. (Louisville)
When it's Cotton Pickin' Time in Alabam' / music by Harry Tobias; words by Harry Tobias
Harry Tobias and Harry Tobias Music Publisher (New York)
Cover: drawing of an African American male sitting on a cotton bale, playing banjo; Publisher: Harry Tobias Music Publisher (New York)
When Old Bill Bailey Plays the Ukalele [sic]/ music by Nat. Vincent; words by Chas Mc Carron
Nat. Vincent, Chas McCarron, and Broadway Music Corporation (New York)
Cover: drawing of and African American male playing a ukulele, while two Caucasian females peer out through the rushes (see 551); Publisher: Broadway Music Corporation (New York)
A Bunch of Blues / music by J. Paul Wyer; words by H. Alf Kelly
J. Paul Wyer, H. Alf Kelly, and Will Rossiter (Chicago)