That Baboon Baby Dance / music by Joe Cooper; words by Dave Oppenheim
Joe Cooper, Dave Oppenheim, and Shapiro Music Pub. Co. (New York)
Cover: a drawing of baboons playing; Publisher: Shapiro Music Pub. Co. (New York)
Chicken Reel / music by M. Daly; words by Jos Mittenthal
M. Daly, Jos Mittenthal, and Daly Music Publisher (Boston)
Cover: drawing of African Americans, dressed in finery, dancing in a hall, while a trio of piano, violin, and cello provides the music; Publisher: Daly Music Publisher (Boston)
The Oceana Roll / music by Ribe Danmark; words by Denni, Boynton, and Grant
Ribe Danmark and Denni Boynton and Grant
Key of D. Cover: Introducing that Reuben Glide, Medley March and Two-Step; Publisher: New York:
The Spaniard that Blighted My Life / words by Billy merson
Billy Emerson and T. B. Harms Francis Day and Hunter (New York)
Cover: a photo of Al Jolson; Publisher: T. B. Harms Francis Day and Hunter (New York)
Black Wasp Rag (A Stinger) / words by H. A. Fischler
H. A. Fischler and Vandersloot Music (Williamsport)
Cover: drawing of an African American male dragging an African American boy away from thousands of wasps the child has disturbed with a toy sword; Publisher: Vandersloot Music (Williamsport)
Hear the Pickaninny Band / music by Seymour Furth; words by Billy J. Vanderveer
Seymour Furth, Billy J. Vanderveer, and Joe Morris Music Co. (New York)
Cover: caricature of an African American marching band parading down a street; Publisher: Joe Morris Music Co. (New York)
Mammy's Shufflin' Dance / music by Melville J. Gideon; words by L. Wolfe Gilbert
Melville J. Gideon, L. Wolfe Gilbert, and Will Rossiter (Chicago)
Cover: photo of the Dolce Sisters (see 433); Publisher: Will Rossiter (Chicago)
The Gaby Glide / music by Louis A. Hirsch; words by Harry Pilcer
Louis A. Hirsch, Harry Pilcer, and Shapiro Music Pub. Co. (New York)
Cover: photo of a Caucasian couple dancing; Publisher: Shapiro Music Pub. Co. (New York)
Dreaming / words by Archibald Joyce
Archibald Joyce and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a woman with flowers; text reads: Valse Boston; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
A Slippery Place / music by J. Bodewalt Lampe; words by P. M. Hacker
J. Bodewalt Lampe, P. M. Hacker, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Cover: caricature of an African American male playing a trombone; description reads a comic rag march; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Little Grey Home In The West / music by Hermman Lohr; words by D. Eardley-Wilmot
Hermman Lohr, D. Eardley-Wilmot, and Chappell and Co. Ltd. (New York)
A Girlie Was Just Made To Love / music by George W. Meyer; words by Joe Goodwin
George W. Meyer, Joe Goodwin, and F. B. Haviland (New York)
Cover: portrait of a Caucasian woman surrounded by flowering vines; Publisher: F.B. Haviland (New York)
Brass Band Ephraham Jones / music by Geo W. Meyer; words by Joe Goodwin
Geo W. Meyer, Joe Goodwin, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of Ephraham Jones dancing in the foreground, while a marching band performs in the background; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
The Island of Roses and Love / music by Neil Morfet; words by Earle C. Jones
Neil Morfet, Earle C. Jones, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Cover: Photo of Lillian Russell; Publisher: Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
I Just Met The Fellow Who Married The Girl That I Was Going To Get / music by Al Piantadosi; words by Joe Mc Carthy
Al Piantadosi, Joe McCarthy, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: photo of two men on the street looking to each other; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
That Mysterious Rag / music by Ted Synder and Irving Berlin; words by Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
Ted Synder, Irving Berlin, and Ted Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a Caucasian female playing piano, while a Caucasian male appears mystified and is looking for something; photo inset of Rosebery; Publisher: Ted Snyder Co. (New York)
A Hot Time in Monkey Town / music by Percy Wenrich; words by Edward Madden
Percy Wenrich, Edward Madden, and Jerome H. Remick and Co. (New York)
Innocent Bessie Brown / words by Irving Berlin
Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: Photo of Bessie Wynn; Publisher: Ted Snyder Co. (New York)
The Dance of the Grizzly Bear / music by George Botsford; words by Irving Berlin
George Botsford, Irving Berlin, and Ted Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of two grizzly bears flanking a photo inset of Tim McMahon; Publisher: Ted Snyder Co. (New York)
A Banjo Song / music by Sidney Homer; words by Howard Weeden
Sidney Homer, Howard Weeden, and G. Schirmer Inc. (New York)
Cover: from a series called Bandanna Ballads; Publisher: G. Schirmer Inc. (New York)
A Banjo Song / music by Sidney Homer; words by Howard Weeden
Sidney Homer, Howard Weeden, and G. Schirmer (London)
Cover: part of a series called bandanna ballads; Publisher: G. Schirmer (London)
The Zinga Zula Man / music by Ben M. Jerome; words by Eduard Madden
Ben M. Jerome, Eduard Madden, and Chas K. Harris (New York)
Cover: caricature of an African male clothed as a fusion of European servant and Zulu warrior; Publisher: Chas K. Harris (New York)
Pine Apple Rag / music by Scott Jolpin; words by Joe Snyder
Scott Jolpin, Joe Snyder, and Seminary Music Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a pineapple; Publisher: Seminary Music Co. (New York)
Listen To That Jungle Band / music by Kendis and Paley; words by Al. Bryan
Kendis and Paley, Al. Bryan, and Shapiro Music Pub. Co. (New York)
Cover: exotic animals singing and playing music in jungle; photo inset of Sydney Gibson (see# 68); Publisher: Shapiro Music Pub. Co. (New York)
Listen to that Jungle Band / music by Jean Kendis; words by Al Bryan
Jean Kendis, Al Bryan, and Shapiro Pub. Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a monkey conducting various jungle animals, as they perform music; photo inset of singer Clarence Marks in blackface. (see 419); Publisher: Shapiro Pub. Co. (New York)
My, What A Funny Little World This Is! / words by Lewis and Benett
Lewis and Benett
Cover: a contemplative man ; photo inset of Carrie Reynolds; Publisher: Jos. W. Stern and Co. (New York)
Play that Barber Shop Chord / music by Lewis F. Muir; words by Wm. Tracey
Lewis F. Muir, Wm. Tracey, and J. Fred Helf Company (New York)
Cover: photo of singer Bert Williams in blackface (see 479); Publisher: J. Fred Helf Company (New York)
Play That Barber Shop Chord / music by Lewis F. Muir; words by Wm. Tracy
Lewis F. Muir, Wm. Tracy, and J. Fred Helf Company (New York)
Key of C. Cover: a photo of a man in a black suit; Publisher: J. Fred Helf Company (New York)
Fantasia, Variations / words by W. C. Polla
W. C. Polla and Vandersloot Music Publishing Co. (Williamsport)
Cover: drawing of trees; Publisher: Vandersloot Music Publishing Co. (Williamsport)
Mammy's Song / music by Harriet Ware; words by Laura Spencer Porter
Harriet Ware, Laura Spencer Porter, and John Church Company (Cincinnati)
Cover: drawing of an African American woman holding a Caucasian child on her lap; Publisher: John Church Company (Cincinnati)
Little Puff of Smoke, Good Night / music by G. Harris (Doc) White; words by R. W. Lardner
G. Harris (Doc) White, R. W. Lardner, and Victor Kremer Co. (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of an older African American woman sitting in a rocking chair with a child on her lap; description reads a southern croon; Publisher: Victor Kremer Co. (Chicago)
You're Gwine to Get Somethin' What You Don't Expect / music by Bert Williams; words by Vincent Bryan
Bert Williams, Vincent Bryan, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a well-dressed African American female having her palm read by an African American palm reader; photo inset of Bert Williams in blackface; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)