Electronic Theses and Dissertations
eGrove provides long-term access and preservation services for the intellectual and creative output of the university’s academic, research, and administrative communities, including graduate theses and dissertations. If you are unable to find an electronic version of the thesis or dissertation you are seeking, a physical copy might be available in the UM Libraries' collections. Please check the library catalog.
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Undergraduate Theses from the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College are listed separately.
Graduate Students trying to upload their work to eGrove: As of September 10, 2024, graduate students need only submit their work to ProQuest. Theses and dissertations will be harvested into eGrove on a schedule.
Photo by Thomas Graning/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Preparation and Evaluation of Cefuroxime Axetil Gastro-Retentive Floating Drug Delivery System for Improved Delivery via Hot-Melt Extrusion Technology, Rahul Madhukar Lalge
Impacts And Implications Of Polytypism On The Evolution Of Aposematic Coloration, Justin Philip Lawrence
Slavery's Holy Profits: Religion and Capitalism in the Antebellum Lower Mississippi Valley, John Lindbeck
The Influence of Self-Prescribed Knee Bracing on Walking in Healthy Adults, Lauren Luginsland
A Study Of Computational Problems In Computational Biology And Social Networks: Cancer Informatics And Cascade Modelling, Christopher Ma
Identifying Predictors of New Teacher Retention, Bonita Lanoza Maready
The Blood Flow and Perceptual Response To Lower Body Resistance Training With and Without Blood Flow Restriction, Kevin Mattocks
Community Connections: Public Outreach and Education at the Batesville Mounds Site, Lacy Nicole Mattson
Freedom At The Freak Show: Carnivalesque Imagery In The Fiction Of Eudora Welty, Flannery O'Connor And Katherine Anne Porter, Virginia Mccarley
Engagement Strategies And Their Impact On Underserved Students, Marquis Mccloud
Synthesis and Evaluation of Dual-Acting Ligands for Mu Opioid And Neuropeptide FF Receptors, Kelsey Gabrielle McPherson
Impulsion, Nicholas Meyer
Elastodynamic Model For Wind Induced Ground Motion, Mohammad Mohammadi
I'm Gonna Stay Right Here Until They Tear This Barrelhouse Down: Black Power and the Origins of Blues Tourism in Greenville, Mississippi, Tyler DeWayne Moore
Acute and Chronic Vascular Responses to Blood Flow Restriction in the Upper Body, J. Grant Mouser
Generalized Characteristics Of A Generic Polytope, Tommy Naugle
Bases In Spaces Of Regular Multilinear Operators And Homogeneous Polynomials On Banach Lattices, Khazhak Varazdat Navoyan
Inland North: Stories, Elsa Nekola
Using Finite Element Output to Detect Damage in a Steel Frame Model, Ai D. Nguyen
Increasing Access to High-Impact Practices: A Case Study on Internships at the University of Mississippi, Kristina Phillips and Jennifer Saxon
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Of Polymer Nanocomposites In Extreme Environments, Farzin Rahmani
Marginal Revenue Product Of Division I Swimmers, Olivia Adele Raxter
Procedural Justice And Police Officers: The Forgotten Perspective, Kirby Laura Rhodes
Marketing the Myth: The Racial Commodification and Reclaiming of Aunt Jemima, Holly Robinson
Mississippians In Physics: Perspectives And Practice In A Search For Physics Excellence, Paul D. Rogers
Engagement Strategies And Their Impact On Underserved Students, Tonyalle Vershutte Rush
The Same Old Blues Crap: Selling The Blues At Fat Possum Records, Jacqueline Sahagian
Polymer Based Delivery Of Doxycycline Hyclate For The Prevention Of Peri-Implant Mucositis Infection, Sagar Deepak Sawant
Increasing Access to High-Impact Practices: A Case Study on Internships at the University of Mississippi, Jennifer Saxon and Kristina Phillips
Preparation And Evaluation Of Valacyclovir Hydrochloride Ocular Inserts By Hot Melt Extrusion Technique, Gauri Shadambikar
A Framework For Assessing Water Quality, Prioritizing Recovery Potential, And Analyzing Placement Of Best Management Practices, Tadesse Animaw Sinshaw
The Relationship Between Metacognitive Awareness Of Reading Strategies Use And 10th Grade Students' College And Career Readiness Achievement In English Language Arts, Davida Smith-Keita
Measuring The Capabilities Infrastructure: A County-Level Index Of Nonprofit And Private Sector Organizational And Physical Community Capital, Ryan Thomas Snow
Biodiversity And Evolution In The Guiana Shield, South America, Andrew Michael Snyder
Fluorinated Organic Molecules for Medicinal Applications, Munia Sowaileh
The Effect of Environmental Perturbations on the Plant Phyllosphere Microbiome, Bram W. Stone
Excess Zeros, Endogenous Binary Indicators, And Self-Selection Bias With Application To First Marriage, Smoking And Drinking Outcomes, Lateef Subair
The Relationship Between Doctoral-Level Teaching Preparation Strategies In Cacrep-Accredited Counselor Education Programs And Self-Efficacy Toward Teaching, Eric Galen Suddeath
Japanese-English Bilinguals’ Competence Of Speech Acts In Politeness, Chikako Takehara
African American And First-Generation Students’ Perceptions Of And Experiences With An Academic Cohort, Sovent Zantrell Taylor
Multiobjective Reservoir Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm, Seyma Tiryakioglu
Engagement Strategies And Their Impact On Underserved Students, Emily Tucker
Professional Skill Development For Collegiate Recreation Student Employees, Peter Jacob Tulchinsky
A Song Of Confusion And Annoyance: Kant On The Beauty Of Absolute Music, Ryan Walton Turner
Characterizing Variable Flow Pathways And Geochemical History Of Seepage Under The Mississippi River Levee: 2011, 2015, And 2016 Floods, Kaitlin Marie Voll
Evaluation Of Parent Involvement In Families In Transformation (Fit) Wellness Program For Children, Heather Walker
The Role of Brand Name Fluency: A Pharmaceutical Marketing Perspective, David Wamble
Analysis Of Prehistoric Ceramics From A Fourteenth-Century Native American House, Carter Robinson Site (44Le10), Lee County, Virginia, Emily J. Warner
Synthesis and Characterization of Redox-Sensitive Polymer and Prodrug for Targeted Drug Delivery, Chang-Hee Whang
Examining Factors Related To Teacher Turnover In Mississippi School Districts And The Relationship Between Teacher Experience, Teacher Turnover, And Student Achievement, Angela Wheeler - Bass
On The Future Of Antidepressant Treatments: Targeting Neurotrophic Factors And Plasticity, Stephen W. White
Examining changes in bat swing kinematics in various regions of the strike zone in collegiate baseball and softball players, Caleb Williams
Demands And Offers In Ultimatum Games, Jeremiah Wills
The Slippery Slope Between Falling And Recovering: An Examination Of Sensory And Somatic Factors Influencing Recovery After A Slip, Samuel J. Wilson
Integrity Assessment Of Earthen Dams And Levees Using Cross-Plot Analysis Of Seismic Refraction And Electrical Resistivity Tomograms, Leti Teklu Wodajo
A Righteousness Housed in the Body: The Conception and Division of Kings' Bodies in Early Medieval Northwestern Literature, Sharon Miller Wofford
Down Under Punks And Dixie Rock: Reflections On Making The Documentary Film Chinese Whispers - Southern Roots In The Australian Swampy Sound, Gretchen Labudde Wood
A Review of the Serica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) of Mexico, Canada, and the western United States, Reese John Worthington
The Beam Dynamics And Beam Related Uncertainties In Fermilab Muon G-2 Experiment, Wanwei Wu
Novel Application of Twin Screw Extruder on Production of Diverse Formulations, Xingyou Ye
Acquisition Of Chinese Wh-Questions By English L2 Learners, Linfei Yi
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Conditions Responsible For The Success Of Carnivorous Plants In Nutrient-Poor Wetlands, Matthew John Abbott
Final Muon Cooling For A Muon Collider, John Gabriel Acosta Castillo
A Thermal Enclosure Prototype For A Suspended Inertial Sensor, Mohammad Afrough
The effect of road crossings on stream-associated salamanders within Holly Springs National Forest, Caleb Ashton Aldridge
Preparation And Characterization Of Acitretin-Loaded Niosomes For Psoriasis Treatment, Marey Abdulmootani Almaghrabi
Understanding Child-Centered Canine Assisted Play Therapy: A Qualitative Collective Case Study, Jennifer Austin-Main
Stereotypes And The Self-Perceptions Of Black Women: How Places And Identity Strategies Matter, Brieann Avery
Migrant Labor in Dubai Stories of Betrayal, Survival and Struggle for Acceptance on Foreign Land, Mrudvi Parind Bakshi
Lipid Based Frameworks And Topical Ocular Inserts For The Delivery Of Small Molecule Therapeutics To The Posterior Segment Of The Eye, Sai Prachetan Balguri
Historical refuges and recolonization routes in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, inferred through phylogeographic analysis of the spotted wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata), John Daniel Banusiewicz
Perceptions Of Ice Hockey Season Ticket Holders On The Implementation Of A Donor-Based Seating Model At Miami University, A Public Midwestern Mid-Major Institution, David Coleman Barnes Jr.
Regulation of the kRAS Promoter in Pancreatic Cancer by Proteins and Small Molecules, Harshul Batra
Cyberbullying: Exploration Of Impact Of Loneliness And Prior Experience On Psychological Distress, Amy Marie Beel
The Effect Of A Researcher Composed Mouthpiece Buzzing Routine On The Intonation And Tone Quality Of Beginning Band Brass Students, Jason William Beghtol
An Evaluation of the Mississippi Recipes for Success Resource From the Perspective of Child Nutrition Directors, Chelsea L. Bell
Effect of Vibration of Unconsolidated Sand on the Performance of Interferometric Vibration Sensors, Cody Berrey
Burden Of Depression Among Individuals With Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) In The Medicaid Population, Kaustuv Bhattacharya
Relationships Between Dietary Habits, Demographics, And Hike Outcome Among 2015 Pacific Crest Trail Backpackers, Lauren Ann Black
Succeeding King: Ralph David Abernathy, SCLC, And The Long Civil Rights Movement, Scott Blusiewicz
Deconstructing The Winner's Circle, Taylar Bolds
Analyses Of Pultruded Polyester/ E-Glass Composites Subjected To Environmental Degradation, Cameron Bosley
Effect Of Body Image Awareness Program On Weight Satisfaction In Ncaa Division I Female Athletes, Derionne Brooks
Twinless, Molly McCully Brown
Deployment, Coverage And Network Optimization In Wireless Video Sensor Networks For 3D Indoor Monitoring, Tisha Lafaye Brown
Sicilians In Detroit: How Do They Speak?, Giovanna Brunetti
Rewiring The Anger: Learning New Responses In The Therapeutic Community, Emma Marie Burleson
High School Contextual Variables and ACT Scores, John-Mark Cain
Characterizing the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicities of Cannabidiol and Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, Dennis Ray Carty
The Analysis Of Contact-Era Settlements In Clay, Lowndes, And Oktibbeha Counties In Northeast Mississippi, Emily Lee Clark
The Reptile Gut Microbiome: Its Role In Host Evolution And Community Assembly, Timothy John Colston
The Decision To Pursue Pharmacy Residency Training: Motivators, Barriers, And The Fear Of Missing Out (Fomo), Ashley Stubblefield Crumby
Dose-Response Association Between Acute Exercise Duration, Exercise Recovery and Cognitive Function, Elizabeth Ann Crush
Three Essays On Private Market Interactions, Jonathan Daigle