Electronic Theses and Dissertations
eGrove provides long-term access and preservation services for the intellectual and creative output of the university’s academic, research, and administrative communities, including graduate theses and dissertations. If you are unable to find an electronic version of the thesis or dissertation you are seeking, a physical copy might be available in the UM Libraries' collections. Please check the library catalog.
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Undergraduate Theses from the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College are listed separately.
Graduate Students trying to upload their work to eGrove: As of September 10, 2024, graduate students need only submit their work to ProQuest. Theses and dissertations will be harvested into eGrove on a schedule.
Photo by Thomas Graning/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Formulation Strategies to Address Physiological and Anatomical Constraints for Improved Topical Ocular Drug Delivery, Karthik Yadav Janga
The Evolution Of Coral Snake Mimicry, Renan Janke Bosque
To sink our national character: slavery and national character in the U.S. house of representatives, 1789-1820, Jessica Johnson
Examining The Internal & External Factors That Motivate Inmates’ Participation Among Various Prison Programs, Kornicha Shaneice Johnson
Am I in the right place?: writing center consultations as socioacademic integrative experiences for community college transfer students, Rachel E. Johnson
An exploration of relationships between parenting stress and primary headache disorders, Yelena Louise Johnson
Bulky Thiolated Gold Nanomolecules: Synthesis, Characterization, Optical Properties, and Atomic Structure, Tanya Clorise Jones
Nanosuspension Based Electrolyte Sensitive In Situ Gel for Topical Ocular Delivery of Natamycin, Poorva H. Joshi
Expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha in a Chick Model of Stress Vulnerable, Treatment – Resistant Depression, Mary Katherine Jourdan
MAC-PHY Frameworks For LTE And WiFi Networks' Coexistence Over The Unlicensed Band, Hadi Ahmad Kasasbeh
Evaluation of wireless router antennas and 3d-printed simulated antenna designs, Bibek Kattel
A Sustainable Future In The Implementation Of Clinical Pharmacogenomics, Nicholas Keeling
Examining The Role Of Reproductive Interference In The Decline Of Native Green Treefrogs Following Cuban Treefrog Invasions, Joseph Kennedy
Girls at the Skate Rink, Jennifer Carol Key
Visualizing the Future: Work-Integrated Learning and the Psychosocial and Professional Development of Undergraduates, Scott Weldon Kilpatrick
Dear Hubert Creekmore: An Archival Search into the Life of a Queer Mississippi Writer, Mary Stanton Knight
Ionic Liquid-Based Composite Thin-Films for Selective Ion Separations in Electrodialysis, Saloumeh Kolahchyan
The Effect of Hyperarticulation on the Perception of Palatalization in Russian by L1 American English Speakers, Ekaterina Kolshenskaya
Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Non-Vitamin K Antagonists Oral Anticoagulants and Warfarin in Elderly Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation and Diabetes, Siddhi Korgaonkar
Empirical Support for Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC): A Critical Review, Jennifer Marie Ladner-Graham
The Medicine Hat block and the assembly of laurentia: new interpretations from single-grain zircon analyses, Blake Oswell LaDouceur
PEGylated Nanostructured Lipid Carries for Amphotericin B Ocular Delivery, Prit Manish Lakhani
Hong & Ramona, Amy Lam
African American students in physical therapy: enhancing diversity, Melanie H. Lauderdale
The Development of Novel Rhenium- and Copper-Based Molecular Catalysts for Applications in Energy Conversion Chemistry, Joseph Michael Lee
Beta invariant and variations of chain theorems for matroids, Sooyeon Lee
Innovation, CEOs, and IPOs, Zhilu Lin
Acoustic Radiation Force on a Fluid to Fluid Boundary by Phase Plate Focused Ultrasound, Robert Lee Lirette
An Improved 3D Complex-Envelope Four-Stage ADI-FDTD Using The Fundamental Scheme, Qi Liu
Of Mules and Mamas: Four Women, Africana Mothering, and Resistance, Ebony Olivia Lumumba
Weight Teasing Among Obese Youth: Social Functioning Outcomes Following a Pediatric Weight Management Intervention, Joseph Mitchell Magness
Generalized Radial Transport Model for Interpreting Convergent Flow Tracer Tests in Fractured Rock, Md Lal Mamud
Recycled CEOs and Managerial Ability: Do Venture Backed Companies Have a Comparative Advantage?, Sydnee C. Manley
Ownership Conversion as a Solution for Ex Post Agency Problems: The Case of Franchising, Erik Tristan Markin
Civic Engagement Among Emerging Adults: Self-Efficacy, Purpose, And Program Experiences, Rachel Marsh
How ghost stories shape the state of Mississippi and the people, Ana Lauren Martinez
The Transfer Culture In College Basketball, Ariel Massengale
Effect of Solvent Interaction & Soluble Microneedles on Skin Permeability to Drug Molecules, Abhijeet Maurya
Examining the Alternate Ranking Method for Grouping: Using Mixed-Ability Grouping to Enhance Learning, Jennifer McCaskill
Environnmental Influences on Caribbean Octocoral-Symbiodiniaceae Symbioses, Mark McCauley
Un-Earthed, William Austin McKinney
The Effects Of Differing Optical Stimuli On Depth Perception In Virtual Reality, McKennon B. McMillian
Find the MOST Here: The Academic Success of First-Year African American Students at the University of Mississippi, Shawnboda Deanne Mead
Novel Applications of Hot-Melt Extrusion Technology in Trans-Buccal and Topical Drug Delivery Systems, Nicole Mendonsa
Electrochemical Studies Involving CO2 Reduction with Rhenium-based Catalysts and for Guanosine Monophosphate Oxidation, Kayla A. Milano
Computational Modeling and Simulations of Condition Deterioration to Enhance Asphalt Highway Pavement Design and Asset Management, Zul Fahmi Bin Mohamed Jaafar
The Relationship of Supervisory Styles and Differentiation of Self to the Counseling Self-efficacy of Counselors-in-training in the Masters' Level Practicum, Amelia Binti Mohd Noor
Ecological Factors Associated with Habitat Use of Baird’s Tapirs (Tapirus Bairdii), Victoria Diane Monette
A Descriptive Study of the Faber Series Piano Adventures and Its Implications for Piano Pedagogy, Martha Frances Monroe
Institutional Factors That Affect Transfer Student Success At A University In The Mid-South Region Of The U.S., Elizabeth Moore
Building an Automated Q-A System Using Online Forums as Knowledge Bases, Kyle Moore
Courtroom Wars: Constitutional Battles over Conscription in the Civil War North, Nicholas Matthew Mosvick
Examining Sleep as a Moderator of Physiological Response to Stress Among Migraineurs, Vanessa Moynahan
Continuous Production Of Raloxifene Hydrochloride Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers Using Hot-Melt Extrusion Technology, Derick Muhindo
Increasing Instructional Leadership: An Applied Research Study on the Effects of Developing Principals as Instructional Leaders in the Magnolia County School District, Leigh Anne Newton
Decolonial resistance in latinx writings from Peru to the United States: a portfolio, Isabel Norwood
End Of Life Costs In Medicare Beneficiaries With Parkinson’s Disease, Sasikiran Nunna
Road Trippin': Twentieth-Century American Road Narratives from On The Road to The Road, Scott M. Obernesser
Use of seismic refraction in determining rock mass anisotropy, Mohammad Najmush Sakib Oyan
Identifying Transcription Co-Regulators of Gcm/Repo in the Development of Glia in Drosophila Melanogaster, Glendin Kostantinos Pano
Connecting Thread, Christen Parker
Stabilization of DNA i-motif structures by 7-aminoactinomycin D, an anti-tumor drug, Justin Lane Parmely
African Americans and the Honors College Experience at the University of Mississippi, Jennifer Lynn Parsons
Comparative assessment of safety and quality of tinospora species-tinospora crispa and tinospora sinensis, Abidah Parveen
Meaning, Purpose, and Experiential Avoidance as Predictors of Valued Behavior: An Application of Ecological Momentary Assessment, Jeffrey Pavlacic
Bacterioplankton biogeography of the Mississippi river basin, Jason Taylor Payne
Organic Sensitizers for High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Adithya Peddapuram
Behavioral Similarities And Differences Among Symptoms Of Emetophobia, Disordered Eating, And Disgust, Jennifer Arden Petell
Structural Controls and Depositional Environments of the Glen Rose Subgroup in Pelahatchie Field in Rankin County, Mississippi, Chesney Petkovsek
Apply Now!: Utilizing Application Date to Predict College Enrollment, Jennifer Leigh Phillips
Synthesis of a Novel Surface Active, Light Sensitive Polymer for Encapsulation and Delivery of Paclitaxel, Amit Raviraj Pillai
Behavioral Inhibition and Avoidance: Identifying Vulnerabilities to Avoidant Behavior, Daniel Pineau
Allodynia and Self-Efficacy in Migraineurs, Ashley N. Polk
Creating a Space for STEAM, Felicia Brown Pollard
Exploring the Impact of Mississippi Virtual Community College Academy Professional Development for Online Teaching, Terry Woodrow Pollard
A Numerical Study of Granular Dam-Break Flows, Nuttita Pophet
Whistle Before You Work: Defining Paid Labor in the New Deal State, 1938-1947, Thomas Porter
Performance Evaluation of Blocking and Non-Blocking Concurrent Queues on GPUs, Hossein Pourmeidani
Find the MOST Here: The Academic Success of First-Year African American Students at the University of Mississippi, Earl Presley
Intelligence-Led Policing: Linking Local and State Policies to Establish a ComDefinition, Chad B. Prosser
Optimizing the performance of complex engineering systems aided by artificial neural networks, Khalil Qatu
Twin Text In The Secondary Social Studies And English Classroom, Sarah Booth Quong
Ligand Effect on Gold Nanomolecules Demonstrated Using Aliphatic, Aromatic and Bulky Thiolate Ligands, Milan Rambukwella
FLEX, Julian Randall
Implementing mass spectrometry for the structural and compositional analysis of proteins, Mohammad Riaz
Interpreting Vegetation and Soil Anomalies in the Guarumen Area of Northwestern Venezuela Using Remote Sensing Applications, Tyler Edward Ricketts
My Feet Are Chained: Settler Colonialism and Mobility in the Florida Borderlands, 1812-1866, Christine Antoinette Rizzi
Identity, Dissent, and the Roots of Georgia’s Middle Class, 1848-1865, Thomas Robinson
High Voltage Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells And Molecular Photocatalysis For Co2 Reduction, Roberta Ramalho Rodrigues
Is it racism, colorism, or a pigment of your imagination? A study on the invisible color line, Yolanda Rodriguez
Constructing and Crossing Color Lines: Race and Religion in the Southern Confluence, 1810-1865, Justin Isaac Rogers
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Innovation through instructional renovation: an applied research study on building capacity of mathematics teachers in bark county schools’ excel department, LaShonda Quina Ross-Ivory
Relationship of Expected Family Contribution to Student Success at Belhaven University, Kevin Alexander Russell