Electronic Theses and Dissertations
eGrove provides long-term access and preservation services for the intellectual and creative output of the university’s academic, research, and administrative communities, including graduate theses and dissertations. If you are unable to find an electronic version of the thesis or dissertation you are seeking, a physical copy might be available in the UM Libraries' collections. Please check the library catalog.
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Undergraduate Theses from the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College are listed separately.
Graduate Students trying to upload their work to eGrove: As of September 10, 2024, graduate students need only submit their work to ProQuest. Theses and dissertations will be harvested into eGrove on a schedule.
Photo by Thomas Graning/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Variations in the Dragonfly Microbiome Through Life stages and Its Ability to Harbor Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria, Sarah Russell
The Influence Of Site Connectivity On Zooplankton Assemblage Dynamics Within The Lower Mississippi River Floodplain, Jarrod Sackreiter
Moral agency: a philosophical inquiry into its scientific foundations, MaKensey Sanders
Emotion regulation as a predictor of pediatric obsessive-compulsive symptoms, Brittany Spence Sapp
Validation of a brief screening instrument for psychopathology in adults, Adam Sattler
The Influence of The Industrial Revolution on Nineteenth-Century Literary and Artistic Movements, Warisara Emily Sawin
Historical Groundwater Data Analysis of the Wilcox Aquifers in Lafayette County, Mississippi, Adam Schildhammer
Patient Empowerment in Modern Medicine: A Personal Account of Endometriosis and Being an Equal Partner in My Healthcare, Jacqueline Schlick
The Carolina Gay Association, the Southeastern Gay Conferences, and Gay Liberation in the 1970S South, David Hooper Schultz
Explication of moral disgust: assessing physiological and behavioral responses to disgust eliciting videos, Sarah Michelle Scott
Factors That Influence the Pronunciation of Interdentals in Modern Standard Arabic and English by Egyptian Arabic Speakers, Yasmine Mohamed Dahy Sedeek
In-Situ Gel of Cyclosporine A – Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for Topical Occular Delivery for Dry Eye Disease, Samir Shyambabu Senapati
Former African-American Male Football Student-Athletes at Southeastern Conference Institutions and Their Transition From Athletics to Non-Athletic Careers, Deterrian L. Shackelford
Effect Of Sulfobutyl Ether Β-Cyclodextrins On Oral And Dermal Pharmacokinetics Of Drugs, Vijay Kumar Shankar
Impact Of Quality Attributes Of Topical Products On Their Performance, Purnendu Kumar Sharma
Development Of Topical Oil/Peg Creams Of Voriconazole, Abhishek Shivashankar Shettar
Hurricane Landing: An Analysis of Site 22LA516 in Sardis Lake, Lafayette County, Mississippi, Joshua John Shiers
Food Insecurity and Produce Behaviors of Adults with Children in Rural, Appalachian Mississippi, Tiffany Shirley
Mefenamic Acid – HPMC AS HG Amorphous Solid Dispersions: Dissolution Enhancement Using Hot Melt Extrusion Technology, Ashay Shukla
Écriture Féminine Africaine Au Vingt-Et-Unième Siècle: Une Proposition De Cours De Littérature Africaine Pour Les Étudiants De Master Et Doctorat, Anaïs Louise Siewe Deuga
Content Analysis Of The Journal Of Historical Research In Music Education: 1980-2019, Gail Simpson
A mechanistic study of the teratogenic potential of 4-o-methylhonokiol (MH) on Japanese medaka (oryzias latipes), Santu Kumar Singha
An Approach to Semi-Autonomous Indoor Drone System: Software Architecture and Integration Testing, Shobhan Singh
Intramoleculer Hydrogen Bonding In Epoxide, Thiirane, Aziridine And Phosphirane Containing Cyclopentanols, Ben Edward Smith
Silence Descends: Lynchings and Their Aftermath in Lafayette and Union Counties, Mississippi, Jonathan Smith
Populism and Democratization in the Presidential Election of 1832, Laura Ellyn Smith
A computational approach to predicting and understanding new psychoactive substances (NPS) for developing a database for state and federal crime laboratories, Caroline Amelia Spencer
Analysis of Brevundimonas Subvibrioides Developmental Signaling Systems Reveals Unexpected Differences Between Phenotypes and c-di-GMP Levels, Lauryn Anne Sperling
Investigation of Theophylline Nicotinamide Pharmaceutical Co-Crystals Utilizing Hot Melt Extrusion, Priyanka Srinivasan
Minimum Number of Individuals: A Methodological Comparison using Human Remains from Caves Branch Rockshelter in the Cayo District of Belize, Caitlin Elizabeth Stewart
Disturbing the Ecological Pastoral: An Examination of Willa Cather's Fictional Spaces in My Ántonia and Death Comes for the Archbishop, Anne Carter Stowe
Mandated representation: the effect of legislative gender quotas on attitudes toward gender equality, Rustin Suray
What’S Going On? The Disproportionate Discipline of Upper Elementary Male Students in Little Tiger Elementary School, Amy Katrise Sutton
Social Cognitive Theory as a Framework for Understanding the Relationships Between Competition and Cooperation: A Three Essay Story of Emerging Coopetition and Entrepreneurial Team Outcomes, Rebekah Gabrielle Swab
Formulation Development, Preclinical Testing, and Primary Packaging Optimization for Cannabinoids and Other Therapeutics, Pranjal Taskar
Optimization and Characterization of Hot-Melt Extruded Anti-Inflammatory and Local Anesthetic Bio-Adhesive Semisolid Formulation Using Design of Experiments (DoE), Rishi Chinmay Thakkar
The relationship between intra-cultural factors and feedback seeking behavior in supervision among counselors-in-training in counselor education programs, Sumedha Therthani
Application of Quality by Design and Process Analytical Technology towards Hot-Melt Extrusion Processes, Priyanka Thipsay
Story Reading As A Method For Cognate Vocabulary Learning In Preschool Children, Patricia Thomasio Quinelato
Virtually There: A Phenomenological Study of Secondary Students and Their Engagement with Virtual Reality Field Trips, Melissa Sonta Thomas
Validating Military Culture: The Factor Analysis of a Military-Related Adaptation of Acculturation, Mathew A. Tkachuck
Predictors of Behavioral Health Among Firefighters in Their Third Year of Fire Service, Victoria Alicia Torres
Differences in Complete 2 Compete Participant Characteristics: What Can They Tell Us?, Audra Joan Trnovec
Scheduling Irregular Workloads on GPUs, David Arthur Troendle
Teaching kids to say "Ew!": parent-child disgust transmission, Brooklee Lightsey Tynes
Cognitive Influences On Preschoolers’ And Adults’ Eyewitness Memory In Response To Misleading Questions, Tonya M. Vandenbrink
Limited negotiation in embedded ultimatum games, Alexandros Vasios Sivvopoulos
The Synthesis of New Donor-sigma-Acceptor Compounds as Potential Current Rectifiers, Trey Gautier Vaughan
Buffering..., Nicholas B. Vialpando
Detrital Zircon Provenance and Correlation of Two Newly Discovered Ripley Formation Bentonites: Pontotoc County, Mississippi, Elizabeth Jayne Vitale
The Role Of Dunc13 In Ethanol Tolerance, Yusuke Wachi
Analytical Modeling And Life Cycle Assessment Of A Solar Powered Vapor Absorption Cooling System, Harold A. Walters
Development of Continuous Manufacturing Process of Acyclovir Ointment Using Hot-Melt Extrusion, Rui Wang
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Tuscaloosa Marine Shale Cuttings from Horizontally Drilled Wells, Xiaotian Wang
On the relationship between resilience, meaning, and hardiness: a bi-factor exploratory and confirmatory analysis, Lauren Weathers
Increasing Teacher Retention: An Applied Research Study on the Effects of Mentoring and Culture in the ABC County School District, Jimmy Holland Weeks
Increasing teacher retention: an applied research study on the effects of mentoring and culture in the ABC county school district, Jimmy Holland Weeks
Find the MOST Here: The Academic Success of First-Year African American Students at the University of Mississippi, Alexandria White
Essays on bubbles, production, and anti-bubble policy, Joseph Sebastian de Souza White
The Impact of Technology on the Implementation of Formative Assessment Lessons in Eighth Grade Math Classrooms, Lavonda White
Going to BAT: Assessing Disgust Sensitivity and Related Factors in Behavioral Avoidance, Molly E. Wickenhauser
Theranostics Based On Linear Dendritic Block Copolymers, Jon Williams
African American students in physical therapy: enhancing diversity, Kimberly Renee Willis
Leading Learners to Level Up in a High School Mathematics Classroom, Jennifer Carnes Wilson
A Case Study of the Relationship between Student Motivation Type, Performance, and Task- Based Instruction in a Second Language Classroom, Charlie Winnick
Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs Among Young Adults: An Examination of Anxiety Sensitivity, Distress Tolerance, and Emotion-Driven Impulse Control Difficulties, Sara Michelle Witcraft
Decentralized Detection With Correlated Gaussian Observations: Parallel And Tandem Networks With Two Sensors, Shailee Yagnik
Electro- and photocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction and thermal isomerization of highly strained tricyclocompounds, Weiwei Yang
Subverting the patriarchal panopticon: challenges to eugenics rhetoric in the novels of McCullers and Welty, Regina Marie Young
Archaeological investigations at a Mississippian platform mound site in Lowndes County, Mississippi, Hannah Danielle Zechman
Novel Application of Melt Extrusion and Additive Manufacturing on Developing Diverse Dosages, Jiaxiang Zhang
Improving random forests by feature dependence analysis, Silu Zhang
Near-Infrared High Efficiency Organic Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSCs) and Biological Fluorescent Imaging Dyes, Yanbing Zhang
Petrology, Provenance, and Depositional Setting of the Lower Tallahatta Formation (Meridian Sand) in Grenada County, Mississippi, Husamaldeen Zubi
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Mcdonald’s Users’ Perceptions Of Health And Nutrition, Quality, And Value On Visit Frequency, Claire Adams
Variables Governing the Initial Stages of the Synergisms of Ultrasonic Treatment of Biochar in Water Saturated with Carbon Dioxide, Adedapo Reuben Adeniyi
A Teleosemantic Theory Of The Deep-Unconscious: A Response To John R. Searle's Account Of The Unconscious, Kelly Adkins
A Comparative Case Study of Reflection Seismic Imaging Method, Moones Alamooti
She is Right to Behave Thus: Implications of Illicit Rendezvous in Medieval Narrative, Catherine Albers
Sillage, Brooke Alexander
Cumulative Disadvantage, Poverty, And The Role Of Community Capitals: A Spatial Analysis Of Uneven Development In The Multi-State Delta Region, Katrina Danielle Alford
Feasibility of AquasolveTM HPMC-AS Lg via Hot-melt Extrusion: Effect of Pressurized CO2 on Physico-mechanical Properties, Mashan Almutairi
Un/Veiling, Marisa Andropolis
Food Insecurity And Child And Parent/Caretaker Overweight/Obesity In A Rural, Appalachian Mississippi Community, Sydney Antolini
A Relational Study Of International General Certificate Of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Scores To The American College Test (Act) Scores In A Mississippi Innovative High School, Dane Nicholas Aubé
Creating Divergence: Examining The Development Of Creativity Through Executive Function, Language And Mindset, Brittany Nielsen Avila
African American And First-Generation Students’ Perceptions Of And Experiences With An Academic Cohort, Kim Barnes
A Critical Examination Of Understanding’s Characteristics: Why, In A Sense, Understanding Is Unique, Christopher Becker
Experiences Of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder In Mississippi Community Colleges, Krystal Michelle Berry
Novel Applications of Hot-Melt Extrusion Technology, Ajinkya Moreshwar Bhagurkar
Functionality And Role Of Different Fatty Alcohols In Topical O/W Cream Formulation, Supriya Bhide
A Church Adrift: Virginia's Church Of England, 1607-1677, Katherine Gray Blank
Experimentally Investigating the Joint Effects of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior on Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Jeremiah Blough
Crystalline Salt Formation of an Acidic Drug Indomethacin Using Hot Melt Extrusion Technology, Mustafa Bookwala
Experiences Of Mississippi Community College Students Who Are Deaf And Hard Of Hearing, Ronda Bryan
Invisible Labor: A Mixed-Method Study Of African American Women And Their Emotional Labor In The Academy, Danielle Buckingham
Acute and chronic skeletal muscle response to very low load resistance exercise with and without the application of blood flow restriction in the upper body, Samuel Louis Buckner