Electronic Theses and Dissertations
eGrove provides long-term access and preservation services for the intellectual and creative output of the university’s academic, research, and administrative communities, including graduate theses and dissertations. If you are unable to find an electronic version of the thesis or dissertation you are seeking, a physical copy might be available in the UM Libraries' collections. Please check the library catalog.
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Undergraduate Theses from the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College are listed separately.
Graduate Students trying to upload their work to eGrove: As of September 10, 2024, graduate students need only submit their work to ProQuest. Theses and dissertations will be harvested into eGrove on a schedule.
Photo by Thomas Graning/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Truth Marching On: Documenting the Plan to Bring Robert F. Kennedy to the University of Mississippi in 1966, Mary Paige Blessey
Groundwater transfer and injection pilot project: construction of a three dimensional groundwater flow model, Wesley Bluvstein
Essays On Money And Labor, Kwabena Okyere Boateng
The Effect of Magnesium Supplementation on Physical Performance of Collegiate Football Players, Shannon Marie Boguth
Extended Adolescence: The Ecology and Endocrinology of Facultative Paedomorphosis, Jason R. Bohenek
Developing a calibrated seepage meter to measure stream-aquifer interaction in the Mississippi delta, Wesley J. Bolton
Recall Reading Intervention for Children in Preschool and Kindergarten with Moderate to Severe Language Delays, Rebekah Christine Bosley
We Gotta Work with What We Got: School and Community Factors That Contribute to Educational Resilience Among African American Students, Denae Bradley
Culture Clash: An Applied Research Study on Transforming Student Behavioral Culture in a Failing School, Lindsay Carol Brett
The relationship between participation in the emerging scholars program and academic performance at Mississippi valley state university, La Shon Fluker Brooks
Crafting stone discoidals on the frontier: production and identity in southwest Virginia, Hamilton Hastie Bryant
Application and refinement of molecular ecology techniques for amphibian conservation, Stephanie Marie Burgess
Measures of music teacher effectiveness in three early career levels, Alicia L. Canterbury
A Corpus-Based Study on the Portuguese Translations of English Adversative Coordinating Conjunctions and Adverbs in News Texts, Marcella Cerqueira Cascione Cerqueira Netto
Vicar Victoria: Writing the Church of England in Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Rachel Elizabeth Cason
Factors Affecting Perceptions of Cybersecurity Readiness Among Workgroup IT Managers, Thomas A. Chapman
Alaska and the arctic in the U.S. Imaginary, Ryan Charlton
Institutional Factors That Affect Transfer Student Sucess At A University In The Mid-South Region Of The U.S., Patricia Ann Coats
Cultural Influences on Body Size Ideals Among African American Women in the Mississippi Delta, Lois Marie Coleman
African American students in physical therapy: enhancing diversity, Sherry T. Colson
Social Identity, Economic Interest, and the Formation of Host Attitudes Toward Refugees, Jeremy Cox
The Effects of Market Fragmentation Around Corporate Events, Justin Steven Cox
Valuation of mentorship in pharmacy education and the impact of perceived personal relevance, Ashley Stubblefield Crumby
Evaluation Of Confidential Informant Programs In Legal Settings: Why Do 10 When You Can Send A Friend?, Kennedy Marie Cuevas
A Descriptive Analysis of Rehearsal Techniques of Expert Middle School Band Directors from Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee, David John Culp Jr
Looking into the Past: The Diversification of Amphibians in the Neotropical Savannas, Ísis da Costa Arantes
Unraveling Anticancer Activity And Pharmacokinetics Of Dihydroartemisinin Dimer Oxime, Lu Dai
Do Individual Responses to Resistance Exercise Exist to an Extent That Can be Detected Beyond That of Measurement Error/Random Biological Variability?, Scott J. Dankel
Damage Detection Using Destructive Testing of a Reinforced Concrete Slab, Michael Edward Daves
A balm for the times: the origins and evolution of the lost cause in the South Carolina low country, 1830-1876, Andrew Patrick Davis
Households and Changing Use of Space at the Transitional Early Mississippian Austin Site, Benjamin Garrett Davis
Ni and Au Transition Metal Complexes in the Photocatalytic Co2 Reduction Reaction, Shakeyia Davis
Three Essays on Corporate Bonds Issuance and Trading, Violetta Y. Davydenko
The Doubting Chain, Eric Delp
Developing Zebrafish as an In Vivo Model to Screen Compounds for Anti-Cancer Activity in Human Breast Cancer, Trisha Dhawan
Evaluating the Use of sUAS-Derived Imagery for Monitoring Flood Protection Infrastructure, Eleanor Mei Dietz
Dialogic feedback and its effects on English language learners’ writing development: a case study, Shokhsanam Djalilova
Jumping to Conclusions: The Effects of Hydration Status on Kinetics and Electromyography in the Vertical Jump, Paul Tyler Donahue
Probing atypical noncovalent interactions using electronic structure theory, Katelyn Mae Dreux
Care in the Workplace:The Employer’s Role in the Alleviation of the Eldercare Problem, Joseph Michael Duda
A first-year teacher’s implementation of short-cycle formative assessment through the use of a classroom response system and flexible grouping, Adrienne Irving Dumas
A First-Year Teacher’s Implementation of Short-Cycle Formative Assessment Through the Use of a Classroom Response System and Flexible Grouping, Adrienne Irving Dumas
Collegiate Equity Mentoring Matrix: A Culturally Relevant Framework for the Meaningful Mentoring of Black Male Students, Norris Allen Edney
Improving the quality of teaching: an applied research study on improving the quality of teaching in third-grade reading at Tigerville elementary school, Valeree Ellis-Barnes
Healthy Eating Opportunities and Choices for University Faculty, Selby Rebecca Entrekin
Consumer Well-Being: A Typology and Examination of Voluntary Simplicity, Derek Ezell
Raptor Codes for BIAWGN Channel: SNR Mismatch and the Optimality of the Inner and Outer Rates, Hussein Fadhel
Investigative study of poly(ionic) liquid incorporation in resin wafer electrodeionization for improved specific energy consumption, Angela Fasuyi
Design of Thermosensitive Hydrogel for Extended-Release of Praziquantel, Sheng Feng
Basketball officials' training and development: links to retention, Nathan Ferdinand
Rambling blues: mapping contemporary North American blues literature, Josh-Wade Ferguson
Magnetic amphiphiles and their potential applications for low energy separations processes, Alexander Fortenberry
Not All Scholars, But Gentlemen: The Making of Virginian Manhood at St. Christopher's School, 1911-1969, Katelyn Frazer
Acute Exercise and Creativity: Embodied Cognition Approaches, Emily M. Frith
The Politics of Place, the Urban-Rural Divide, and Geographic Identities in American Politics, Daniel Fudge
X-Ray Crystal Structure of Au36(SPh-pCH3)24 Nanomolecules, Vigneshraja Ganeshraj
Testing a modified model of stress process for understanding quality of life among informal caregivers and assessing their formal service use, Nilesh V. Gangan
Automation of data collection from an anechoic chamber, Thomas S. Garner
Balancing Reading Motivation: A Comparative Case Study of High School Students and Their Teachers, Pasteia Garth
Fictionalist truth conditions for an expressivist semantics of slurs, Celine J. Geday
Gravitational Radiation from Superradiant Instabilities of Rotating Black Holes, Shrobana Ghosh
Factors Related To Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: Understanding The Contribution Of Disgust, Contamination Fear And Emotion Regulation, Alexandra Gilbert
Feedback in the Flipped High School STEM Classroom, Trisha Michele Gilbreath
The Effects Of Hypoxia And Freshwater Intrusion On The Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica), James Henry Gledhill
Formulation Development of Natamycin Loaded Nanoemulsion for Ocular Drug Delivery, Kanika Goel
Diversification In The Neotropics – Evolution And Population Genetics Of The Armored Catfish Hypancistrus Sp. From The Xingu River, Marcella Goncalves Santos
Investigating the Use of Passive Acoustics as a Surrogate Method of Monitoring Coarse Bedload Transport in Rivers and Streams via Laboratory Experiments and Field Studies, Bradley Goodwiller
Geothermal Resource Assessment of Mississippi, Adam Blake Goodwin
Activist Modernisms: Human Rights and Anti-Totalitarianism in Mid-Twentieth Century Literature, Mary Ellen Gray
Design and Investigation of Genetic Algorithmic and Reinforcement Learning Approaches to Wire Crossing Reductions for pNML Devices, Alexander Keith Gunter
Pharmacokinetic Study of Novel Anthraquinone Analogues, Yuhan Guo
A Study Of Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Schemes For Internet Of Things Systems, Adham Hagag
Community Resilience: A Meta-Study of International Development Rhetoric in Emerging Economies, Rachel Ann Haggard
Child nutrition program managers’ evaluation of the Mississippi recipes for success (MRS) guide, Alexandra Hallmark
Positive behavior intervention and supports impact on discipline in an alternative school, Alina Michelle Harges
Students’ Perceptions and Strategies for Success in an Associate Degree Nursing Program, Theresa Hargett
The Temporal Conatus and the Problem of Motion from Eternity, David Harmon
A study on the comparison of sample location of pultruded composites exposed to corrosive environment, Md Mahmudul Hasan
Improving Literacy Rates for Students with Dyslexia in a Rural School District, Steven William Havens
Design and Analysis of Efficient Parallel Bayesian Model Comparison Algorithms, Robert Wesley Henderson
Role of school counselors in deterring juvenile delinquency: a Mississippi pilot study, Wesley A. Hendrix
She Lived, and Served, and Died: Caroline Barr, Black Domestic Workers, and the Threat of Memory in Lafayette County, Kaimara Herron
Reward and punishment: the neural correlates of reinforcement feedback during motor learning, Christopher Mark Hill
Daily Metacognitive Questioning Sheets: Implementing Metacognitive Strategies in the Secondary Classroom, Shawna Sue Hill-Robinson
Gender roles, sexual assertiveness, and sexual coercion in LGBTQ individuals, Lavina Ying Ho
An Experimental Test of Controls on Resource Exchange in an Ectomycorrhizal Mutualism, Amber Lynn Horning
The Effect of Auditors’ Informal Communication in the Audit Environment on Financial Reporting Outcomes, Emily K. Hornok
Examining The Moderating Effects Of Defendant Characteristics On The Relationship Between Crime Type And Prosecutorial Decision Making, Caitlin Marie Howley
Oasis, Sarah Helen Huddleston
Addressing the Disparaity of Outcomes for Economically Disadvantaged Students at Central Intermediate School: An Applied Research Study Related to the Implementation of AVID Process, Steven Jarvis Hurdle
Pharmacy value-based incentive programs: an evaluation of health plan strategies, pharmacist attitudes, and financial impact on retail stores, Tristen H. Jackson
A brief acceptance and commitment therapy based intervention for distressed graduate students, Emily Hannah Katt Jacobson