Honors Theses
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Photo by Nathan Latil/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
50 Years Later: How Title IX Has Influenced the World of Sports and the Effect it has had on Female Athletes, Catherine Jeffers
Applying Deliberate Practice to Learning Psychotherapy Techniques, Nikyra Jenkins
Finding my Place in the Piazza: An Exploration of Learning and Performing a Lead Role during a Pandemic, Emma Johnson
Lessons from the Aisles: A Collection of Short Stories, Drew Jones
A Series of Accounting Case Studies, Grace Anne Jones
Shock Tube Response of Polycarbonate and Polyvinyl Chloride Exposed to UV Radiation for Use in Military Application, Tallulah Jones
Case Studies for Accountancy, Davis Judd
The Effect of AGE Concentration and Glucose Levels in RAGE-Mediated Cardiac Fibroblast Migration in Type 2 Diabetes, Lorral Kanauss
An Overview of Barriers to Women in Engineering, Madison Karis
A Comprehensive Study of Accounting Methodologies through Case Studies, Sahara Karki
College Students Fail to Identify Nutrition Misinformation on Social Media, Helen Mary Katool
Practicum in the Study of Financial Accounting, Laine Keel
Case Studies in Accountancy, Michael Keene
The Long-Term Health and Developmental Impacts of Children Born at Low Birth Weight, Kathryn Grace Kelly
Characterizing the roles of cannabinoid receptor 1 & 2 in zebrafish behavior, metabolism, and seizure-induced activity, Kayci Kimmons
Optimization and Analysis of a Styrene Production Process, Alexis Kimpel
Resilience Training and Quality of Life in Stuttering Therapy: A Systematic Review, Ashley Koehler
Delineating the Source and Implications of Social Polarization, Logan Kohan
Synthesis of Fluorinated Ketones for Biological Evaluation at the GABA-B Receptor, Katherine Kreusel
Rising From The Ashes: An Analysis of How One Infamous Promotional Event Caused a Company's Ruin and a Concept on the Future of Influencer Experiences, Janis B. Kruger
A Compilation of Financial Accounting Case Studies, Erin Krumwiede
Computational and Spectroscopic Studies of New Sulfur-Containing Dipole-Bound Anions, Nicholas Allen Kruse
Investigation of Accounting Principles and Concepts Through Case Studies, Samantha LaBuda
Collection of Accountancy Case Studies, Adam Lalejini
Sources of Patient Information for Type 2 Diabetes Self-Care in Northern Mississippi, Minh-Sang La
Comparative Analysis and Dynamic Response of ABS Under UV Light Degradation Using Shock Tube, Greer Lauber
The Efficacy of the COVID-19 Vaccine in Mississippi, Ilyse Miriam Levy
Application of the Formal Design of Experiments to Deformed Airfoil Testing, Alex Ligman
Optimization of a Styrene Prodcution and Separation Process, Bryce Little
Russia's Agenda For Ukraine: An Examination Of Putin's Media Propaganda Narratives, Gillian Grace Littleton
Aftermaths of Opposition: Effectiveness of Repression Against Reformist Islamists in Saudi Arabia, Londyn Lorenz
Investigating the Role of Small RNA Pathways in Arabidopsis Shoot Gravitropism, Julia Lott
The Sustainability Rhetoric among the Spanish Fashion Companies Involved in the Rana Plaza Collapse of 2013, Keegan Lyle
Increasing The Student Activity Fee, Alexandria Bea Mabry
A Trained Eye: Optometrists' View Into Primary Care, Louis C. Magee III
Monte Carlo Study of Lepton Flavor Universality Violation in B Decays with Belle II Simulation, Sakul Mahat
The Effects of THC on HIV Tat Protein-Mediated Neuroinflammation, Camille Martin
Ideological Extremism, Conspiratorial Thought, and Support for Authoritarianism in the United States, Sophie N. Martino
The Case of Santiago de Chile: Pedestrian Deaths, Neo-Liberal Urban Design, and Insufficient Traffic Policy Reform, Olivia Maurer
Investigation into the Comorbidities of Disordered Eating and Social Anxiety Disorder in College Students, Alice McCraney
A Utilization Focused Evaluation of 2nd Chance Mississippi, Kathryn McCullouch
Popular Protests and Democratization in Post-Soviet Countries: An Analysis of Why Some Democracy Movements Failed and Others Succeeded, David McDonald
How Immigration Policy Affects Migratory Flows and Immigrant Experiences: A Comparative Analysis of Policy Impacts on Northern Triangle and Venezuelan Immigrants in the United States, Audrey Lynn McDonough
Accounting Case Studies, Jack McInnis
An Exploration of Community Needs: The Lafayette County Foster Care System,, Meredith McKissick
Accounting Case Studies, James McLemore
Case Study in Enterprise Risk Management: Lion Rock Summer Camps, Inc., Arthur Meaney
Case Studies in Accounting, Olivia N. Meyer
Effects of Acute Exercise Intensity on Memory: Considerations of Timing and Aerobic Endurance, William Meyers, Caroline Loeb, Mary Collins West, and Bailey Bass
Th1, Th2, and TH17 Inflammatory Pathways Predict Cardiometabolic Protein Expression in Serum of Covid-19 Patients, James Richard Michels
Optimization of an Ethylbenzene to Styrene Production Facility, John Michels
Glass House S1:E1 “Sweet Temptations”, Taylor Middleton
Financial Accounting Case Studies, Mark Miller
Content Analysis of Vitiligo Portrayal on Social Media, Mary Miller
Design of an Implanted Vascular Access Device with a Mechanical Septum, Mallory Ann Moffett and Katherine Rose O'Quinn
How Religion and Age Are Correlated with Partisan Geographical Sorting in the United States, Claire Monsour
A Study of Dextran as a Macromolecular Crowding Agent, Katherine Morgan
Fast Photochemical Oxidation and Footprinting of Proteins Via Trifluoromethyl Radical Chemistry, Elaine Morrow
Crying in Public, Sarah Mullen
A Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists' Academic Preparation in Craniofacial Anomalies, Francesca Myerski
How Chinese Media Reports on Infectious Disease Emergence and Human Environmental Interactions, Kai-Shin Newman
Arabidopsis shoot gravitropism requires the Mediator coactivator complex, Gabriella Newton
Providing Culturally Competent Eldercare for Asian Americans, Britney Ngo
A Study of Financial Accounting and Ethics through Analysis of Case Studies, Noah Nix
An Exploration of Physical Education Teachers’ Perceptions of and Experiences With Body Image, Natallie Noel
Investigation into the Detection of Drug Metabolites in Latent Fingerprints, Paige Oden
Church State Relations: Religiopolitics in Chile and Uruguay in the 21st Century, Calley Overton
The Effect of Gelatin pH and Incubation Time on the Size of Nanoparticles Manufactured by Desolvation, Katarina Papachrisanthou
Rates and Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccination from University of Mississippi Students, Josie Parham
Telling My Own Story in My Own World, Haley Dawn Parker
Increasing Perceived Realism of Objects in a Mixed Reality Environment Using 'Diminished Virtual Reality', Logan Scott Parker
Interaction Beyond Nearest Neighbor in Periodic Structures, Sudesh Pathak
Driving Factors Behind Language Use Among Younger Generations in Taiwan: Is the Demise of Hokkien Inevitable?, Jesse Weaver Paxton
Retro-Structural Analysis of the Four Helix Bundle Motif in Binuclear Proteins, Walker Pedigo and Maggie Smith
Critically Observing the Challenges and Changes: an Analysis on Covid-19’s Impact with an Emphasis on Students in Higher Education, Landon Perkins
Analysis of Test Anxiety in Human Anatomy and Physiology I Students at the University of Mississippi, Anne Piazza
Comparing Intuitive Eating Behaviors Between Student Athletes and College Students Enrolled at the University of Mississippi, Mary McKennon Pierce
"The Pontotoc Dream:" a Case Study Analysis of Rural Homeownership in Mississippi, Ian Pigg
Accounting: A Series of Case Studies, Anne Elise Pillow
An Analysis of the Tanzanian Public Response to Tanzanian Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Savannah Pipkin
Ab Initio Study of the Rotation of the C≡C Group in Benzvalyne, Advait Praveen
The Role of AGE Ligand and Rap1a in Myofibroblast Signaling Cascade in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus-Induced Cardiomyopathic Conditions, Camilla Puglia
An iPad for Everyone: A Case Study of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette's Digital Transition, Madeline Quon
Hate Crimes: A Statistical Comparison of Reported Hate Crimes and Victimizations during the Obama and Trump Administrations, Daniel Ramsey
Comorbidity Burden and COVID-19 Vaccination Intention: Application of the Health Belief Model, Michael Raymond
Panda Diplomacy: China's Use of Soft Power to Influence the World, Anna Reed
The Effects of Acute Exercise Intensity on Retrieval-induced Forgetting, Geoffrey Reliquias
How Brands Go Viral: An Analysis of Successful Brand Marketing on Tik Tok with Gen Z, Alyssa Rezek
Analysis of Hemp Fiber Reinforced Polylactide Composite Under High Strain-Rate, Benjamin Rhoads
Why No Rallying Force? Factors of Rassemblement National Underperformance in 2021 French Regional Elections, Amy Rhodes
The Coronavirus Pandemic and Participation in the Influencer Economy, Emma Grace Richbourg
Occupational Fine Particulate Matter Exposure and its Associated Effects on the Cardiovascular System: A Systematic Review, Jordan Rickwa