Electronic Theses and Dissertations
eGrove provides long-term access and preservation services for the intellectual and creative output of the university’s academic, research, and administrative communities, including graduate theses and dissertations. If you are unable to find an electronic version of the thesis or dissertation you are seeking, a physical copy might be available in the UM Libraries' collections. Please check the library catalog.
While presented for scholarly and research purposes, the works in this collection may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without permission of the authors.
All requests to extend embargos and/or remove theses/dissertations from eGrove must be approved by the Graduate School (gschoolforms@olemiss.edu). We will remove the digital object upon their notification, but the metadata description will remain.
Undergraduate Theses from the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College are listed separately.
Graduate Students trying to upload their work to eGrove: As of September 10, 2024, graduate students need only submit their work to ProQuest. Theses and dissertations will be harvested into eGrove on a schedule.
Photo by Thomas Graning/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Development of Multiple Dosage Forms Using Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printing Coupled with Hot-Melt Extrusion Dissertation, Peilun Zhang
The Impact of Perception of L1 Stress Features on L2 Perceived Fluency, Tian Zhang
On Saturation Numbers of Double Stars, Lei Zhong
Sequence Stratigraphy, Diagenesis, and Inorganic Geochemistry of The Tuscaloosa Group in the South-Central Mississippi Embayment, Husamaldeen Zubi
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Solubility Enhancement of Atorvastatin Calcium Using Cyclodextrin, Karthik Abburi
Development of Gelucire-based Ophthalmic Nanoformulations of Cannabidiol, Muna Abdelrahman
The Double Descent Behavior in a Two Layer Neural Network for Binary Classification, Chathurika Srimali Abeykoon
A Demand-Side Theory of Labor Informality: Workers' Trust and States' Credible Commitment, Julian Alfonso Acevedo Pardo
The Root Word of Babble is Babel, Oluwatoyosi Jeremiah Agbaakin
Morphosemantic Integration of -ING Anglicisms into Russian and Kazakh in the Context of Trilingual Code-Switching, Timur Akishev
Attitudes Toward Arabic-English Code Switching in Saudi Society, Tareq Aldosari
Synthesis of Derivatives of Hexafluoroisopropanol, Meshal Alghamdi
Investigating the Use of Politeness Strategies in Expressing Disagreements Among Saudi EFL Teachers on Twitter, Rowida Ali Al Ghamdi
Development of Metformin Hydrochloride Oral Taste-Masked Sprinkle Formulation for Pediatric Use, Hawra Alhusaini
Formulation Development and Targeted Delivery for BCS II Drugs Using Hot Melt Extrusion Technology, Ahmed Almotairy
Novel Perspectives of Hot Melt Extrusion Technology for Pharmaceutical Applications, Mashan Almutairi
Level of PJ (Peace Journalism) Awareness Among Journalists from Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Ayidh J. Alqahtani
Code-Switching in the Emotionalnarratives of Bilingual Speakers of English and Arabic, Yasmeen Alruwaili
Saudi Perspective on Using EFL Resources to Improve Their English Pronunciation in Saudi Public Institutions, Khadija Abdullah Alzahrani
Geochronological, Geochemical, Petrographical, and Structural Analysis of the Northeast Bighorn Mountains, Sheridan County, Wyoming, USA, Robert Charles Andreoli
Who, What, and How Much: Understanding the Profiles, Preferences, and Valuations of Individuals Likely to Participate in Food as Medicine Programs, Austin Dean Arnold
Enhancing Student Engagement: Regional Campus Students’ Access to High Impact Practices and Co-Curricular Organizations, Angela Kristina Austin
Factors Influencing Physical Therapy Career Choice, Ryan M. Babl
Can graphene-coated sand enhance water reuse by improving water quality in the presence of municipal treated wastewater?, Madelyn Barber
Computational Investigation of the Structures and Vibrational Spectra of Isolated and Hydrated Ions, Kayleigh R. Barlow
Formulation and Evaluation of Oral Film Loaded with Cannabidiol Using Solvent Casting Technique, Sujith raj Bashetty
Development of Narrow-Spectrum Agents and MRay Inhibitors Targeting Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Tomayo Ireti Berida
Action in Causal Set Theory, Santosh Bhandari
Three-Dimensional Extrusion Based Bioprinting of Metronidazole Immediate Release Tablets; Impact of Processing Parameters and In-Vitro Evaluation, Atharva Bhatkande
A Study of Electron Energy Response Measurement in the NOvA Test Beam Detector, Devesh Bhattarai
"It's My Job:" Graduate Student Socialization and Career Choice, Megan Black
Habitat Characteristics That Drive Habitat Selection in Hyla Chrysoscelis (Southern Gray Treefrog) and Aquatic Insects, Ruric Bowman
Leveling Up: Implementing Supportive Practices to Address the Needs of Students Impacted by Trauma in An Urban Charter School, Altovise Boyd
Tidally-Induced Nonlinear Resonances in Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals with an Analogue Model, David Bronicki
Adversarial Explanations for Text-Based Local Surrogate Models, Christopher Burger
Free Speech and Students' Rights in Mississippi Public Schools: Exploring Off-Campus Speech, Diala Husni Chaney
Formulation and Evaluation of Quetiapine Fumarate Tablets using Twin Screw Melt Granulation, Salonee Chavan
The Mississippi School Funding Formula: A Study of Adequacy, Marcus E. Cheeks
Different Phonographic L1 Effects in Processing L2 Chinese Characters: The Role of Phonology and Orthography in Lexical Entry, Shuang Cheng
Fabrication and Characterization of Amlodipine Besylate Based Sub-Cutaneous Implants: Fabricated with the Help of Hot Melt Extrusion, Kshitij Chitnis
Construction of a Restaurant Service Quality Scale in the Front-of-House, Hayeon Hailey Choi
Customer Experience with Service Robots in Hospitality and Tourism: Scale Development, Olena Ciftci
On Security and Privacy in Machine Learning, Thomas Cilloni
Prevalence of Meeting 24-hour Movement Guidelines and Sociodemographic Correlates among U.S. Adults, Samantha Cohen-Winans
Quitting: A Phenomenological Study on the Factors Contributing to Mississippi Teacher Exits During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic, Krystal R. Cormack
How Does the Creation of Temporary Wetland Habitat on Agricultural Fields in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Affect the Abundance of Migratory Shorebirds?, Emma McCarley Counce
Increasing Mathematics Proficiency and Growth Through Focused, Data-Driven, Professional Learning, Joye Camille Cullen
Academic Medical Center Governance: A Study Focused on the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jacob Daniels
Theoretical Spectroscopy of Electronically Excited States, Megan Christina Davis
Supernatural Law? A Refutation of Three Recent Natural-Law Arguments Against Catholic Integralism, Jackson Dellinger
Unsung Heroes: The Jones County Drug Court, Elise Joelle Denoulet
Formulation and Evaluation of Prochlorperazine Maleate Sustained Release Mucoadhesive Buccal Films Using Hot Melt Extrusion, Umesh Chandra Chowdary Devineni
Particle Image Velocimetry Investigation of Flow Around Grooved Cylinders, Jhalak Dhakal
Black Hole Entropy in the Causal Set Approach, Ayush Dhital
The Emergence of Discursive Leadership In Online Commmunities, Chad Diaz II
Formulation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Fenofibrate Capsules Using Hot Melt Extrusion Technology, Shrishti Dubey
The University of Mississippi’s First-Year Experience Course: A Quantitative Analysis, Rachael Durham
Development and Validation of Different Analytical Techniques for the Quantification of Cannabinoids and Cannflavins In Cannabis and Cannabis-Based Products, Mostafa Elhendawy
Evaluating the Relationship Between Vegetation Types and Downscaled Surface Soil Moisture Data, Anupiya Vidarshana Ellepola
Impact of Graphene Nano-Platelets on Calcium Silicate Hydrate Formation, Weam Elmahmoud
Beliefs and Factors That Influence Intentions to Initiate Antihypertensive Medications, Omokhodion Alfred Eriakha
Assessing the Relationship between School Disengagement and Violence Involvement, Senneca Evans
Voices from Below: The Politics of Leprosy Control in Southeastern Nigeria, 1926-1960, Odinakachukwu Kingsley Eze
Fine Gauze, Silk, Raw Silk, Satin, Brocade, Siyun Fang
Exploring Clinical Judgment in an Accelerated Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum, Marlie Lawrence Farrar
Structural Violence and Its Effect on Women's Empowerment in the Case of Bangladesh Garment Workers During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Fowzia Binte Faruque
"No Redemption in Nonfiction": Portfolio Reflection on the Queer, Anticapitalist Directions of Creative Nonfiction, Bethany Fitts
Strengthening Tier One Instruction in the Mathematics Classroom by Increasing Teacher Mathematics Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, Cynthia Becton French
A Storyteller's Remove: Place-Noticing in Welty's Disturbed Landscapes, Lucy Gaines
Neverender, David James Gambino
L2 Perception of the S-Aspirated Phone in Spanish, Raúl A. Gamboa
Development and Characterization of Cannabidiol and Rho Kinase Inhibitor Combination Formulations for Ophthalmic Use, Mihir Sanjay Ghonge
Baby, OCD, and Me: Psychoeducation Intervention on Perinatal Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Alexandra Marie Gilbert
Adolescent Health and Maladaptive Coping: Assessing the Relationship Between Poor Physical Health and Underage Drinking, Shelby Gilbreath
Designing a Flexible Framework for Developing Acoustic Array Systems, Charles Fulton Gilliland
The Crisis of White Supremacy in the Antebellum South: Poor Whites, Slavery, and the Coming of the Civil War, Jeffrey Glossner
Ground Level: Poems, Margaret Graber
"Dug Way to Liberty": Newspapers, Prison, and Jim Crow in Georgia in The Early 1900s, Avery Elise Gross
Effect of Inclusion Complexes of Ferrocene on Catalytic Activity of Fenton’s Reaction, Lakshmi Priyanka Gudipati
Food Retailing in Mississippi, 1895-2000, James R. Gulley
Full Bridge Modeling to Evaluate Effectiveness of a Seismic Bearing on a Newly Constructed Bridge on I-55, Sandip Gupta
Nursing Faculty Turnover: Recruitment and retention at Jones College, Alan Luke Hammonds
The Effects of Time-Restricted Eating with Exercise on Body Composition, Muscle Performance and Adherence, Harry Michael Hays
"Sealed with a Kiss on Your Artery": An Archive of Southern Lesbian Desire, Sarah Margaret Heying
Alternative Southern Communities: Cultural Other "Asians" in Contemporary Fiction about the American South, Mariko Hiwatashi
Formulation and Characterization of Oral Thin Films (OTFs) of 17-Beta Estradiol, Srijan Kaur Hora
Bio-Inspired Memory Device Based Physical Reservoir Computing System to Solve Temporal and Classification Problems, Md Razuan Hossain
Has Journalism Education Kept Up with Digital Transformation?, Md Sazzad Hossain
Project Grit: an Applied Research Study Conducted in an Alternative School Program to Promote Alternative Behaviors to Violence, James Ray Howington
“Mississippi’s Greatest Minister”: A Historical Study of Cornelius W. Grafton’s 61-Year Pastorate, 1873-1934, David Thomas Irving
Exploration of Chemical Transformations of Pentafluoro-Gem-Diols and Their Utility in Drug Discovery, Baharul Islam
Sociocultural Determinants Of Exclusive Breastfeeding And Infant Feeding Practices In Niger, Maimouna Issoufou Kapran
Formulation and Development of Haloperidol Implant for Patients with Schizophrenia., Shivam Jaiswal
Harness Therapeutic Potential of Immune Responses: Molecular Characterization and Targeted Delivery, Nan Ji