Only Available upon Request | Jamie L. Whitten Collection Recordings | University of Mississippi

Only Available upon Request


Due to copyright concerns, the recordings in this collection can only be accessed by arrangement with the Department of Archives and Special Collections.



Bounty Above, The, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Hughes Aircraft Company

Campaign commercial of T.K. Moffett for First Congressional District of Mississippi, Terrill K. Moffett

Radio program "Weekly Report by G.V. Sonny Montgomery", G. V. Montgomery and Wilmer D. Mizell

National Conservative Political Action Committee Commercial against Jamie Whitten, National Conservative Political Action Committee

Frank E. Stubblefield Campaign Commercial, Frank E. Stubblefield

Instrumental Music, Author Unknown

Popular Music by a Variety of Artists, Author Unknown

Soil Erosion along Tallahatchie River in Union County, Mississippi, Author Unknown

Soil Erosion along the Tippah River in Marshall County, Mississippi, Author Unknown

Unidentified Man Reading Aloud Replies to Constituent Correspondence, Author Unknown

Excerpt from "The Lawmakers", WETA-TV (Television station : Washington, D.C.)

Salute to the States: Mississippi (side B), WGMS (Radio Station : Washington, D.C.); General Motors Corporation; and John Atkins

Salute to the States: Mississippi (side A), WGMS (Radio Station : Washington, D.C.); General Motors Corporation; Jamie L. Whitten; Leontyne Price; and John Atkins

Interview of U.S. Representative Jamie Whitten on Agriculture, Jamie L. Whitten


New Holland Machine Company Programs on Agriculture (Part 2 of 2), Mark Branstetter

New Holland Machine Company Programs on Agriculture (Part 1 of 2), Don Lerch, Jamie L. Whitten, and Ralph E. Hodgson


Farm Radio Service (Part 2 of 2), Don Lerch and Edward Aiton

Farm Radio Service (Part 1 of 2), Don Lerch, Lloyd Hurlbut, and Jamie L. Whitten

Public Service for Farm Radio (Part 2 of 2), Don Lerch, Charles S. Murphy, and Ben Reifel

Public Service for Farm Radio (Part 1 of 2), Don Lerch, Jamie L. Whitten, and Merrill D. Guild


Doctor of Chiropractic Scientifically Based, Proven Safe and Effective, Professionally Trained for Primary Care, The, Kansas Chiropractic Association


Kids in the Crossfire: Violence in America, ABC News and Peter Jennings


CNBC News Coverage, CNBC (Television network), Ted David, Irving R. Levine, Rosanne Cahn, Pierre Ellis, Roy Blumberg, Dan Dorman, Lisa Myers, Bill Griffith, Dean Shepherd, Sue Herera (1957-), Kennedy Gammage, and John Murphy

Mississippi Farm Bureau's Jamie Whitten Day Celebration at the Mississippi Coliseum, Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation; Walt Grayson; Paul Ott; Guy Hovis; Mississippi Mass Choir; United States. Marine Corps. Aircraft Wing, 4th; Dean Ralph Kleckner; Jerry Clower; George Bush (1924-); Ray Mabus (1948-); and Don Waller

Mississippi Farm Bureau's Jamie Whitten Day Celebration at the Mississippi Coliseum, Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation; Walt Grayson; Paul Ott; Guy Hovis; Mississippi Mass Choir; United States. Marine Corps. Aircraft Wing, 4th; Dean Ralph Kleckner; Jerry Clower; George Bush (1924-); Ray Mabus (1948-); and Don Waller

Soil Erosion along Unidentified Creek, Author Unknown

Episode of "Focus" with guest U.S. Representative Jamie L. Whitten, WTVA (Television station : Tupelo, Miss.) and Terry Smith


Public Service Announcement on the National Endowment for the Arts, Illinois Art Alliance and Jessica Tandy

Region at Risk, Pacific Northwest Citizens Lobby

Wetlands: Our Environment, Whose Property?, Pennsylvania Landowners Association; Downtown Community TV Center; Rhonda McTate; KTVO (Television Station : Kirksville, Mo.); WJET (Television Station : Erie, Penn.); WICU (Television Station : Erie, Penn.); Cable News Network; NBC Television Network; and Radio TV Reports, Inc.

Tribute to Claude Pepper in Remembrance of His 90th Birthday, Claude Pepper

Changing Face of Mississippi, The, Thomasfilms (Iuka, Miss.)


Guardfest '87, Training and Equipment Expo at Camp McCain, Mississippi, Mason's Video Memories (Oakland, Miss.); L. D. Boone; and Jamie L. Whitten

Jamie Whitten's P.T. Barnum Roast (Part 1), Author Unknown

Jamie Whitten's P.T. Barnum Roast (Part 2), Jim Wright and Jamie L. Whitten


More than a Promise: Appalachia Twenty Years Later, States of the Appalachian Regional Commission, Cinemotion Inc., Sam Kapourales, John Whisman, Charlie Sandlin, Duffy Holliday, Henry Hutton, Ray Cantrell, Wayne Flynn, George Campbell, John Shannon, Steven Keller, W. D. Killian, Walter Prater, Perry W. Mace, Jennings Randolph (1902-1998), Michael Wanger, Donald Whitehead, and Al Smith

Breaking the Spell: US/Soviet Dialogue, Turner Broadcasting System, Theodore Martin Hesburgh, Carl Sagan, R. Z. Sagdeev, Noel Gayler, and G. A. Arbatov

News Coverage of the Opening of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, WTVA (Television station : Tupelo, Miss.); Terry Smith; Martha Layne Collins; Glover Wilkins; Bill Allain; Bill Baxley; John S. Wilder; Tom Bevill; John Stennis; Thad Cochran; Howell Heflin; Jeremiah Denton; Jamie L. Whitten; G. V. (Gillespie V.) Montgomery; Richard Shelby; Louis Stokes; and Robert Dawson


BizNet News Today Interview with U.S. Representative Jamie L. Whitten, American Business Network, Dan Kush, and Jamie L. Whitten

Silent Scream, American Portrait Films, Inc. and Bernard Nathanson

On the 8th Day, British Broadcasting Corporation


C-SPAN interview with U.S. Representative Jamie Whitten, C-SPAN (Television network), Brian Lamb, and Jamie L. Whitten


Excerpt from "The Lawmakers" on the Subject of Budget Hearings, WETA-TV (Television station : Washington, D.C.)

Episode of "The Lawmakers" on powerful members of the U.S. House of Representatives out of the public eye, WETA-TV (Television station : Washington, D.C.); Paul Duke; Linda Wertheimer; Cokie Roberts; Jamie L. Whitten; and Silvio O. Conte

U.S. Senator Daniel P. Moynihan Press Conference, WETA-TV (Television station : Washington, D.C.) and Daniel P. Moynihan


Episode #313 of "The Lawmakers" on the Federal Budget Process, U.S. Representative Jamie Whitten, and U.S. Representative Silvio Conti, WETA-TV (Television station : Washington, D.C.); Paul Duke; Linda Wertheimer; and Cokie Roberts

Jamie L. Whitten Speech at Sperry PAC Meeting in Washington, DC, Jamie L. Whitten


Beginning of the End of Communism, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.); Coral Ridge Ministries; D. James Kennedy; and Jack Wheeler

Soil Erosion in Tippah County, Mississippi, James Murphey

Event Celebrating the Incorporation of Southaven, Mississippi, Gary Smith, Donald Chambliss, and Jamie L. Whitten

Election '80 : Jamie L. Whitten, Jamie L. Whitten


News stories on Mississippi Floods and Flood Control, Channel 9 TV and Beverly Ward


Television News Story on Jamie Whitten's Campaign Opponent Terrill K. Moffett, TV9 News and Beverly Ward


Radio program "Weekly Report by G.V. Sonny Montgomery", G. V. Montgomery

Television program "Close Up" with guest Jamie Whitten, WMC (Television station : Memphis, Tenn.); Ray Sherman; Jamie L. Whitten; Kay Pullen; William Street; and Buddy Sanders


Meet the Member Profile of U.S. Representative Jamie L. Whitten, ABC News

Radio Programs including "Meet the Member" with a Profile of Jamie L. Whitten, ABC News

New Story on Senator James O. Eastland and Airplaine Hijacking, James O. Eastland

Interview of Jamie Whitten on the Subject of Pesticides, WKAR (Radio station : East Lansing, Mich.); Steven K. Meuche; and Jamie L. Whitten


Radio Program "International Food Report" Program # 5, Lerch & Co. Inc. and Jamie L. Whitten

Interview of U.S. Representative Jamie Whitten on His Book That We May Live, WDAF (Television station : Kansas City, Mo.) and Jamie L. Whitten

Interview of U.S. Representative Jamie Whitten, Jamie L. Whitten


U.S. Representative Frank T. Bow's Radio Program "Washington Through Your Congressman's Window" with Guest Jamie Whitten, Frank T. Bow and Jamie L. Whitten

Television Program "Crisis in Cotton", WMC (Television station : Memphis, Tenn.); Derek Rooke; C. C. Smith; William B. Callen; Loyd Godly; J. W. Young; J. S. Alman; and Robert D. McAllen


George Mahon Program Featuring Jamie Whitten, George Herman Mahon and Jamie L. Whitten


Jamie Whitten Campaign Address to Bolivar County, WABG-TV (Television station : Delta, Miss. : Region) and Jamie L. Whitten

Radio Interview Accusations Against James Meredith, WUDE (Radio station: Birmingham, Ala.) and Daisy Louella Sandling Sibley


Radio Program "Human Events Congressional Interview" with Guest Jamie Whitten, WBLE (Radio Station : Washington, D.C.); Neil Phelps-Munson; and Jamie L. Whitten


Radio Talk by Rev. Mr. Goodwill of Clarksdale, Mississippi Against Civil Rights Demonstrators, Rev. Fairley

Radio Program "Capitol Cloakroom" with Guest U.S. Representative Jamie L. Whitten (Part 2 of 2), Jamie L. Whitten

Radio Program "Capitol Cloakroom" with Guest U.S. Representative Jamie L. Whitten (Part 1 of 2), Jamie L. Whitten and Don Lerch


Radio Program "The Leading Question" with Guests Gerald R. Ford and Jamie L. Whitten (Part 1 of 2), Griffing Bancroft, Gerald R. Ford, and Jamie L. Whitten

Radio Program "The Leading Question" with Guests Gerald R. Ford and Jamie L. Whitten (Part 2 of 2), Griffing Bancroft, Gerald R. Ford, and Jamie L. Whitten


Averell Harriman Campaign Message (Part 2 of 2), John R. Deane

Averell Harriman Campaign Message (Part 1 of 2), W. Averell Harriman


Unidentified Radio Program with Singer Patricia Morales, Patricia Morales and John Watt


Coffee in Washington (Part 1 of 6), Bill Hearson and Jamie L. Whitten

Coffee in Washington (Part 2 of 6), Bill Hearson and Jamie L. Whitten

Coffee in Washington (Part 3 of 6), Bill Hearson and Jamie L. Whitten

Coffee in Washington (Part 4 of 6), Bill Hearson and Jamie L. Whitten

Coffee in Washington (Part 5 of 6), Bill Hearson and Jamie L. Whitten

Coffee in Washington (Part 6 of 6), Bill Hearson and Jamie L. Whitten


Liftin' the Lid on Washington (Part 1), Howard Suttle, Earl Steele, and Jamie L. Whitten

Liftin' the Lid on Washington (Part 2), Howard Suttle, Earl Steele, and Jamie L. Whitten

Liftin' the Lid on Washington (Part 3), Howard Suttle, Earl Steele, and Jamie L. Whitten

Liftin' the Lid on Washington (Part 4), Howard Suttle, Earl Steele, and Jamie L. Whitten