Nash and Taggart Collection | Modern Political Archives | University of Mississippi

Nash and Taggart Collection


Conducting research for their book Mississippi Politics: The Struggle for Power, 1976-2006, authors Jere Nash and Andy Taggart recorded 84 oral interviews with 60 individuals, whose numbers included governors, members of Congress, state legislators, state officials, state party leaders, political candidates, staff members, lawyers, and lobbyists. The subject of discussions range from state political parties, national and state elections, individual politicians, educational reform, the state highway program, gambling, tort reform, and reapportionment.

The authors conducted several additional interviews for the second edition, Mississippi Politics: The Struggle for Power 1976-2008 , which included a new chapter on recent development.

The collection also includes transcripts prepared for the authors for 38 of the recordings. Warning note: researchers should only use the transcripts as a guide, since spelling errors and other inaccuracies are frequent.

The preservation of recordings in this collection is the result of a project supported in part by a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Due to copyright concerns, the recordings in this collection can only be accessed by arrangement with the Department of Archives and Special Collections.



Jere Nash Interview with Charles Klumb (Part 2 or 2), Jere Nash and Charles Klumb

Jere Nash and Andy Taggart Interview with Haley Barbour (Part 2 of 2), Jere Nash, Andy Taggart, and Haley Barbour

Jere Nash and Andy Taggart Interview with Eric Clark, Jere Nash, Andy Taggart, and Eric Clark


Jere Nash and Andy Taggart Interview with Haley Barbour (Part 1 of 2), Jere Nash, Andy Taggart, and Haley Barbour


Jere Nash Interview with John Ed Ainsworth, Jere Nash and John Ed Ainsworth

Jere Nash Interview with Charles Clark, Jere Nash and Charles Clark

Jere Nash Interview with Peggy Connor, Jere Nash and Peggy Jean Connor

Jere Nash Interview with Danny Cupit (Part 2 of 2), Jere Nash and Danny Cupit

Jere Nash Interview with Tim Ford (Part 1 of 2), Jere Nash and Tim Ford

Jere Nash Interview with Tim Ford (Part 2 of 2), Jere Nash and Tim Ford

Jere Nash Interview with Jack Gordon, Jere Nash and Jack Gordon

Jere Nash Interview with John Holloman (Part 1 of 3), Jere Nash and John H. Holloman

Jere Nash Interview with John Holloman (Part 2 of 3), Jere Nash and John H. Holloman

Jere Nash Interview with John Holloman (Part 3 of 3), Jere Nash and John H. Holloman

Jere Nash Interview with Charles Klumb (Part 1 or 2), Jere Nash and Charles Klumb

Jere Nash Interview with Neil McMillen (Part 1 of 2), Jere Nash and Neil R. McMillen

Jere Nash Interview with Neil McMillen (Part 2 of 2), Jere Nash and Neil R. McMillen

Jere Nash Interview with Bob Montgomery, Jere Nash and Bob Montgomery

Jere Nash Interview with William D. (Billy) Mounger (Part 3 of 3), Jere Nash and William D. Mounger

Jere Nash Interview with Clarke Reed (Part 3 of 3), Jere Nash and Clarke Reed

Jere Nash Interview with Terrell Stubbs, Jere Nash and Terrell Stubbs

Jere Nash and Andy Taggart Interview with Thad Cochran, Jere Nash, Andy Taggart, and Thad Cochran

Jere Nash Interview with Thomas H. Walman, Jere Nash and Thomas H. Walman


Jere Nash Interview with Reuben V. Anderson, Jere Nash and Reuben V. Anderson

Jere Nash Interview with Alvin Bronstein, Jere Nash and Alvin J. Bronstein

Jere Nash Interview with Walter Brown, Jere Nash and Walter Brown

Jere Nash Interview with Gil Carmichael, Jere Nash and Gil Carmichael

Jere Nash Interview with Hodding Carter, Jere Nash and Hodding Carter

Jere Nash Interview with Rick Carter, Jere Nash and Rick Carter

Jere Nash Interview with David Crews, Jere Nash and David Crews

Jere Nash Interview with Danny Cupit (Part 1 of 2), Jere Nash and Danny Cupit

Jere Nash Interview with Maurice Dantin, Jere Nash and Maurice Dantin

Jere Nash Interview with Pat Derian, Jere Nash and Patricia M. Derian

Jere Nash Interview with Brad Dye, Jere Nash and Brad Dye

Jere Nash Interview with Wayne Edwards, Jere Nash and Wayne Edwards

Jere Nash Interview with Glenn Endris, Jere Nash and Glenn Endris

Jere Nash Interview with Mike Espy, Jere Nash and Mike Espy

Jere Nash Interview with Charles Evers, Jere Nash and Charles Evers

Jere Nash Interview with Tommy Gollott, Jere Nash and Tommy Gollott

Jere Nash Interview with Steve Guyton, Jere Nash and Steve Guyton

Jere Nash Interview with Mark Hazard, Jere Nash and Mark Hazard

Jere Nash Interview with Joey Langston, Jere Nash and Joey Langston

Jere Nash Interview with Jerris Leonard, Jere Nash and Jerris G. Leonard

Jere Nash Interview with Scott Levanway, Jere Nash and Scott Levanway

Jere Nash Interview with Scott Levanway, Jere Nash and Scott Levanway

Jere Nash Interview with John Maxey, Jere Nash and John Maxey

Jere Nash Interview with Charlie McKellar, Jere Nash and Charles McKellar

Jere Nash Interview with Les McLemore, Jere Nash and Leslie McLemore

Jere Nash Interview with Buddy Medlin, Jere Nash and Buddy Medlin

Jere Nash Interview with Dick Molpus, Jere Nash and Dick Molpus

Jere Nash Interview with Mike Moore, Jere Nash and Mike Moore

Jere Nash Interview with William D. (Billy) Mounger (Part 1 of 3), Jere Nash and William D. Mounger

Jere Nash Interview with William D. (Billy) Mounger (Part 2 of 3), Jere Nash and William D. Mounger

Jere Nash Interview with Steve Patterson (Part 1 of 3), Jere Nash and Steve Patterson

Jere Nash Interview with Steve Patterson (Part 2 of 3), Jere Nash and Steve Patterson

Jere Nash Interview with Steve Patterson (Part 3 of 3), Jere Nash and Steve Patterson

Jere Nash Interview with John Pennebaker, Jere Nash and John Pennebaker

Jere Nash Interview with Ed Perry, Jere Nash and Ed Perry

Jere Nash Interview with Crymes G. Pittman, Jere Nash and Crymes G. Pittman

Jere Nash Interview with Billy Powell, Jere Nash and Billy Powell

Jere Nash Interview with Clarke Reed (Part 1 of 3), Jere Nash and Clarke Reed

Jere Nash Interview with Clarke Reed (Part 2 of 3), Jere Nash and Clarke Reed

Jere Nash Interview with Jack Reed, Jere Nash and Jack Reed

Jere Nash Interview with Richard Scruggs (Part 1 of 2), Jere Nash and Dickie Scruggs

Jere Nash Interview with Richard Scruggs (Part 2 of 2), Jere Nash and Dickie Scruggs

Jere Nash Interview with Bill Spell, Jere Nash and Bill Spell

Jere Nash Interview with John Hampton Stennis, Jere Nash and John Hampton Stennis

Jere Nash and Andy Taggart Interview with Lanny Griffin (Part 1 of 4), Jere Nash, Andy Taggart, and Lanny Griffith

Jere Nash and Andy Taggart Interview with Lanny Griffin (Part 2 of 4), Jere Nash, Andy Taggart, and Lanny Griffith

Jere Nash and Andy Taggart Interview with Lanny Griffin (Part 3 of 4), Jere Nash, Andy Taggart, and Lanny Griffith

Jere Nash and Andy Taggart Interview with Lanny Griffin (Part 4 of 4), Jere Nash, Andy Taggart, and Lanny Griffith

Jere Nash and Andy Taggart Interview with Lawrence Guyot, Jere Nash, Andy Taggart, and Lawrence Guyot

Jere Nash Interview with Gene Triggs, Jere Nash and Gene Triggs

Jere Nash Interview with Sam Waggoner, Jere Nash and Sam Waggoner

Jere Nash Interview with Johnnie Walls, Jere Nash and Johnnie Walls

Jere Nash Interview with David Watkins, Jere Nash and David Watkins

Jere Nash Interview with William Winter (Part 1 of 2), Jere Nash and William F. Winter

Jere Nash Interview with William Winter (Part 2 of 2), Jere Nash and William F. Winter

Jere Nash Interview with Wirt Yerger (Part 1 of 4), Jere Nash and Wirt A. Yerger

Jere Nash Interview with Wirt Yerger (Part 2 of 4), Jere Nash and Wirt A. Yerger

Jere Nash Interview with Wirt Yerger (Part 3 of 4), Jere Nash and Wirt A. Yerger

Jere Nash Interview with Wirt Yerger (Part 4 of 4), Jere Nash and Wirt A. Yerger

Jere Nash Interview with Joe Zucarro, Jere Nash and Joe Zucarro


Jere Nash Interview with Bill Allain, Jere Nash and Bill Allain